Chapter 11 the day before

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Violet's P.O.V    As the day went on, Jordon and I watched Rick train with Sherry and he wasn't that bad, actually he was pretty good. Rick trained the guys, while Sherry trained the females, he made the guys run twenty laps, do thirty sit ups and fifty pushups, then he wanted to see how they were at fighting. Rick showed them how to do a front round kick and taught one guy how to do a backwards flip, landing on his feet. He never talked down to the men either, he treated them all equally.   "Maybe we can have two trainers, one for females and one for males." I suggested, looking at Jordan.   "It does sound like a good idea, we'll talk to the both of them later on." Jordan replied, still watching the training. After a while the training was finally over and the males and females all went to take showers and relax.   Rick's P.O.V    I walked back into my room, taking off my sweat drenched t-shirt and tossing it into the hamper, I walked into the bathroom and put the shower on. I stripped off my pants and boxers, then got into the shower. I kept smiling and couldn't help thinking that I was going to like it here, when suddenly my happiness was cut short with a link from Tally.   "So what have they been doing?" Tally mind-linked me and I just sighed, can't I just take a shower in peace?   "You know Tally if you were with me here, you would know what's going on." I replied, deciding to mess with her a little.   "Maybe when you come, we could take a shower together and I'll show you what I'm really like." I said, smirking to myself. I waited for a few minutes, when she finally answered and she answered with a attitude,    "I'd rather not, Mr. Rick, I'm keeping myself for the alpha." Tally snapped and I chuckled to myself, knowing that I had pushed her buttons.    "That's fine with me. They have been arguing alot and they are now sleeping in different beds. Your time is soon to come." I replied, trying not to laugh out loud at how ridiculous this all sounded and the fact that she was believing every word.   "Well I knew the spell would work, it's just a matter of time now. He will soon be mine." Tally excitedly and smugly said, causing me to roll my eyes.   "If that's all, I would like to take my shower in peace now, unless you want to sneak in and shower with me." I replied, I loved pissing her off and after a few minutes I heard a growl.   "No thanks." Tally growled and ended the link. I started laughing, as I carried on with my shower, dried off and got dressed in sweats. I laid in bed, grabbed the remote to put on the TV and not more than thirty minute later, I heard a knock on the door.   "Come in." I said and Jordon opened the door, walking into the room with a smirk on his face.    "Good job. I see she still has an attitude, we thought it was funny when she growled, but I didn't come here for that. I came here to ask if you want to be one of the trainers. Violet and I watched what you did and we both agree that you would be a fantastic trainer. You can train the guys, Sherry can train the women. What do you think?" Jordan asked me, taking me by surprise. I thought about it for a moment, it was a great opportunity and I feel like I would have a purpose. I was with a pack now.    "Yes I'll do it, it will give me something to do. a sense of purpose." I replied, Jordon nodded.   "Well there you go, you now have a job in the pack, you're a trainer." Jordan said, I nodded and smiled from ear to ear.    "Thank you sir, by the way, what are the rules here, you haven't told me yet." I asked Jordon and he nodded.    "Alright well the rules are simple.  Number one, do not ever betray the pack, if you do, it's death. you do not obey the rules, you will be put in a cell until you do, or kicked out and become a rogue."  Number two, don't try to mate with she wolves that already have a mate.  Number three Do not disobey the Alpha or Luna.  Number four if there is an attack you must fight unless you are not trained.  Number five, always help one another. If you do not obey the rules, you will be put in a cell until you do, or kicked out and become a rogue."  Number six, if you decide you want to go against your own pack, you will die Jordan said, reeling off the six rules, which like Jordan had said were quite simple.   "Easy rules to go by." I said, relaxing a bit more.   "Alright well you get your rest." Jordan replied, he turned and left, shutting the door behind him. I laid back on the bed, I was finally satisfied with the pack I'm in. I think I'm going to be happy here.
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