Chapter 2

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Eva's POV “Bob?” I called my first son. He’s jovial, carefree, and naïve like other kids out there and a replica of his father. “Yes mom!” he answered and ran into the kitchen at once. “Go tell your dad that dinner is ready,” I said and searched for Sam’s favorite juice in the fridge. “Okay!” he bounced out in his usual lively manner though I perceived he didn’t know how to ask me the question running through his little mind, if it were Rose, she will spit it out. I found what I was looking for and took it to the dining with a jug of water. I went upstairs to fetch the kids too. Benita, our neighbors’ daughter who comes to spend time with the kids has been a great help since yesterday. Everyone sat on their usual spot for dinner except me; I sat opposite Sam instead of the chair beside him as I have always done even before we got married. “I will start going home now, my mother must’ve come back and she would be looking for me,” Benita said refusing the offer to eat with us. She does join us to eat sometimes, but I understand as a good girl, she wouldn’t want to be tagged a glutton so she respects herself and I love that about her. “You can take the fruits if you don’t like the food,” I said. “No, it’s not like that, I ate before coming….I…will take a fruit, thank you,” she said twitching her mouth as she took an orange. “I should be thanking you, Benny,” I said gratefully, she only smiled shyly and left. “Dad, what are you doing?” Rose asked stopping a spoon halfway to Sam’s mouth, he dropped the spoonful of rice, clamped his mouth shut, and gave her a surprised look. “What?” he asked rolling his eyes. “Did you forget again?” Rose breathed and glanced at me, I busied myself with feeding my youngest baby with cornflakes and nan milk. “Forget what?” Sam asked quietly, a bit confused. “We haven’t prayed and you didn’t give us meat as you have always done before eating” Bob helped her.   “Oh….” Sam hummed and urged them to bow their heads for prayer. “My…queen?” he looked at me when I didn’t bow my head and close my eyes as the kids did. I bowed my head obediently but I closed my eyes slightly and looked at him through my lashes. Sam has changed bit by bit without knowing, even to an extent that our children noticed, how then did he expect me not to react negatively and build a healthy relationship with the new man? Eva, Eva, you will pass through this trial with a heart as strong as the edge of a harmer. Sam is still there and I will help him come back to his senses the hard way, he’s in low spirits now which tells me that he has read the divorce agreement. I have also read mine and I shall put it into action starting tomorrow. “Father, thanks for this food, bless our food and give to those who do not have….amen” he prayed simply and forced a smile when his children beamed at him. “Amen!” they chorused, picked up their spoon, and waited for their dad’s special blessing as they always call it. “Well…” he cleared his throat and looked at me, he scooped food, added meat, and came to me. “For my…queen,” he said and stretched out his hand for me to eat from his spoon. That has been our culture which he had neglected for God knows how many weeks. I would have ignored him and left his hand hanging in the air but I don’t want my children to notice what’s happening between us, they will get hurt and it might affect their studies and that’s the last thing I want. I opened my mouth and accepted the food, they clapped and cheered their father. He went to his sit and did the same thing for his prince, princess, and little prince before he settled down to eat, everyone ate in silence afterward. I managed to eat a little and watched them eat in harmony, when they are done, I took them to their room and left Kate under their care before I went downstairs to clean the table. I wasn’t surprised when I saw Sam taking the plates to the kitchen, we usually did that with a lot of kisses and amusement but not anymore, those little things we did together which mattered, he chose to forget about them. I cleaned the dining table and was sweeping the floor when he came into the dining room again. “Let me help you” he offered and bent almost at the same time that I wanted to lift my head, our heads collided and though it didn’t hurt much, I winced in pain and made it look as though it hurt and pretended to be in pains.   “Can’t you see?! Did I ask for your help? You’ve done nothing but bring me pain for the past few weeks and I’m sick and tired of it!!” I cried, threw the broom away, and ran upstairs. I didn’t give him any chance to talk or do anything as he looked hurt and amazed at my outcry. Samuel's POV I know I have messed up, she’s right, the kids are right too and now that I have created another big problem for myself, I keep wondering how I will get out of it. None of this makes sense to me and the tightening in my heart is that of hatred for myself for being an asshole. I took the broom, swept the dining room, and mobbed it before going upstairs. I met her praying and when she noticed me enter, she practically ended the prayer, she did the sign of the cross and lay down on the bed.   