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SELENAS POV I ran as fast as I could to the back of the pack house where the wedding was being held, as I turned the corner I saw Fabian with Susy in front of the altar holding hands I stopped in shock of the sight but was brought back when I heard the prist talk. "If there is anyone who has a good valid reason why this wedding shouldn't take place talk now or for ever hold your peace" he said "I do" I said Everyone turned and I could see that the Alpha and Luna weren't happy to see my as they looked at me with angry faces, I didn't care I came here for my mate and I wasn't going to let him go with out a fight. "What is your reason my child" he said "My name is Selena Wolf and I am Fabian's true mate, I was sent away by his parents to train to be Luna but I finished my training early and I was able to come home yesterday I arrived here just a few hours ago" I said "My parents said that my mate died during the training" Fabian said "They lied to you, they never wanted me to be with you because I never shifted in to my wolf" I said "Baby you said that no matter what you weren't going to leave me" Susy said I saw as Fabian looked from me to her, I also saw how his wolf was trying to take over but he wouldn't let him and I started to walk towards them so we could see into each others eyes. "My parents would never lie to me, your the one lying" Fabian said "What am I lying about" I asked "About you being my mate" he said "Really then why do you have my mark on the crook of your neck and I have yours" I said as I moved my hair exposing my mark "Baby you promised" Susy said He once again looked at her and then at me and with out any regerets he did what I thought he would never do. "I Fabian Future Alpha of this pack reject you Selena Wolf as my mate and future Luna of this pack" he said "Are you sure you want to do that" I said "Yes I made a promise and I always keep them" he said "Well the one you made me you just broke it" I said I started to walk away when my brother caught my hand and turned me around. "At least tell him" Esteban said "Tell me what" Fabian said "Why should I if he doesn't want me why should I tell him" I asked "He has the right to know" Esteban said "Know what, can either one of you tell me" Fabian said "I am not saying anything and you promised not to say anything either please don't disappoint me Esteban" I said I turned and kept walking with my head held high not shedding a tear or showing any sign of weakness, only pride and nothing else. As I was almost at the end of the aisle when Jr started to cry and everyone turned to where the cry was being heard, I turned to see Esteban holding Fabian back and I ran to where Gaby was with Jr and I told her to take him away from here that I would follow soon. She put him in the car seat and then got in the driver side and drove off, before anyone was able to see who was the baby that was crying and where it had gone. I turned when I felt alot of eyes on me, I just smiled and turned to walk away not saying a single word when I was stopped by someone grabbing my arm and by the sparks I knew it was Fabian. "Where is the baby" Fabian asked "What baby" I asked "Don't play stupid we all heard a baby cry" Fabian said "I don't know what you are talking about" I said "Who is the baby I can smell it on you" he said "What now I can't help a friend hold her baby while she prepared the bottle" I said "Don't lie to us" his mother Luz said "Now why would I do such a thing, I am not you" I said with anger in each word "Because you know that we never wanted you as our sons mate" his father Marcos said "What did you just say father" Fabian asked "Nothing, I said nothing" his father said At that moment I took the opertunity to start and walk away from them with out being stopped, when I was far away I started to run as fast as I could go and followed Jr's scent to get to him and ended up in a hotel about an hour away from the packs lands. Once inside the hotel I called Gaby and asked her in what room she was in and she told me, I went to the third floor and to the room number Gaby told me. I knocked three times like she told me to do so like told me to do so she knew it was me, when she opened the door Jr was asleep in a crib the hotel provided and Gaby pulled me in to a hug. I told her what happend and that I didn't accept the rejection which meant that I was still Fabian's mate wether he likes it or not and I also tod her how I got his parents to say that they had lied to him about me, when she asked me if he did get married any way I said I didn't know that since I took the distraction to get away from there and come here.
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