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SELENAS POV I woke up to a very warm pillow I cuddled in to it even more, feeling the warmth of it until I felt it move. I sat on the bed so fast that I felt like I had gotten whip lash, I didn't know if to turn around or not I didn't want to see who was being e or who I was laying on. At that moment I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and a pair of lips on my neck, goddess it felt so heavenly I just wanted to melt in to those amazingly strong arms. "Morning beautiful" he said "Morning" I said "How did you sleep" he asked "Amazingly wonderful" I said "Well then how about we get up and get dressed, I asked your brother to bring all your stuff here" he said "And why would you do that" I asked "Well maybe because we are mates and we did fully mate last night" he said That's when it finally hit me, all the memories from last night came back to me in a flash. Going to Fabian's birthday party, finding our we were mates. Running away after what his parents said, him running after me and bringing me to his room just before we started kissing which eneded with us fully mating. I was feeling so happy not knowing what to say or waht to do, I turned slowly until I was able to see him and I could see his face and I could see his face and I looked in to his eyes and all I could see was love but then that's when it hit me. "We didn't use protection" I said "Does that bother you" he asked "I could end up pregnant" I said "Would it be so bad to get pregnant by your mate" he asked "Well no but we are still to young to have kids don't you thing" I asked "Then why do you worry about it then and no I don't think we are to young to have a baby" he said As soon as he finished saying that he brought his lips to mine and we started to kiss until someone knocked on the door, Fabian wasn't so happy as he let out a loud growl that made who ever was on the other side of the door scurry off as fast as their feet could take them. I broke the kiss and just laughed so hard that my stomach was hurting, I couldn't stop laughing until I looked at his face and saw that he wasn't smiling at all. I looked at myself and realized that I was completely naked but I felt good about myself, I felt like it was something that would be happening sooner or later once I met my mate and it did actually happened. I leaned towards him taking his lips in to mine and we started to make out until once again we heard a knock on the door, when he growled they didn't leave this time but we didn't care as we continued to kiss. We heard another knock this time much stronger than the one before, once again we just ignored it and continued to kiss but it got to the point that we couldn't ignore it and as Fabian got up he gave me one of his t-shirts and a pair of shorts before grabbing one for himself. He waited until I had put on his t-shirt and a pair of shorts before opening the door, as soon as he opened the door we saw both of our parents in front of us. We looked at each other and then turned to see our parents, neither of them saying anything. Fabian snaked his hand around my waist and pulled me towards him in a protective stand, we both could tell that something was wrong but we didn't know what it was and to be honest I didn't want to find out. I tunrned and placed one hand on the back of Fabian's back while I placed the other one on his chest, allowing him to wrap his hand even more around my waist until he had his hand really tight around me. "Morning everybody" Fabian said "What is going on" I asked "We all need to talk before this all goes any further" his father said "What do you mean with any further" Fabian asked "We will talk in my office once you both change in to something more presentible" his father said With that they all left and walked down the hall way and out of site, I turned to look at Fabian and he just held me with his two arms and placed a kiss on my lips. "What do you think he ment with what he said" I asked "I don't know but no matter what for now lets keep our mark to ourselves, just until we find out what is going on" he said "Okay but when will we say we already marked each other" I asked "Lets just ride this out as we see waht is going on" he said We changed and headed to the office where my parents, brother, his sister, his brother and his parents were. We walked in hand in hand not caring the look that both his parents were giving us, we had worn turtle neck shirts that were almost the same color. His father lifted a hand to let us know where we were going to be sitting down, which was right in front of his desk and it made me so nervous but I didn't show it. Fabian and I never let go of our hands, he looked at me and I looked at him like saying everything was going to be okay and that we were in this for the long run not letting anyone come between us.
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