Chapter 1: Birthday Party

1297 Words
     (Zaria POV) “Mami! Am I looking beautiful?” I asked while circling in my pretty light green dress. Mami made this dress, especially for me. It’s my 7th birthday and I am very happy because today mommy will come to our house and I will meet with my twin brother, Zurian.  When my mother gave birth to us, she was very ill and that’s why the younger sister of my mother, Aunt Arabella, took me with her and I grew up in her house. I started calling her ‘Mami’ and she really loved me like her own daughter. Sometimes, I missed my twin brother, but then she took me to the elf kingdom to visit them.  She is mated with a vampire. At first, she was not ready to accept this bond, but with the passage of time, she accepted him. His name is ‘Calvin’ and I used to call him ‘Uncle Calvin’. He never mistreated me, but he was not as loving as Mami, but I have no complaints. The light green color is my favorite and Mami designed this dress by herself.  “Mami!!! Please come na! I don’t know how to set this tiara,” I called her and she entered in the room with a broad smile on her lips.  “Let me show you how to set this in your hair,” She said, and started explaining how to set it in the hair perfectly.  ‘Give me another pin,” She said, and I handed her another pin. “And, with this! My princess is ready,” She said, and I jumped in happiness.  “Mami! Am I looking beautiful?” I asked and she gave me a kiss on my forehead. “You are looking like the most beautiful princess I have ever seen,” she said, and I squealed in happiness. “Really? I am sure that mommy will also like it,” I looked towards her and she nodded while combing my hair with her slender fingers. “They will be here in just an hour.  Prepare all the things and you have to come to help me in the kitchen,” she said, and I nodded.  “Mami! Don’t worry, we will finish all the things on time and they will be surprised to see all these preparations,” I said, and she nodded.  “I am going to change my dress. Just come out of your room in fifteen minutes and join me in the kitchen,” she said, and while kissing my cheek, I nodded. I really loved Mami and she was also so beautiful. She stood at 5’4 with fair and flawless skin. Her long platinum blond hair was perfectly matched with her enchanted emerald eyes. She was really the epitome of beauty. Her kind-hearted nature made all the people love her more.  Uncle Calvin was not that handsome but she loved him so much. He stood at 5’8 and had chocolate brown eyes which looked fine with his pale white skin. He has short black hair and he styled it back, which was his signature style.  “Mami! Are you done? I am feeling bored,” I said while holding my flowing dress in both hands and headed, towards downstairs. She was nowhere to be seen. I checked the kitchen and dining hall but she was not there.  “Mami!!! Where are you?” I called again but no answer. My heart started thudding in my chest and an uneasy feeling settled in my stomach. She always tells me when she has to go outside, but today, I started feeling like something is not right.  I headed towards her room because she informed me that she would change first. I held the knob of the door and, with a bit of force, tunred it. The scene in front of me was so unexpected that I let out a  blood-curdling scream. My body started shaking in fright and I ran towards Mami. She was lying on the floor with her hand covering her throat and blood was oozing out of it. A pool of blood formed around her and I looked towards uncle Calvin. He had one bottle in his hands and a large antique blade in his second hand. It didn’t take long for me to understand who did all this.  “Mami!!!” I cried before hugging her.  “Run, Zaria! Run!!!” She whispered with difficulty and I shook my head violently in response. “I will not leave you in this situation,” I said while pressing my tiny hands on her neck to stop the bleeding, but the cut was too big and she had already lost enough blood. “Go away, Child! I have nothing to do with you,” That bastard said while coming towards her and I shouted to stop him. “Noooo!!! Don’t you dare to come near us,” I cried at the top of my lungs, but he didn’t stop. When he was just a few feet away, He stopped. He was struggling to come near us but it seemed like an invisible wall was stopping him. I looked towards him and realized my magic created a shield around both of us. He tried to break it but failed. We heard the voice of footsteps outside the door and he glared towards me before running outside.  “Mami!!! Please open your eyes,” I slowly said. My face was covered in tears, and her eyes  fluttered open.  “I think It’s my time to say goodbye, but you have to promise me one thing,” She said, and I shook my head while crying. “Please! Don’t say it like that. I can’t live without you,” I said and she put her shivering hand on my hand in a reassuring way.  “You have to go back to your parents and always remember that you never ever believe any vampire. They are just heartless creatures. They loved only two things; blood and power. My own mate killed me on the order of the vampire Prince, to get my blood and become powerful. They didn’t love elves. They just need our powerful magical blood to increase their power,” She said while panting hard. I wiped the sweat on her forehead. “Mami!!! Please don't leave me. I love you so much,” I said while kissing her on her cheek. “I love you too and always remember, You are the most powerful Princess of this world,” She said and closed her eyes.  “Mami, No!!!!” I hugged her now cold body but there were no moments in her body. Her heart stopped beating and with this, she left me. The door of the room burst open and I looked towards my mother, Zurian, and my father before losing consciousness. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey, Lilies! I hope you all are fine and in good health. Your most requested story of Prince Logan and Princess Zaria is here. I hope you will enjoy it. Please let me know about this chapter in the comments. I am sure you will love and enjoy this story as well as you enjoyed 'My Triplet Possessive Mates'.It can be read as a stand alone story. I am sure you will love to read all the twists and turns of Princess Zaria. Hold tight and get ready for the ride. I will update this book daily from 1st March, so don't forget to add it to your libraries. I am waiting for your sweet comments and please tell me one good and One bad trait of your Zodiac. Do you guys believe in the Zodiac or not? Answer me in the comments. Enjoy Reading!!!  
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