Chapter 2: A New Case… Are You Serious Right Now?

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            “Detective Rhodes, a word in my office, if you please.” Captain Akamu rapped his knuckles on the side of her desk as he passed by, a tense smile on his face. It’d been a few days since she’d seen the woman with the pixie cut, rumour around had it that she could see ghosts. Bobbie couldn’t care less about it, rumours had the tendency to go off the rocker after it passed through the second person. It was too early in the morning for all forethought, honestly. What didn’t help, was the absolutely troubled look on the Captain’s face after the woman had left, which only sparked more words of ‘wisdom’. Bobbie was making serious headway on another case, so she’d left the gossip to the older folks of the precinct. The last thing she needed was someone coming in a few seconds before she solved and taking all the credit. It was the main thing that made her angry from working in a new place.  She rocked back on her chair for a least a minute, waiting for the good Captain to settle into his office and close the blinds before following. With a look like that, he either had bad news for her, or really bad news. Bobbie has seen that look every time she’d been assigned a new partner.             Either Captain Akamu was a hard man to be dissuaded, or he’d finally decided he’d had enough of her recklessness and planned to have her shipped back to New York. Bobbie couldn’t blame the man for either choice, she was responsible for half his grey hairs after all.             With a soft knock on the door and a s**t-eating grin, Bobbie strolls in and drops her weight on the chair. “What can I do for you, Captain Akamu?”             “I am genuinely surprised you didn’t go for a dirty joke there.”             “That literally only because your taken, I don’t move like that. Besides, I’ve seen your wife stroll through the precinct once, I’m pretty sure every police officer dived to the ground to avoid her.” Bobbie gave off a mock shudder, grinning more as the Captain broke down into chuckles. From the way she’d noticed the other officers tending to snap into attention with just a glare of the good Captain, they probably didn’t see this side of him often. Good captain, good man, good father, Bobbie respected that too much.             “Yes, she has that effect on most people. Quite lovely to have when you’re trying to get through a crowd.”             “Can’t imagine it feels to nice when it’s turned on you though?”             “Hence, the late nights at the office. Eh no body going to mess with that.” Captain Akamu’s smirked, as if he got the greatest catch and he damn well knew it. Not that Bobbie could blame him, if Haelani wasn’t taken, Bobbie might have given it a chance, but that woman might fry her alive and turn her into one of her homemade malasada.             “So… I assume that this is not a social call?” Bobbie winces as she pulls them back on track again, she really didn’t want to bring up this whole ‘need for a partner’ thing, but she wasn’t going down without a fight. “Because I genuinely didn’t mean to leave Hessie in the parking lot, I honestly assumed she was in the back of the van.”             “I’m sure you did, but no, that’s not what I wanted to talk about.” Captain Akamu’s face grew serious, he definitely didn’t enjoy what he was about to tell her next. “I’m assigning you a new case.”             “I’m sorry, what?” Bobbie blurts out, brain not quite ready to process the words. Captain Akamu’s expression didn’t change after a few seconds, he clearly wasn’t planning to yell ‘I’m kidding, oh the look on your face!’. “Excuse me?”             “Look I know it’s not ideal but-“             “Not ideal? I’m almost done solving this one, why can’t you just hand it off to someone else?” Bobbie gets to her feet, swinging her arms vaguely at where the rest of the office resided.             “Look, I know. But I really think –“             “I am this close to wrapping it up. This close.” She held her fingers together, pacing the office. Reassigned cases weren’t all that new either, they loved seeing her stressed over an unsolvable case. Of course, Bobbie loved seeing the scowls directed back at her when she did eventually find evidence to further the case, but it didn’t mean that she liked the extra work.             “I know and I’m sorry to have to do this, but I just think –“             “No, you can’t just keep reassigning me new s**t when you get tired of the old one. There are so many old people in here that could take a walk outside once in –“             “Do you ever stop talking?” The straight-forward question catches her of guard. Captain Akamu was leaning back in his chair with a hand pressed to the side of his head and an aspirated look on his face.             “What? No. Talking is how I express myself.” Bobbie lets the words fall out, her brain rebooting. In typical fashion, however, she wasn’t keen on anyone else not having the last say.             “Please Rober- Bobbie. Take a seat and listen to me.” He waved his hand with an encouraging smile. She sits, ignoring the fact that she is practically pouting at this point. Oh, how her grandmother rolling in her grave with the level of disrespect she showed on a daily basis. Yelling at her boss definitely took top list.             “Yes, Captain.”             “I’m reassigning you this case be – ah ah ah!” He waved his hands wildly as she opened her mouth to protest like a parent correcting their child. She snap her jaws with an audible click as a form of showing her distaste but lets him continue. “Because, I think only you can handle it.”             “Fine…” Bobbie slouches a little lower in her seat, the best way to get to her was a little praise. She hated it, will never admit it to another soul, but it still got to her. “Continue.”             “This is a serial case that’s been open for quite some time.” He drops the case in front of her, nodding in permission as she flips through it. “It’s been a bit of a cold one, ah before you complain, it still has a few leads. Especially since a couple of the recent missing case seem to have the same M.O.”             “You want me,” She put over the top emphasis on the phase with a little hand waving because the little praise she got was starting to feel like a bit of a bribe. “To pick up on a case that feels like it could rival a brick, that is practically either a cold case or no one has enough brain cells to solve it. Why?”             “Because you’re damn good at your job.” He grins, knowing that she’ll fall for it. Bobbie winkles her nose and c***s her feet up on the corner of his desk in retaliation under the pretence of resting the file on her lap to read. “Besides, this one comes with a lot less strings. You decide how long you’re gonna work it and if it feels like nothing but dead ends, you can just drop it on my desk with no further questions.”             “Fine but… why now?” She got the whole ‘get a fresh pair of eyes on the job’ gig, but why now. If a case this big landed on her lap, there must be more to it than just checking it out.             “We got a new lead as of a couple days ago.”             “What kind of lead?”             “One more the… spiritual side.” Bobbie loved how Captain Akamu could keep a straight face in any situation even as she fell into a shocked peel of laughter. After a while well… she caught on.             “You’re serious. You people just go around taking to the dead?” Bobbie lived in the city, she had no time for this. Yes, she’d heard of people with the abilities, but to use it in a police investigation? What were they going to do, tell the judge they got it from a dead guy?             “Not exactly, but there is someone we generally have to help us out on that side of the world.” Captain Akamu sat back in that way Bobbie knew he was just ready to get a heart inspiring lecture. Fine, if someone like the Captain trusted them was going to take all of this seriously, she’ll at least give it half her attention. And she had an idea who the Captain was giving all this trust to.             “The woman from a couple of days ago.”             “Quite the observation, but yes. Do not think to dismiss her so fast, she had helped us solve dozens of cases.” Okay, Bobbie had to admit that this caught her attention. So, the tiny spice of life that walked through the door not only gained the respect of the Captain, but also really could see ghosts, interesting. Guess not all of the office gossip is a lie, she should start listening more. She really wanted to know if Kaiko was really dating that hot dude from the desk at front, those guys would make the absolutely cutest couple – yes, she was silent shipper, no regrets.             “Fine, but no promises.” She got to her feet, ready to storm out as dramatically as she could.             “And Detective Rhodes?” Bobbie kept her hand on the door, waiting for the rest of the unfinished sentence, “Give this one a chance.”   The deal was simple, the case… not so much. Bobbie cursed, tossing the file in the passenger seat, and watching the time on her dash. It was way too early in the morning to even begin functioning like a human. She was literally only at the precinct to close a case, how on earth did she end up with another instead? Well, the address for the psychic was written on a little sticky note on top, might as well check out a possible lead. It was better than reading through a multitude of dusty paper. Maybe she could even convince the grey headed pixie to trade information in a place where she was legally allowed to get heavily caffeinated.   *********************************************   Florence sighed in relief as she stretched, taking in the silence of the bookstore around her. It always reminded her of being stuck in a lo-fi world and she revelled in it. The lights streaming in from the windows to the side, the AC keeping it just on the side of cool, a cup of coffee on her desk, the muted coloured bean bags in the corner around a short table and a couple of books and CDs scattered around for her regulars. She’d just dropped off Kaleo too early in the morning at school for some morning sports practice for the event coming up in a few days and after watching her vagabond of a son rolling around in dirt for about an hour, she’d left her post lest she embarrassed him in front of all the little ladies and gentlemen – whichever he decided his fancy on, or both, who knows. Now at least she had an hour of peace and quiet before the store were to open to just enjoy her coffee. Scratch that, all those plans are out the window. The door slammed open behind her, and firm voice calling out to her, “Detective Rhodes, I’m looking for a Florence Lowell?” “Excuse me?” Said person whirls around, anger already flaring up to match the level of energy she could feel rolling off the woman behind her. Yea, spiritual empathy was one thing she never bother to get under control, it didn’t make sense to start now. “What is the matter with you? Those doors happen to be very expensive. Does it look like they just grow on trees?” “W-well I mean-“ The detective seemed stunned for a second before daring to send a deadpanned sarcastic note back at her. Florence didn’t give her the chance. “No, just no. You knock on the door like a normal person and then come in.” She huffs, already getting red in the face despite her sun-tanned skin. “My kid has more manner than you!” “Do…do you want me to walk out and walk in again?” Florence had to admit that she admired the detective’s calm and cool posture in the face of her anger, but it’s the recognition that pulls her off track. The silence drags on for a few seconds as the detective takes a step back as if she’s fully intending to walk out and knock. “You’re Bobbie