Chapter 1

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"Remember Eve. The dough has to be perfect. It's gonna be our food for the next two weeks." Alex reminded me. "Aye aye Captain," I salute him which he responds by ruffling up my hair like a child. He always does that. Treat me like a child. As if I was a fragile little thing. I've known Alex my whole life. Whole life meaning after the age of seven.  That's one thing about me. I seem to have no memory before the age of seven. I don't know where I came from. I don't even know what happened to my real family or if I ever had any. Alex is now my whole world. Whenever I asked him about myself. He'd just tell me the same story. The vampires took his parents as slaves thirteen years ago and that they're probably dead. He was alone for two years until he found me lying near the stream we always went to. He was only eleven at the time. He said that I was bruised up and had a big gash on my head. He said he had no heart to just leave me there. He thought about it but just couldn't seem to do it. So he brought me to his house and nursed me back to health. When he asked me about my family and home. It seems I couldn't answer him. So he just let me stay and now here we are. Honestly, though, I was never really satisfied with his answer. He didn't have much himself. Why burden himself by taking in another person?  He literally had to double his resources just got to keep us alive. Well, maybe he was just young and didn't care. Whenever I tried digging deeper he'd feel uncomfortable and I'd take that as my queue to stop asking. Maybe he thought I'd leave him. Whatever the reason was, he still saved my life and I'm forever indebted to him. I love him like the brother I never had and I'd do anything to make him happy. Anything. He always filled the emptiness in me and protected me from any harm.   "Yo! You done?  I'm going to the stream to cool off. Wanna come?" he asks. "Yes of course I want to. Just give me five minutes." With that, I grabbed my favourite blue cloak  which is very dear to me and I never go anywhere without it. When we started walking across the market square, it was still kind of crowded with people bustling around, buying whatever they could with what little they had. Just to survive. We weren't even halfway through when I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder "Where are you off to sunshine?" one of the castle guards sneered at me. The kingdom is always full of them. They're always making sure there's order and not any one of the rules are broken. "Just the market. To get some carrots. And she's with me", Alex said coming in the middle. I noticed his hands were fisted. He was controlling his anger. Alex always gets ticked off whenever someone touched me. "Oooohh look who's here to save you sunshine. Again," he then looked straight at Alex "I wasn't asking you boy!!  Now move it!!" the knight shouted. A few heads immediately turned our direction. Geez, what's his problem? Whatever it was, I couldn't let this get out of hand. I knew what Alex wanted to do. "Please good Sir, we were only going to the market to get some vegetables that's all. My friend here is not well so he's a bit cranky. I apologize for his behavior ," I said with a light bow. This seemed to please the stupid Knight. "See now that wasn't so bad now was it? Back before six," he barked out then turned to Alex "You should take some speech classes from her every now and then," he turned to leave. "And you can take wisdom classes to decrease the level of your stupidity," Alex mumbled under his breath. The knight stopped and before he could turn back, Alex grabs my hand and sprinted towards the crowd. The stream which Alex and I go to is in the forest. Not too deep and not to upfront. But no one really knows it's there. It's Alex's favorite place to go and now mine as well. I positioned myself under my favorite tree and  closed my eyes to relax. I then heard ruffling of clothes. Alex always goes for a swim to cool off. I just remained seated there enjoying the sounds of birds chirping and the faraway waterfall. As long as I can remember, I've always felt connected to the trees and the little creatures that live here. It's almost like I could talk to them and they'd answer me. Though I've never actually tried it. That would be just plain weird. The very thought made me laugh. "Oh great she's in Evie wonderland again," Alex's voice cut into my thoughts. "Were you thinking about me again?" he asked. "You wish," I heard him chuckle at that. "Hey, Alex?" "Yeah?" "I really love