CHAPTER 9: Demon Face

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Romina suddenly felt chills that she couldn’t help but shiver. As she held both of her arms, as if she was hugging herself, she looked around her while rubbing her arms. She didn’t understand. The weather is just too hot. Why is she shivering? Luciel noticed it too so he looked at her. “Are you okay?” “Yeah,” Romina answered, nodding. “I just don’t understand why I suddenly felt chills and I don’t understand why I’m shivering as well. Could it be there’s apparition around us?” They both stopped in their tracks. Luciel looked around, his eyes glistening into a faint shade of red as he looked around them. It took him a minute to make his eyes be back to brown and respond to Romina. “No, I didn’t see any apparition here.” “Really?” Romina muttered and she frowned. “That’s weird. Then, why am I feeling this?” “Maybe you just felt a bit sick because you know, you stayed up all night watching some TV shows from YouTube or whatever you humans called,” he told her. “This is what I don’t like about humans. You guys have weak bodies. You easily get sick, you easily die as well.” “Am not. I didn’t stay up that much. Makapagsalita `to.” “You’re obviously lying right now. Minus points ka na sa langit,” Luciel said, obviously teasing her. (*You got minus points to Heaven.) “Rich coming from a demon like you,” she muttered and rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Let’s just go to the classroom. We must not get late.” Luciel shrugged as he followed her to the classroom. They finally reached their classroom and as soon as Romina opened the door, a bucket of cold water suddenly poured onto her, making her soaking wet. Everyone in the classroom turned their heads to her and as soon as she looked at them, they laughed at her with, of course, Margaret leading them. “Oh, good morning to you, Romina!” Carol sarcastically greeted her then she laughed along with their classmate. “You obviously didn’t take a bath so we actually made you take one. Isn’t it great? We’re so kind-hearted to do so to you. You obviously stink,” Marivic told her and laughed with some of their mean classmates, of course. Some of them were trying to stop Margaret but they were just getting glared at or threatened by the former. Talk about having privileges as weapons not to make people hinder their way nor calling them out because of the bad things they did. Albeit embarrassed and mad at the same time, Romina was quite thankful that some of her close friends, especially her best friend Marivic because the latter was a contestant in a school competition so it’s kind of a relief that she’s not here. Because for sure, Marivic will definitely confront Margaret and it’ll just worsen the situation and that will obviously make Romina suffer more. But to be real honest, she badly wanted to cry not just because of Margaret bullying and embarrassing her, but because all the stuff that her dad managed to buy and give to her got soaked, especially her phone which her mom obviously saved up to buy for her. Without a word, Luciel’s eyes glisten into crimson red which made everyone stop laughing and go back to their businesses. Of course, except Margaret, Denise and Carol but it seems like they noticed the sudden silence so they stopped and frowned. Luciel took off his black hoody jacket and wrapped it on Romina who was obviously shivering because of coldness. “Let’s get you change. You’ll get sick if you stay longer in this situation.” Too tired to argue, Romina just nodded and let Luciel take her. Before Margaret could even say a word, Luciel spoke. “Clean the mess you did. It’s nasty,” then took his leave. Margaret was so enraged. Luciel gave her a cold shoulder because of Romina. “That dumb b***h,” Margaret said, gritting her teeth because of anger. “How dare she take Luciel away from me.” “Uh, not to actually add fuel to the fire Margaret but Luciel and Romina were cousins, like COUSIN BY BLOOD and they’re obviously sharing the same bloodline and they stayed in the same house. Of course, it’s natural for Luciel to defend his cousin,” Carol said. “Bullshit,” she muttered. “I don’t care if they’re cousins. Romina doesn’t have the right to be with Luciel and lay her hands on him.” A vivid memory of Luciel holding Romina’s cheek as his face inched closer to Romina flashed in her mind that she couldn’t help but grit her teeth more and form her hands into fists. “Luciel is mine. He’s mine.” Finding Margaret somehow creepy because of her obsession with Luciel, both Carol and Denise took a step back from her and whispered to each other. “She’s starting to get crazy.” “Yeah. She is.” Romina was obviously shocked by what she was seeing right now. She turned her head to Luciel and pointed the stuff on the bed. They’re currently inside the nurse’s office and Luciel let her take a bath. He actually convinced the school nurse to let her take a shower which, she’s not surprised anymore, obviously got charmed by Luciel. “All of my stuff were all wet earlier…” Romina immediately picked up her cellphone and tried to open it and she was surprised that it was open and functioning well. “How did you…?” “I couldn’t be your guardian if I couldn’t do a job like this, you know?” Luciel said proudly, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s just a piece of cake. And I know these things were important to you since your Papa bought and gave this to you.” “You actually read my mind, huh?” “Well. I couldn’t help it, though. I’m your guardian, after all.” “And, thank you for the dry uniform, of course,” Romina said, slightly stretching the blazer of her uniform to emphasize what is she trying to tell him. “That’s actually your spare uniform at home. I took it from your mom.” “Huh. That’s quick. You’re such a good guardian. A good guardian demon.” “Not until I’ll deal with the main problem here.” “Hello, dear.” Margaret quickly looked at Luciel who was actually standing in front of him. She was obviously waiting for him at the lobby just around the nurse’s office to see Luciel. “Hey, Luciel!” she immediately held his hand. “Luciel, I know that I got you mad so I’m really sorry for what I’ve done to you.” Luciel smiled at her. “It’s okay, I understand. I’m not mad. You know I don’t get mad at such a beautiful girl as yourself, right?” Margaret sighed in relief. “Gosh, thank you. I really thought you were mad at me. I don’t want you getting mad at me, Luciel. You know that I like you, right?” “I know. I understand. And besides, you didn’t do anything wrong to me. You obviously need to talk to Romina to apologize since she’s the one who got pranked earlier.” Margaret immediately frowned at him. “Ew, why would I? That geeky, boring b***h didn’t deserve my time. She deserves what she got earlier for snatching you away from me. I want to apologize to you because you saw me with that attitude.” Luciel couldn’t help but smirk evilly inside his head. What a nasty human I’m facing right now. “Why are you bullying my cousin? I don’t see the problem with her. Not that I’m mad, no. I was just confused about why you’re doing this to her.” “Because she’s an attention w***e. She loves so much attention that she even took yours so she deserves to get bullied. That b***h,” Margaret answered, gritting her teeth. “She deserves to suffer and die.” This human is definitely insane that I actually want to take her soul and rip it. Though, I’m hungry for the soul but I don’t think I could eat hers. Nasty. “Do you know?” Luciel muttered. “That there’s a place that you really deserve to go?” “What do you mean? Where.” “Humans like you have a place reserved for you… in hell,” Luciel smiled evilly, wickedly at Margaret and his face changed into a very hideous demon face, enough to give you nightmares for a very long time that you didn’t know if you could still recover. Horrified. Margaret is f*****g horrified that she felt dying from where she’s standing at she could feel her feet getting dragged underneath the ground. She felt hell as she looked at Luciel’s burning, horrifying demonic face. “AAAH!!!”
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