Rhodes.” “Ooo. Did the spirits tell you that?” Florence couldn’t help the scowl that crossed her face for a second, wiping it off hastily as the woman seemed to be genuinely curious. “No, the little manners you had allowed you to announce your name like a decent being.” She shrugs, pointedly rearranging a couple books on the counter beside the cash register to show she wasn’t worth her entire attention. “…and I remember you from Captain Akamu’s office.” “I see.” A disappointed note rang in the sentence. She’s known the detective for all of two seconds and it already feels like she’d dealing with a kicked puppy. “Ignoring your lack of ability to knock, what can I help you with today?” She changes the subject with a s**t-eating grin on her face, “Looking to come in a little early for browsing or is there something in particular you’re looking for. We have books – all kinds, including textbooks – CDs for music and plays, a few on studying tutori-“ “I’m actually here to talk about the recent information I got for a case.” Of course, why couldn’t detectives come by for just books for once? However, Florence was willing to give her a chance because not only did she look pretty new around here considering the still formal ware, but she was rocking the whole look quite fine. “I see, and what could I possibly give you now that I haven’t already given to the captain?” “Human communication.” At Florence’s raised eyebrows, she continued, “I pick up information a lot better with a little one on one conversation. It’ll give me a chance to have a little more in-depth questioning. I hope this wouldn’t be any trouble, Mrs. Lowell.” “Its Ms. Lowell, but you can drop the formality and yes, it’s not a problem.” And there goes her little peace and quiet for the morning. “But I need to open in an hour, that’s all you have.”             “Fine by me. If you don’t mind, can we have this questioner over at a coffee shop.” Rhodes pointed vaguely out the door towards her van with her thumbs, no guilt on her face as a grin stretched across it. Florence glanced at the obvious cup of coffee behind her before rolling her eyes and following the detective out the door.             ‘Arrogant!’ Her mind screamed as she watched a little lower than the back of the detective, ‘but hot.’ She’d humour her for now.               The psychic raised her eyebrowed as she watched Rhodes easily annihilate a second muffin, clutching her hand around her cup of coffee. She honestly thought the detective was a bit of a hard ass, but taking in the crumbs scattered around her face and her coffee dosed with sugar, it felt more like she was dealing with a guard dog with a heart of a puppy.             “So, what do I call you, Detective Rhodes or Bobbie?”             “Bobbie. And you?” She presses a hand to her mouth to avoid spilling crumbs everywhere, Florence wasn’t lying when she said Kaleo had more manners. But she didn’t mind, this café’s muffins were to die for. She’d successfully gained five pounds from them before she promised herself only one a week.             “Florence or Flo. I don’t care either way.” It’s not like she was going to spend long with her new friend. Bobbie washes down the muffin with her cup of coffee and brushes off as much crumbs as she could to look some semblance of neat.             “So… what are your abilities exactly?”             “I thought we came here to talk about the case?”             “We did, but I want to know what I’m working with before I go asking dumb questions.”             “And you’re curious.” Florence deadpanned, raising her eyebrow even higher.             “And I’m curious.” Bobbie confirms, nodding her head gracefully.             “I see ghosts, how much more do you need to know?”             “Yea, but like. Is that it? Are there other things? Do they come to you because they know that you could see them, or you sense a disturbance in the force?”             “Sense a disturbance in the force? You’re the first person brave enough to say that to my face.” The psychic snorts at this, watching the completely serious detective sitting opposite her, “No, I don’t sense a disturbance, but that is a pretty accurate description. I’m your general run of the mill psychic. I get visions, dreams, sense the dead and feel presence of energy.”             “How did you learn about all of that?”             “I don’t know, this doesn’t exactly come with manual.” She sighs, a little tired of being unable to answer that question, “It’s just things you figure out along the way.”             “What about your son, does he-“             “Strictly on me and the case.”             “Fair enough. What’s it like, talking to them?” She redirects easily, raising her hand for another cup of coffee at a passing waitress.             “You honestly don’t notice the difference unless you’re used to it or they’re really messed up.” She shrugs, accustomed to the curious questions she got a lot. Heck, she’d even had his conversation with Captain Akamu when she started going to him with new information.             “How do you sense them?”             “Honestly?” Florence stares into her cup, watching the liquid ripple with the slightest movement, “It like if someone snapped a rubber band just far enough that you hear it and now you’re looking for that person.”             “Huh. You get these questions a lot, don’t you?” She tugs her hair back where it’d fallen in front of her face.             “Is that allowed?’ The psychic points to her hair, knowing that the detective knew very well what she was talking about.             “The hairstyle?” Bobbie grins the usually ‘I know what I have done, and I don’t care’, “Absolutely not, but what are they going to do? I’m the only one taking their cold cases.”             “Fair enough.”              “Can I ask about the grey hair?’             “I have a kid.”             “Harsh.”
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