CHAPTER 69: You’re Not Bad

737 Words
“SO, THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED.” Luciel finally finished his story about his past life being an angel in the Celestial Realm. It actually took almost five hours for Luciel to tell everything up to Romina. “That’s…” Romina muttered. “That’s intense.” I never saw that one coming. Luciel was silent for a couple of seconds so Romina continued to speak. “So… you rebelled to the Father that’s why you ended up falling from grace.” Luciel scoffed a laugh. “I became the creature that I despised the most. Imagine the irony.” “I know I don’t have the right to say this since I really don’t know how emotions work in the Celestial Realm but…” Romina trailed off. “It’s valid for you to be mad at what happened. Serenity was very precious to you so it’s understandable that you grieved and you got mad because of what happened. Imagine she died right in front of you. It’s really traumatizing if I am in your position.” Luciel smirked at her. “So you could relate, huh, human?” “I was being emphatic,” Romina responded. “I haven’t experienced such a thing but I could definitely imagine and feel the pain you’ve been through that moment so I understand.” Luciel looked away from her, staring in nothingness. “I don’t know if I have the right to tell you this but I think it’s not right for you to blame everything on yourself. Hear me out, I know you don’t want to hear this from me after knowing your reaction to Michael telling this to you in the past but no one wanted that to happen. No one expected that to happen, especially you so I don’t think you could just blame yourself on something that’s totally out of control. I get it, I get it that you promised to yourself and to everyone that you’ll protect Serenity no matter what but that doesn’t mean you’ll going to stuck yourself in the past and kept on blaming yourself,” she told him. “I don’t know Serenity nor I haven’t seen her or talk to her but based on the stories you told me about her, I could tell that she’s such a good angel and I could tell that if she knew about what you felt about her death, she’ll be sad about it.” Luciel just kept his silence for a second or two before he spoke. “It’s hard to forget everything that happened that day…” “I know,” Romina nodded. “I know it’s hard. There’s no such thing as immediate healing on everything. But I know, for sure, she wanted you to move forward without thinking about what happened. I know that she didn’t want you to get stuck in the past as well.” Luciel fell silent once again, making Romina sigh and gently pat his head. “You’re not bad, Luciel. You’re just wounded because of what happened to Serenity. Your emotions that moment were not valid—except for the fact that you actually rebelled to the Father which I don’t really encourage you about that one—but yeah.” Luciel looked at her as she continued to speak. “You may be a demon by now but you’re always that old Luciel who cherishes everyone around him. Inside your heart, you will always be him.” “You—” “Whoops, don’t hit me. I still need to prepare for the dinner,” Romina said as she stood up, trying to avoid Luciel’s hand, and grinned at him. Before she could even leave, she looked at him once again. “Thank you for telling me everything about you, Luciel. I know it’s hard for you to open up to me like that but I’m happy that you managed to do so. Thank you, I am so happy.” “You humans are so weird,” Luciel muttered. “I know,” Romina smiled at him. “But at least, my weirdness made your burdens lighten up a little bit. And I know I am weird but at least, I won't leave you. I never will." That made Luciel stare at her and as she left her room, he managed to flaunt a tiny smile on his face. “Yeah. Thank you, Romina.”
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