CHAPTER 1: Black Feathers

1484 Words
“ROMINA, MARIVIC IS HERE!” Turning her head towards the door, Romina smiled. “Okay, Mom, tell her I’ll come down in a minute!” “Okay!” After making sure her school stuff was intact inside her bag, she slung it on her back and sashayed her way towards the door. “Wait, wait! I forgot something!” Romina walked back to her desk and grabbed a certain book from her shelf. She smiled when she eyed the book’s cover. ‘My Guardian Angel’ “I’m five chapters away from this novel. I shouldn’t miss it!” she smiled to herself and slid the said novel inside her bag. As soon as she went down from her room, she beamed towards her best friend who was waiting for her impatiently. Her best friend’s eyes landed on her and, as she expected, the latter rolled her eyes at her. “You move like a sloth.” Romina just beamed at her as a response. “Good morning!” “C’mon, we’re getting late! Let’s go!” “Okay, okay chill!” “Wait, wait for a second baby,” Romina turned her head towards her mom, who handed her two containers of snacks. “Share it with Marivic, okay?” “Okay mom,” she responded, flaunting a smile on her face. “And go home early.” “Of course, mom. We have to go now. We don’t want to be late.” “Okay baby, take care of both of you!” “Goodbye, mom!” “Bye, Mrs. Cristi!” Marivic looked at her best friend as she hummed and skipped happily towards their school building. The former couldn’t help but shake her head. “You look so enthusiastic today, Romina.” “Of course!” Romina said, beaming. “My birthday is really, really fast approaching and I’m so excited about meeting my guardian angel!” Right. As years pass by, humans already have the ability to summon their guardian angels as soon as they turn to their legal age. They can see or even communicate with their guardian angels once they summon them. These will be their guardians, protectors, or advisors. For some reason, Romina has been really, really fascinated with angels ever since she was a kid. She loves to listen to stories about angels, draw details about angels, or anything about angels. She grinned at her best friend. “I can’t wait for tomorrow. I can’t wait to turn 18 and see my guardian angel in person.” “Wow,” Marivic muttered as she shook her head. “You’re so excited about seeing your guardian angel, huh?” Romina gave her a look. “Why? Aren’t you excited about seeing your guardian angel?” “Hmm…” Marivic paused for a second. “I’m curious.” “So you’re excited as well. Don’t worry, you’ll gonna see your guardian angel soon! Just like me! I could see my guardian angel tomorrow!” “Huh. But before that, we should hurry up already. The bell for the first period has rung already.” “Oh shoot! Right!” || Celina was about to fall off the cliff when she felt strong arms around her. She felt the contradicting cold yet warm breeze around her and she felt herself floating. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a blinding yet warm light around her. She gasped when she saw huge white wings and an ethereal, heaven-like face in front of her. “Y-You are…” Celina couldn’t help but stutter. The man who’s now carrying her smiled at her as he responded. “I’m your guardian angel.” || — ‘My Guadian Angel’ by Cleo Angelica, Chapter 3. (a/n: this is actually my original scene hahaha) Romina sighed in contentment as she closed her book when she heard the bell ring for the fourth period and their teacher for their Filipino subject entered. “Magandang Umaga po, Binibining Retes.” “Magandang umaga rin, mga bata. Magsiupo na kayo.” As soon as she settled on her seat, Romina rested her chin on her palm as she listened to their teacher everything about writing an application letter for their Filipino: Sa Piling Larang Grade 12. “At ngayon para sa ating gawain, kunin n`yo ang inyong mga long bondpaper dahil doon n`yo isusulat ang inyong application letter. Ngayon, makinig nang mabuti sa aking panuto…” Romina settled her long bond paper down and fetched a piece of paper for her draft, but she stopped halfway when she saw a huge black feather that fell towards the window where she was seated. When the said feather fell on the window frame, she looked around and then at her teacher. When she was already sure that everyone’s attention was on the board, she quickly picked up the feather and looked at it. She frowned. “What is a crow’s feather doing here?” Wait, it’s not. “Wait, this is too big for a crow’s feather. Way too big.” “Hey, Romina,” she looked at her best friend beside her. “A feather? Are you going to write the application letter using that? What are you, Jose Rizal?” “Hey, it’s not mine. It just fell from the window so I picked it up. Maybe a crow’s feather.” “That’s way too big for a crow’s feather,” Marivic responded, pointing it out. That’s what I thought too… Romina’s eyes settled on the black feather on her hand. “This is shiny. Welp, I’ll just keep this for a while.” “Oh, shoot! Mama told me that I'd go home early. But our group’s practice ended at 5:30. Dang, it’s getting darker! I should get going!” Romina mumbled to herself as she walked as fast as she could. It’s getting darker and she’s walking on the road alone. Yes, alone. But now, she felt like someone was following her. “No, you’re just paranoid, Romina. No one is following you,” she whispered to herself, trying to calm herself down. She slightly turned her face and in her peripheral vision, she saw a guy with a blue hoodie walking just meters away from her. “That guy is not following you either. You’re just paranoid. Just calm down and walk so you can go home before it gets darker.” She fastened her pace. The person behind her went faster. She slowed down. The person slowed down as well. She fastened her pace again. The person behind her went faster as well. She slowed down again. The person slowed down as well. Romina confirmed it, this guy is really following her! As soon as the guy slowed down, without a second thought, she ran as fast as she could. She turned her head and she saw that the guy was even holding a knife! Oh my gosh, she’s in total danger! She ran faster and faster and the guy was also keeping up her pace. Romina felt helpless as she ran and cried for help. But the street around her is so quiet that she was not sure if she could ask for help. She couldn’t help but cry as she ran faster and faster albeit she was already tired. She’s terrified. She doesn’t want to die! Romina gasped loudly when she suddenly tripped and she could feel that the guy behind her was about to grab her. She closed her eyes tight and shouted her lungs out. “Somebody, SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!” She didn’t know what happened next… but all she felt was that someone held her securely and she felt like she was floating. She couldn’t even open her eyes to see what was happening, but all she could feel was floating, her feet suddenly felt the ground as she felt something clinking. Romina slowly opened her eyes and saw her stalker on the ground lying with his eyes open wide, terror, trauma or terrified—she can’t describe how much this guy looked so terrified on his pale face and she also saw the knife her stalker was holding earlier is now meters away from him. She, then, saw huge black feathers around her. Black feathers… again? “You’re safe now.” Romina’s gaze settled on the man who was holding her right now. Her eyes settled from his thin, pinkish lips to his angel-like, gorgeous face to his hair as dark as ebony that has horns on it, then to his red eyes— Wait, what? Horns and red eyes? She gasped when she saw huge, black wings flapping from his back. “W-Who… who are you?” The guy smirked at her and she felt major goosebumps. “Me? I’m your guardian… from the underworld.” Her eyes widen. “My guardian from what?!”
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