incoming call

1483 Words

Five minutes into patrolling and I smelled the foulest stench, I now recognize this smell very well, I was faced with about eighteen rogues stalking towards me growling, baring their teeth at me, I can't go call for help that'll just allow the rogues to enter my pack land, I took an attack stance. The first rogue lunged at me, a swung my hand in his gut, the punch sent him a few step back another rogue lunged at me, I grabbed his neck and quickly snapped it, another attacked me and I fought him, they kept attacking me but luckily my days of training paid off and in minutes they were all dead on the ground, I was left with a broken nose and a bruise on my left eye, my shirt was torn. The rest of the south patrol guards came back along with Timber and they all looked shocked as their eyes

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