Chapter 13: Frank

2009 Words
The night seemed to pass so slowly and the apartment was sheer cold. Maybe it was because Jay wasn't here. Has it always been this cold though? Nonetheless, I got through it alone, just like I always had. The city remained busy, and I got up to stretch. There was no breakfast being made, but I did see Jay on the couch snoozing away. "Hey," I tapped on his shoulder. He grunted uncomfortably. "Hey!" I poked him again, "You got to get Khloe remember?" His eyes fluttered open in an unreasonable speed, "What time is it?" "Uhm... 9:30am," I answered. Without another word, he sprung up and dashed into the shower. I was left there just baffled. "Seems like you're looking forward to seeing your offspring," I teased. "She's my daughter," he corrected. Jay peeked from a half-opened door, "And her name is Khloe." That is a surprise. "Hey..." I dragged, "Did anything happen last night?" I asked. "It seems like Anita and I have made progress. I managed to make her feel better last night," he was scrubbing himself profusely. Okay, maybe I do not want to know what he meant by that. "She's going to join us at the beach, so you can go on ahead with that Frank guy," he reminded me. Oh... right. A part of me was excited about having my own choice of freedom today, but a part of me was envious that Jay was also looking for alternative choices for his day. But it is good that he is making amends with his family. I just wondered how the original Jay would've done it differently. When I first saw Anita she was not happy in seeing Javon. But, how the tables have turned. Ding! I rifled for my phone, as I knew it was a message from Frank. Meet me at the pier. We should try the rides. He texted. The pier would be a perfect place. It would be near enough to Jay and his family. Not that I need his help or want to spy on him or anything... no... of course not. I think it would be more proper to be in a public area whether I liked Frank or not. Jay was done with his little bird bath and I rushed past him to take a shower as well. "I'm headed out, remember, press the button if you need me," and I heard the front door close shortly after. I quickly got ready, and took a small backpack with some essentials in it. Apart from having leukemia, I also had a mild asthma condition. I haven't taken it since I was twelve, but anything can happen, right? But he would think I was weird... Nah, I won't possibly need it today. I put the inhaler back and went on my way. Ding! Text from Frank: Will be at the pier, meet you in 20 minutes. I bit my bottom lip in anticipation. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Nothing like the present. I headed downstairs and got on my moped. I gently revved it to warm it up and went on my way. Now the pier was a place that held so many memories, both the good and bad. The good part is that it reminded me of my favorite GTA 5 video game. They really had to have hired a Google Maps employee or something because the game designers had the details to a T! And then the bad memories... I remember back in high school when we came here for a field trip. Cici was there, and she had all the money in the world given to her by her father to buy and ride anything she wanted to. I was able to attend this field trip because the bus was provided by the BOE (board of education), I just had to forge my caseworker's signature, which wasn't too hard by the way. Now thinking about it, I feel guilty for doing so, but I never got to go anywhere while being in the system. I parked and made my way up to the pier where you were greeted by the usual $5 a-cob elotes stand, souvenirs, etc. I looked around for Frank because this place can get packed in a mere seconds. I was walking and stopped in front of the Octopus and Pacific Park sign. I remembered that I was scared to ride any of the rides. I tried to play it off by saying that I have ridden the ones at Six Flags, and they were baby rides compared to that. Cici was not impressed and continued her day with her friends. Frank also rode with Cici and they seemed to laugh and smile together. It was awkward having to follow them in a distance. I had no money, no friends, if getting bullied was the only attention I can get... is it wrong for me to want to seek it? "Hey!" a deep voice sounded in front of me, "You made it." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at a man. And boy, oh boy, what a man indeed. It was Frank! He was wearing a tanked top or what people call "wife beaters"? It clung snugly against his muscles, and he was the perfect shade of tan. His hair whipped along with the wind and his light brown eyes gleamed perfectly as the rays of the sun beamed into them. "So nice to see you Katie, long time no see," he added. "Oh!" I stopped myself from gawking at him, "It has been, how have you been Frank?" "Florida is great! It was scary at first, especially with the whole nation hating on Californians. But, it actually worked out. How about you? You still at the newspaper place?" he had his hands in his front pockets. "Y-yeah," I admitted, "Same old same old." There was a slight moment of silence and then he gestured towards the rides, "You wanna go on any? My treat!" He seemed