Chapter 2: Journey to the Western Empire

1772 Words
After five years, A royal carriage was running through the woods on the muddy earthen path, breaking the silence. The forest was dense at this part. The sky also looked gloomy. It looked like it could break into rain anytime.  A beautiful young lady was sitting inside the carriage. She was wearing a light peach-colored gown with a knot in the front. Her golden hair was tied into an elegant bun, leaving some loose hair on the side of her face. She was wearing a matched pair of earrings. A part of the wheat-designed golden chain was displaying around her neck, the rest of which vanished inside her gown. Her hair and most portion of her face were covered by a huge, beautiful fathered hat. The gloves-covered hands were placed gently on her lap, one after another. Suddenly she heard a booming noise of the thunder, crashing the sky along the path of a bolt of lightning. Rosella looked outside from the carriage window, sliding her curtain a little more to the left. The only thing her mesmerizing pair of ocean green eyes could see was a dark shadow-like evergreen beside the road they were traveling. Though the sky seemed that can be broken on them anytime, there was a strange silence in the forest. She could hardly sense any wind outside. It was the moment before the storm. Their surrounding became darker. Now she could hardly see anything outside. ‘Alas! I haven’t shifted yet,' she thought in her mind. Werewolves were blessed with special hearing and eyesight, but she had seen only twelve summers in her lifetime and hence she had to wait for two more summers. A sigh left from her rosy lips, softly. Her eyes became sad suddenly. So many things happened in past few years and she had hardly any idea about why she was traveling to the western castle along with the alpha king. She stole a glance from the man sitting beside her for once. His light brown hair was combed properly, backward. His dark blue eyes were closed for this moment. His face never showed any emotions. His posture was straight, as always. His hands were crossed near his chest. The gloves he was wearing did not help to hide his long fingers. Another sigh left from her mouth. She was far away from her homeland right now. She must have crossed the border long back. Everything here was unknown to her. She left behind her family; her loved ones, but she did not have the faintest idea why. She could still remember how much everyone was worried about her before she left her home. She closed her eyes for once. “My sweet daughter! Listen to the alpha king. Do whatever he says. That castle is known as a lion’s den. You will find two-faced wolves there. Don’t be provoked by their sweet and charming outer selves. Hope the moon goddess will bless you with all the happiness.”, she could still hear her father’s voice before she left. “My sweet Ro, do not trust, I repeat DO NOT TRUST anyone out there, except the alpha king. Listen to whatever he says. Be very careful, my child.”, she could hear aunt Malesa’s whispers in her ears. She took her mother’s place in her little heart after her mother died. “Listen to me carefully, my sweet princess. No one will be your friend there in the western castle. Do not trust anyone. Take good care of yourself. Do not rely on others.”, even Benjamin whispered to her, patting her head while she was bidding goodbye to him. His eyes looked sad as well. He was an uncle to her and her father’s most loyal man. There were so many things going on in her head. But she could not process what exactly her family was afraid of about the western castle, especially when the alpha king himself was there to protect her. He saved her life once and that was another reason she had to go to the western castle. She felt exhausted. Sleep came into her eyes in no time.    The alpha king sensed the roller coaster ride of emotions that the little girl was suffering from. Finally, he sensed she had fallen asleep. He opened his eyes and looked towards her little torso. ‘So much innocence!’, he thought. Her head gradually slipped towards his broad shoulder. His expression did not change for a bit. His eyes were still cold and vacant, as always. But he was amused inside to see her sleeping in such peace. He could hardly remember when he slept like that last time. When others of his age were trying to control their wolves properly, he learnt to take down ten mature wolves at the same time. When others were staying home with their parents safely, he was forced to fight in the great war. Conspiracy and betrayal were always there while he grew up. The surroundings taught him not to trust anyone, not to depend on anyone. Later, when the war ended, he had to take responsibility for three lands. And now he could hardly find any time for himself after looking after his people. He sighed inwardly. Suddenly he sensed a change in the air. The wind became stronger around the carriage. Along with that, he felt the turmoil in the woods. He closed his eyes for once to concentrate. He exactly knew what was coming. He opened the little window in front of him to communicate with his coachman. “No matter what, do not stop the carriage, Gavin.”, the alpha king commanded. Gavin looked back to the king and nodded in agreement. He could also feel what was coming for them. It started to pour with a crashing sound of thunder. Along with that, something smashed on the roof of the carriage. Rosella woke up with all these noises. She could smell rotten eggs. Fear was written all over her face. “Don’t be scared, little one. I will take care of them.”, the alpha king whispered into her ears. His voice was assuring and warm. She inhaled a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “Do not move and wait for me”, the alpha king instructed her before opening the carriage door. He suddenly vanished in the dark, closing the door behind. Rosella was beyond scared at that moment. Her nightmares became real again. Rogues! The wolves, who had been abandoned by their alphas for their ill doings. Most of them were prisoners who were able to break the prison and ran away. They lived the life of a bandit. They stole from the villages and others whoever passing by the forests near their area and killed others just for fun. They were always merciless. She could hear howling and loud growls along with thunder. The horses started to run faster with the sound of a whip. So many noises outside. She hugged herself and sat there. She could not forget her last encounter with rogues when she almost died. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her body became numb. She was trembling out of fear. She felt so helpless for the second time in her life. How much she wished her father were here, or aunt Malesa or Benjamin. She did not know how long she sat there like that. Every passing second seemed to be an hour for her. Everything became silent abruptly. It seemed that their carriage had passed the storm, and it also stopped raining. But it was still dark outside. All the howling was stopped. There was no other sound that could be hard apart from the running carriage wheels on the muddy roads along with the footsteps of the horses. Rosella became terrified. She started to cry uncontrollably. Her eyes were closed. The door of the carriage opened without any warning. Rosella could smell fresh rain with the hint of mint. She hugged the person as soon as he entered the running carriage. She could sense that all his clothes were drenched and were torn apart in some places. “Hush! It's all right now, little princess,” the alpha king whispered, caressing her back in a circular motion to comfort her. “It’s all over. They can never harm anyone anymore. Calm yourself, little one,” alpha king Edward spoke again. His voice was warm and comforting. Rosella took some deep breaths. Her muscles became relaxed. Then she realized what she was doing. She hugged the alpha king! She pulled away at once. Her cheeks were burning red because of embarrassment. Edward looked towards her with amusement. ‘She is just like a little rabbit in front of a hungry wolf!’, Edward suggested to his wolf, and his wolf chuckled at his words. “Apologies, my king, for my inappropriate behavior”, he heard her saying. She was looking towards her lap. Her big hat almost covered all her face. The alpha king kept silent for a few more minutes before replying. “Rosella, the Western Castle is not the same as your old home. You need to be careful. Lookout before taking each step in the castle. No need to trust every single person blindly. If you need anything, ask lady Minerva or my beta  Lord Aaron, and nobody else. And remember, wolves in the castle do not need to know more than your name. Just your name, not even your family name. From today onwards, you are Rosella from the Northern lands.”, the alpha king said to her in a cold voice. Another warning! From the alpha king himself! Rosella thought. So much was going on around her. Everything changed drastically. She could not answer him back. She sighed in silence. There was an awkward silence inside the carriage, after their last so-called conversation. Rosella started to look outside again. The wood became less dense. After another hour or so, she saw an enormous castle standing tall with pride in a distance, surrounded by a clear and wide moat. This stone-made castle was twice bigger than the one she used to live in. Their carriage stopped in front of the castle. Rosella stepped down from the carriage. She was standing just in front of the huge wooden bridge, that was connecting the land with the castle. ‘The Western Castle’, Rosella whispered in her mind.   
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