I went out and checked on the kids, they are already fast asleep and I kissed them goodnight and joined my wife again. She has already thrown a massive part of the bedsheet over herself and that is a big sign that I am not wanted. I ignored that and lay down beside her, I want us to talk but how do I start up a conversation while her back is turned on me. I touched her lightly on the shoulder and she shrugged my handoff. “We need to talk, Eva,” I said, a plea highlighted in my voice but she didn’t flinch. Well, that serves me right, I should have had a second thought before telling Jake in her presence that I want us divorced and even said I am tired of her. She’s stubborn and I know she will pay me back by doing exactly what is written on the paper Jake gave us which will take effect tomorrow. I can be stubborn and arrogant sometimes but not compared to my wife’s when she’s pushed to the verge of anger. “We have to talk, Eva, Please” I repeated and slid my hand through the sheet and touched her soft skin, I have missed her so much and I didn’t even realize that until today. “Talk about what exactly?!” she slapped my hand away and gave me a disdainful look. “Oh, maybe you can’t wait until tomorrow for me to get out of your house or you hate the sight of me so much that you want me to get out of your bedroom” she bolted.   I took a deep breath and said calmly; “Please, let’s talk about the divorce agreement” I ignored her words and chose mine carefully. Oh God, how do I get out of this mess? Is this how am going to lose my wife out of stupidity? “Spill it, I want to sleep,” she said looking away. “Okay, I …you know I don’t know a damn about children, please, I …. don't want them to know there’s an issue between us….we…could” “Are you saying am the one that wants my kids to suffer because of our foolishness?” she cut me off and gave me a stern look, “I know you don’t want me here anymore and I have decided to leave in one piece before it results into something else, but I won’t let them know anything yet until they have come of age” she explained curtly. “What do you plan to tell them?” I managed to ask worriedly, I know there’s no point in starting an argument, let’s reach a reasonable goal this night first. “I… we shall tell them that I am traveling and I might spend a long time away but of course, I will come back,” she said quietly. “If that’s what you have decided, then I will stand by it, but I don’t want them to sense anything, at least not now, you can visit regularly and we will pretend to be okay together” I begged to take her hand, she withdrew it and looked away. “Anything for my children though I don’t know how many weeks or even days you will let me have a right to them,” she said sadly. “Well, I …..Think you should take Kate and Tyrone along with you…I mean, they are bound to miss you a lot much more than Bob and Rose, I…” She busted into cynical laughter, “You think am stupid? I should take the little ones and raise them, and then you will take them away from me, No way! You made it clear to me that they don’t belong to me anymore, dear husband, take care of your kids, after all, I don’t have money to care for infants as poor and wretched as I am” That was kind of mockery and she laughed to sleep.    Oh! So that’s it, she accepted to leave wholeheartedly and live the kids behind so she would prove to me that I can’t be able to take care of them without her. Is this some kind of a challenge, “I accept” I murmured and went to bed. I will show her that I can do without her and I will win her back, she will come back begging and we are going to start a fresh new relationship that will last forever, that I’m very sure of. I spent half of the night contemplating what to do and how to react to all her challenges so she would be forced to give up and we will become one big and happy family again. I dozed off smiling with the thought of playing along with her, making her feel I am serious about the divorce and that am ready to do anything to make sure she leaves as she claims. It’s going to be a lot of fun pretending to be a cat and dog which we aren’t. I woke up again after some hours, cold and horny. I checked the time and it’s still forty-six minutes past twelve, I haven’t slept for complete two hours and this is bad. The condition of my d*ck is bad and she’s still very angry with me worse, she will kill me if I wake her up because of it while we are not on good terms. I stood up and went into the kitchen, I tried calming the stupid prick that wants to put me in trouble with juice. The condition worsened and it was sheer luck that I didn’t fall as I ran back into the bedroom. “Calm down, let’s try our luck, so help me God” I held the big man and prayed inwardly for a while before I went into the bedsheet and held her waist. “Honey?” I called her with the softest voice I have and kissed her ear. Even at sleep, her back was still turned at me and she is still frowning angrily at me as I touched her and that’s a bad sign. I sighed and continued petting her so she might change her mind when she woke. Her eyes twinkled open and she looked drowsily at me before she became fully awake and pushed me away, “What was that for?” she asked, her glare was accompanied by a heavy yawn. Somebody help me, this is the first time I am having an issue with her and a very serious one at that and it is this same night that my odogwu chose to rise. To hell with pride and challenge! I must find my way to Jerusalem or die trying.
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