it here." "You've said that a thousand times Eve. You're welcome." "I feel so drawn to everything here. The ground, the sky, the trees and animals. I feel more at home here. I like this. Even, e-even more than being around people. Can you understand? Am I making sense?" I looked at Alex hopefully. Only his head was above the water. I wanted someone to understand me. "Yeah... You know what? I think I can understand, I...I totally get you," he gave me a deep meaningful look for a very long time, then stared straight into my eyes and "You, Eve Kheelan, are mentally disabled. I've always suspected your mentality but now I know. For sure," my face began to heat up. I swear I looked like a tomato. "You!!  How could you be so so so mean?!!" Alex was laughing his lungs out. "I'm leaving. I don't like you!" I yelled back. Never have I been so embarrassed. Eerrgghh. "Hey wait!!!  Eve wait!  I'm sorry. Don't be like that. You know you love me!" he whined like a kid. I stopped and gave him my scariest glare I could muster. "Awww don't be so cute. Wait...are you glaring at me?! Haha! You're even more adorable!," Alex said going into another fit of laughter. "That's it!!! I'm going!!" Laughter again. I started my speed walk towards the town. I could heard ruffling of clothes again. A few moments later I was suddenly picked up by the waist. I squealed as Alex spun me around. "You know you can't stay mad at me Evy baby," Alex cooed as he slowly put me down.  "Yes. I. Can", I said with determination but I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. He was right. I do not have the ability to stay mad at anyone. Seriously, forget about Alex, even if I really dislike someone, anyone, holding a grudge is a heavy burden to carry. We walked back hand in hand. It was almost 6.30 when we got home.  We were lucky not to have been stopped by a guard or a knight. "I was worried sick!! WHERE WERE THE TWO OF YOU???!!" Tonya shouted. She and two others became me and Alex's house mates about a year ago. They couldn't afford a whole other house and the one we currently live in had more than enough room for the five of us. "Hellooo??!!!", she screeched again. "Just went for a swim Tony. Caaalmm dooowwwnn. Breathe in then breathe out. There we go!  Very good," Alex said putting both hands on her shoulders. I giggled behind him while Tonya only glared. Tonya is actually the eldest at age 25. That explains why she takes the motherly role. She has light brown curly hair that frames her face perfectly and brings out her dark skin. She also has the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Tonya always made sure we were all together and not don't get into any trouble. I like her a lot. Next is a girl named Henrietta better known as Henri. Henri is a tall girl with dark hair and pretty blue eyes. She's nineteen. Three years younger than Alex. Last but not least, a guy named Kyle. He has blonde hair and brown eyes with a fair complexion. He's really good looking but I'd like to think we all are if weren't for the fact that all of us were poor and malnourished. Do you know how hard it is to see a fat human? Even if there were. They would be the first victims. Kyle said Vampires like blood with a little more fat. Apparently it gives more taste. Kyle is seventeen same as me. I love my small family. Everyone had their own personality. We fought and argued but we stick together. "Dinner's ready guys!" Tonya announced. "What did you cook Tonya? Smells good," Henri walked into the small dining area. "Wow! you say it we have so many bloody options. Like Tonya has so many bloody options. We are going to eat what we've been eating for the past what? Two months?" Kyle said  with bored expression, sulking as usual. "Hey be nice to her Kyle. She's only asking okay. Don't be so gloomy all the time. We're lucky to have anything to eat at all,"  I replied a little annoyed by Kyle's sulky mood. Kyle just rolled his eyes. I swear he does it better than most girls. He then turned to Henri "Sorry Henri, let me make you understand. The only kind of good we're ever going to get are carrots, cabbages, nuts and if we're really lucky a few fruits. And once in a f*****g blue moon, maybe a cute little bunny. That's it! Why? Because it's all we'll ever be able to afford! Now since that's cleared up, kiss kiss?"  "Ewww. Let's just eat". She retorted as Kyle pouted. Me and Alex helped Tonya arrange the bowls on the table. Just as we were going take our seats, Henri signalled for us to stop. "Did you guys hear that?"
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