Chapter 8

1938 Words
Writer's POV Eva joined Mama in the kitchen, Tyrone held the hem of her dress and he's not ready to let go even for a minute because he thinks she might vanish. Kate has been successfully laid on her grandmother's bed to sleep, the little girl was weighed down by all her sleeplessness last night. Eva didn't need an interpreter to tell her that every single person in the house is angry with her including her little Kate though she can't say it. "Don't worry, I will cut it by myself" Mama refused her offer to cut onions for the food she's cooking for her unexpected guests. She carried the plate that contained the onions and placed it elsewhere without meeting her gaze. "Oh, Mama, I already said sorry" Eva sniffed the sweet aroma of Mama's stew. "Mama, where are you going to put the onions that you want to cut? the stew has onions already," Tyrone asked as he went on tiptoe to see what his grandma is cooking. "Oh, my! Look at my sweet grandson, just as intelligent as his Papa!!" Mama beamed and carried him up to see the food, and ignored Eva as if she is not there at all. "Is Mommy going to eat with us? Will you stay here with us, Mommy?" He asked looking at the two women gloomily. "Of course, I... " Eva started to reply but Mama cutter her off. "Go and play outside with your father and Papa, son" She released him, he looked at his mother for a while as if to certify that she won't disappear before he ran off. "Blame me" Eva sighed and slapped her palms together in apology, "Mama, lash it out on me but please, hear me out" "What is there to say? You and Sam haven't said what I want to hear and don't think you can deceive me with that innocent look, I'm too old to be easily brainwashed" Mama snorted. "Mama, we... We are not having any issues, I went to a client's place to plan her wedding" Eva prayed that she bought her over with that simple lie. "That is your problem, not mine. But if anything should happen to any of my grandchildren, that's when I will tell you everything I have in mind, ogwula!" "Nothing will happen, let me help you with the food nah?" Eva cajoled and eyed her oversize earring, "Mama, this your earrings bu dachi!" She tried a joke on her. "Am not impressed, Eva. Who taught you ibo by the way?" Eva noticed her smiling and trying hard to hide her face from her. "Your son used to enjoy night discussions and he usually says that to me including other words, I just learnt this single one easily" Eva said with a smile. "You used past tense, tell me, don't you guys talk again or doesn't he enjoy night conversation again because the Sam I know has always been like that from childhood" It's true, Mama. You are absolutely right but your Sam barely has time to say goodnight to his kids not to talk of me, nothing exists to him more than his work. Eva was almost pushed to say those words out loud to the knowledge of Sam's mother and let her know that that is the reason why she decided to give him tough time and see if he will neglect his kids. But she doesn't want his mother to have a bad impression of him or misunderstand her. She definitely doesn't want to create another problem for them all. She will handle everything the way she planned it first and see where it leads them. Well, she has to give her a tangible excuse for the truth because Mama, true to her words, has a way of finding the truth herself and Eva thinks she has made a big mistake by using past tense to reference Sam's habit. "No, he has been too busy this few days that we didn't get a chance to be together as before" Eva started and added when she gave her a knowing look, "I am busy too" "I hope so" Mama laughed and patted her chin fondly, "food is ready, I will serve you guys today, so go and bring Sam to the dining room" "Oh, yeah" Eva managed and dashed out of the kitchen, she found Sam in the parlor. He's seated comfortably on a couch and he seems to be sleeping because she could hear his snores, his lips were slightly parted and he looks worn out. Eva's POV I came closer to him and found out that he's asleep, I felt pity for him and the only thing I want to do now is kiss his lips and nestle in his warm and strong arms and follow him to dreamland. I just realized how much I miss him, how did I sleep alone last night? Did I even sleep? I just tumbled over in bed until this morning, aching and yearning for him. It's a different case when he travels, I would have it in mind that he isn't anywhere in this country and a totally different situation when I know he is merely one meter away from me. I hugged myself and wished that he would wake up and tell me that we should stop already, but that is the last thing his ego would let him do, I will so deal with that pride in him. Sam is playful, jovial and fun to be with but when he gets serious, he keeps to every word he says and when angry, he will end up surprising even himself with his actions. He can be stubborn, or maybe, he thinks he is but actually, I can say