so nice, but I got to show some independence! "I got myself, but sure let's go on one of them," I agreed. "We are going to go on at least all of them," he corrected. All? That's not at least that's at most! Gulp. "Okay," I nervously submitted. We lined up for the yellow roller coaster ride. There was a couple holding hands a few people ahead of me and saw how happy the woman was to spend time with her man. I nervously looked down at my lonesome hands and then to Frank's. He was oblivious and showed no signs of reaching for mine. No biggie, we are just here as friends after all... When our turn came, we got into our seats. The employee was safely buckling everyone, Frank already did his side and I followed suit. I pulled down on the safety bars and had to suck in my stomach to match Frank's. "Enjoy your ride," the employee walked over to the starting button. I was squeezing, squeezing and hoping I don't die. The anticipation was killing me, and the butterflies in my stomach did not make anything easier. "If I close my eyes it should be fine," I told myself. "If you close your eyes it will only make it worse," Frank looked at me. "Is that a guarantee?" I asked. "We may be afraid of what we can see with our eyes, but true fear comes from what we cannot," he chuckled, "But, be my guest... this ride is not scary." Yeah, for you! I tightened my palms on the bar and took a deep breath. I felt the ride nudge forward, and I had to hold in a squeal. "Relax," Frank placed his hand on top of mine. My mind instantly raced as fast as my heart beat! He continued, "Look at me," which I did, "Let's have a good time. You'll see that it isn't that bad." Okay, I can do this. With his hand reassuring mine, I don't even care if I die! The ride went up, and it looked higher than from the ground. I saw the waves crashing along the shore. The waters were dark and murky, and honestly he was right about fearing what we cannot see. I couldn't fathom being in between those white caps at sea. Before I knew it, the ride made its descent. I was about to scream, only to realize that it was not going at hyper speed like the ones at Six Flags. It was actually pretty smooth sailing! Then came the part of the turn which I was so self-conscious about because of my weight. What if I tip over the ride and get everyone hurt? I guess Frank felt my nervousness and chuckled, "It's fine, if it makes you feel any better, I'm heavier than you." A part of me said that was impossible, but I learned that muscle mass is indeed denser than fat weight. But the ride continued on, and I felt a breath of fresh air hit me. This wasn't so bad after all. The ride continued another few rounds and safely came to a stop. We got down and Frank lifted his shoulders, "What I tell you? It was not scary, huh?" "It wasn't," I agreed. I was thankful that my first roller coaster ride was with Frank. He seemed to be nonjudgmental, and actually really cool. "Now on to the others," he urged while grabbing my wrist. He tugged me forward, and we appeared at the gravity drop one. My eyes widened and I begged for a hall pass, "Can we not do this one please?" He stood there in silence and then nodded, "We can go on something slower. How about the Ferris Wheel?" "That sounds great!" I said, and we headed over to the other ride. Did he just hold my hand? Well... not hand, but wrist? Close enough! I felt those tingly butterflies again, and I couldn't help but form a smile. We loaded into the Ferris wheel pod and felt ourselves being lifted from the ground. I looked over along the beach because Jay was supposed to be nearby. We were going a bit higher and I spotted Khloe and Anita with him as well. Khloe was splashing and having fun. Anita and Jay were smiling and looking at each other endearingly. They're so happy. "So," Frank spoke. I looked back at him, "So..." "Do you have any plans for the future?" he asked, "Or is LA the American Dream for you?" "Well..." I paused, I did not want to tell him I only had three years to live, "I don't know." "If you ever stop by Florida, you should visit. We can see a real beach." It all sounded so nice. He wasn't ashamed of being seen with me. I felt a bit of comfort with him. I guess I had to tell him... "I am going to die in three years," I admitted. "W-wait... what?" he sounded astonished. "Yeah..." I hesitated, "I have leukemia, and they estimated I had three more years before it consumes my cells." "Katie, I didn't know..." he slumped his head in silence. I looked out the window. Great, now he's going to feel sorry for me. The ride paused at the top and I could see the sun making its way through the sky. The seagulls were plucking at fish near the yachts out at sea. Everything seemed to be playing its role, but what was mine? The ride then continued and we made our descent. Frank said nothing the whole time and I figured it wasn't something someone wanted to process when they came back to have a good time. The ride ended, and we headed over to the edge of the pier. He clasped his hands together and looked at me. "I'm so sorry," he sympathized. "At least I can estimate 3 years, some people are not promised tomorrow," I smiled sweetly.
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