CHAPTER 21: Forgive and At Peace

1377 Words
The ghost just stared at her blankly. She’s already lifeless yet her eyes just dropped nothing but void. Theresa didn’t expect her to meet like this. She thought that she’ll be going to see her daughter, touch her and finally hug her. But she didn’t expect she was going to see her daughter… as a ghost. “This is not happening,” she couldn’t help but mutter as her eyes filled with tears. “That’s not my daughter! My daughter is alive!” “That’s your daughter, Theresa,” Luciel told her. “She didn’t run away like you thought she did. She stayed in this building while waiting for you and she was caught in an accident and no one, not even you, found her body. Because of her anger and nobody went to see her body and gave it a proper funeral, she couldn’t pass the afterlife and became a poltergeist.” That made Theresa stares at the ghost of her daughter, dumbfounded. “T-Trisha…” she slowly walked towards her daughter. “Trisha, anak ko…” From a blank face, Trisha’s mouth suddenly widened and her eyes darken as she shrieked in an eerie way, enough for Theresa to be thrown away and slammed on the floor. Luciel covered Romina as the wind around them became violent, slamming everything around them. “Ma’am Theresa!” Romina yelled and before she could stand up to help the former teacher, she and Luciel got cornered by so many armchairs. “This is your entire fault,” Trisha’s eerie voice filled the whole floor as Theresa painfully looked at her. “If you just gave me your time than prioritizing your students who were not even your kids, then this won’t happen to me. I died, because of you!!!” With an eerie shriek, Trisha was about to attack Theresa when Romina suddenly barged in and tried to protect the former teacher. “Stop it, Trisha! Your mom didn’t abandon you like that!” “Romina!” Luciel shouted as he kept on dealing with some apparitions around them that started to pop up out of nowhere. “She didn’t do it on purpose. She worked so hard for you, to raise you well and give you everything you want and need. She stood up as your mom and dad. When she thought you ran away because you suddenly disappeared, she spent all these years searching for you that she even quit the job that I love the most just to search for you! She didn’t abandon you! She did everything for you!” That made Trisha pause for a second. She looked so dumbfounded about it but that didn’t stop her from getting angry. “Liar! You’re lying! I don’t deserve to suffer alone! She must suffer too!” She shrieked once again and it was horrifying for Romina’s liking. When Trisha was about to attack them, Romina hugged the former teacher to protect her but they noticed Trisha was not attacking them anymore. Trisha shrieked once again, but this time, it is because of fear as some shadows started to drag her away from them. “s**t! They’re here—ack!!!” Luciel couldn’t move anymore. He looked at Trisha who was now struggling while she was slowly getting dragged. He saw the three reapers and he knew that if the afterlife sent three reapers… …the soul will be dragged to hell. “Don’t interfere, demon. This ghost has done enough trouble here,” one of the reapers said. “We have to send her to hell.” “No, not yet,” for the first time, Luciel disagreed. He saw how Trisha’s mother was so desperate to see and save her child and now she’ll be going to see her getting dragged to hell. “Not yet…” The reapers didn’t listen to him anymore as they kept on dragging the poltergeist to the spot where she died. They’re going to send her to hell from the spot where she actually died. This means that they’re going to re-enact the time she died and dragged her to hell in the process. As fast as lightning, Romina managed to run towards the reapers and tried to stop them by opening her arms wide, blocking them. “Move, human,” the reapers told her. Romina furiously shook her head. “No. I won’t allow you to drag Trisha to hell! She’s not a bad kid! She didn’t deserve this!” “I said, move, human!” Romina got tied by some dark shadow which stopped her from blocking the road for them. “No! Please! No!” she kept on struggling as she saw and heard Trisha shouting and struggling as well. “Trisha! Trisha no!” her mom shouted and albeit she was injured because of what her daughter did, she still managed to get up and run towards her daughter. Trisha’s eyes slowly turned regretful as soon as she saw her mom running towards her. Memories from the past suddenly flashed in her mind. “Mom, there’s-there’s a dog!” a seven-year-old Trisha was crying as soon as she saw a dog barking at her that she couldn’t help but cry. Theresa immediately scoot her up and carried her, hugging her securely. “Don’t worry, mom will save you!” With a grin, Trisha immediately hugged her mom. “You’re my hero, mom! I love you!” “Mahal din kita, anak. I will always be here for you.” With tears in her eyes rolling down her cold, pale cheeks, Trisha shouted. “Mom! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for being so selfish! I’m sorry mom, please forgive me! Don’t be mad at me, please! I’m sorry for being such a bad girl!” Luciel managed to stop the reapers when he finally transformed into his demon form as soon as Theresa managed to pull Trisha away from them. From a gloomy, creepy, and disgusting-looking ghost, Trisha’s appearance became what she used to appear before she died. Theresa finds it strange that she managed to touch her daughter even if she’s already a ghost but she didn’t care about it anymore. What matters to her is she finally saw her daughter again. “I never got mad at you, baby. You will always be my precious daughter and I will always love you… forever.” That made Trisha smile as her tears rolled down her cheek as she slowly lit up. She finally felt her mother’s warm hug and love and she forgave her mother… or more like, nobody’s at fault and she just proved how much her mother loves her. She’s finally at peace. “What you did was really reckless, Romina,” Luciel said as they watched Theresa conduct a proper funeral for her daughter. Albeit they saw Trisha’s remains in an abandoned composed pit, Theresa was still grateful that she saw her daughter’s body and they could give her a proper funeral so she could finally rest in peace. “But we managed to save her, right?” Romina responded, grinning at her. “I don’t know why you humans love to meddle on someone’s business. You’ll gonna get into danger, you know that? What if I’m not around? You might get dragged in the worst trouble,” Luciel sighed, shaking his head. “But at least, we managed to save her,” both of them looked at Trisha who’s now wearing a white dress that made her look like an angel. After she stare at her mom, she looked at the two of them and smiled, muttering the words ‘Thank you for saving me’ and walked with her father who fetched her and an angel beside them as well. Romina squinted her eyes while looking at them walking towards the stairway to heaven but she still managed to smile and be happy for them, especially for Trisha. “And I know you will not going to abandon me,” Romina turned her head to Luciel and smiled. “Because you’re my guardian.” “You’re ridiculous,” Luciel muttered and with a tiny smile on his face, he continued. “But, yeah. I am your guardian after all…”
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