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SELENAS POV As we pulled in to Beatris's pack lands I texted her to let her know, she right away answers and told me that she will be at the pack house waiting for us. Less then ten minutes later we were pulling in to the drive way of the pack house and as she had said Beatris is there waiting for us, I get our of the SUV and she runs in to my arms with tears in her eyes. I could tell she was happy we were here to help her especially me, I just held her in my arms as she let her tears soak my shirt. "Calm down everything is going to be okay, I'm here now and we will get through this together" I said "I know, its just good to finally have you guys here" she says "Were can we talk without being bothered" I asked "We can go to the office, Markus can you show everybody where they will be staying please" she said "Yes Luna" Markus said I looked at Fabian then at Esteban and nod my head to them so they would follow us, Gaby gets the message right away and gives them both a small push so they would follow me and Beatris to the office. Once we all walked in to the office, we all take a sit on the chairs Beatris taking the chair where her mate would sit if he was here and not in the hospital. "How is he doing" I asked "He is doing much better" she said "We were told that you have been getting some threat letters, could we see them" Fabian asked "Yeah sure" she says as she opens a drawer and give them to us "Which is the most recent" I asked She got the one on the very top and I read the letter out loud so Fabian and Esteban could hear. We know who you are and we know who your sister and brother are, we want to talk to her since they are the ones with the powers. If you want us to stop attacking your pack give them to us, if not we will continue to attack until we finish everybody and eleminate your pack. "What do they mean with your sister and brother, who are they, where are they. You need to warn them so they know about this, they are in danger as your pack is" Esteban said "My sister knows but we don't know who our brother is" she says "We need to find out ASAP, we need them here as well" Fabian said "Can I talk to her alone for a few minutes please" I say as I keep looking at Beatris They both look at me in a questioning look, then they both get up and leave the office. "Why didn't we know that we had a brother" she asked "I don't know but we are about to find out" I said I close my eyes and mentaly call for our mother, asking her to please come and talk to me. "What do you need Selena" my mother asked "We want to ask you some questions" I say "We" she asked "We" Beatris says from behind her "Oh my God Beatris, my sweet little girl" our mother says "Hi mom" Beatris says as she walks up to our mother They hug for a long time, after awhile Beatris looks at me and motions me to join them in the hug. We hug for some time and when we pull away both me and Beatris were ready to ask our mother the questions taht we had, one being the most important one. "Why are you both here" our mother asked "Well this is why" I say giving her the most recent letter that Beatris got "Why does it say that we have a brother and where is he" I ask "Well because its true, you do have a brother who's name is Sebastian and he is Beatris's twin" our mother said "Where is he" Beatris asked "Here" our mother answered "He is the rouge that your man captured or so you think you captured and is in the cells right now waiting for both of you" our mother said I look at Beatris and she looks at me, at that moment we both run out of the office passing Esteban and Fabian. They are hot on our tail as I follow Beatris and tell her to tell the guard to not let anyone in as soon as we get in the cells which she quickly gives me a nod. We get to the cells and as soon as we pass the guard Beatris orders everyone out and tell them not to let anyone in no matter what, at first they didn't want to until I growled and allowed some of my powers to be felt. We walked to the only cell that was being accupied to see a young man who looks so much like Beatris, I look at her and she looks at me then we both look at him once again.
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