that is why we understand each other always except for this few days. I know he believes am behaving like this because of what I saw him doing in his office, well, the truth is, I knew everything that happened in there but I just grabbed the opportunity to give him an expensive joke. He worsened everything by filing for a divorce and I will pay him back by giving us space, let him have a little taste of how it's gonna be when we are separated so he will have a rethink. I'm sure last night already did that job but there's something else that's holding him back and I will stop at nothing until he breaks away from it. Seeing how tired and worn out he is, he had a hard time last night and he's sleeping right here because he didn't enjoy his sleep last night, who knows if he slept at all? I almost laughed at the thought but I'd better wake him before someone catches me drooling over him. "Sam?" I called and got no response, someone that sleeps over gunshots would only wake if I kick him. "Imagine, a man as old as he is" I scoffed at him. "Sam!" I shouted and slapped him hard on his lap, he sprang up at once and staggered backwards and landed on the couch again. I stood and watched him as he fought to wake up, I twitched my lips in attempt to hold back my laughter, it hasn't gotten up to fifty five minutes that he came in here and he's already far from London. "Are you okay?" He grumbled when he is settled and I wondered who's supposed to ask the other that question. "You are needed at the dining room" I said and turned to walk away. "I'm not hungry" His words stopped me in my tracks, I turned slowly to look at him, his eyes are closed again and he pasted his left arm on his forehead. "Sam, we had an agreement and your mother is already aware that something is wrong, if I go out there without you, don't you think I will be forced to tell them everything?" That didn't have any effect on him, he didn't move. I went to perch on the arm of seat, I know what is running through his mind but I can't ease him of that stress, he should also learn how to say sorry himself. "Why acting up all of a sudden? I didn't call for this, did I? Well, that's your problem, I'm leaving since you don't want us to join Mama and Papa at the dining" "What... What about Kate... And Tyrone?" He stressed grabbing my hand at once. "They are your children, take care of them and please, don't disturb me again, okay?!" I fused deliberately and stood to walk away. He caught my arm quickly and jerked me down to sit on his laps, "you don't dare walk out on me!" he barked. I could see his anger in his eyes, I felt it and perceived it, but I like playing with fire, because I know this very fire will never burn me no matter what. "And if I do? Get your dirty hands off me!" I fumed and struggled to disengage myself from his tight hold. "What exactly is..." I saw the door open in time and crushed my lips against his, that was a very big opportunity to have a taste of his lips on mine as I saw his mother through the corner of an eye as she smiled and clicked the door close. "Ah! What could I have told her? Gosh, I reckon we should get our a*s up and join them, else we will get caught sooner than later" I commented practically. Sam didn't move, he held me tightly in place and stared intently at my face, I always feel n***d in his eyes and I pictured us making love on the carpet flowers that I worked hard to grew in our garden. "This is not ab_out u_s Sa_m, let's..." My voice faltered as he pulled me closer and brushed his lips on my cheek, our breaths mingled. How long... How long has it been that we sat so close? Just for the fun of feeling each others skin and listening to our heartbeats. How long has it been since we sat in the flower garden, on our backs, watching the stars twinkling in the skies and talking about irrelevant things just for the fun of talking. No! I can't sit around and watch my marriage crumble, I can't let Sam go, never! God knows... God knows how much I love him, I just want him to return to the man I married, that's all. "You didn't sleep last night, did you?" He asked worriedly and kissed the corner of my eye. "I don't remember telling you that I did not sleep" I wore a hard face and pretended that I don't know what he's saying even when he touched the dark circles on my face. "I worked late, I needed to find the right gown for my clients wedding" that wasn't exactly a lie, the difference is that it is actually what I did this morning with that same client. I said that because his hand lingered on that spot as he inspected my face for more signs of fatigue. "Let's join others at the dining, am famished!" He said suddenly as if he got broken from a spell and pulled me up immediately, "let us impress them by holding hands" He took my hand but I withdrew it just at the same time and walked ahead of him, just when I think he is coming around! Wait until you carry your baby to work!
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