Chapter 32: Animation Airways

1357 Words

Part VI: Mother May I Chapter 32: Animation Airways Jessie’s POV I was literally sweating. The buck had been a pretty close call. Jamie had fought me mentally to not let me fight it at first. Eventually she let me deal the killing blow. I wiped the sweat off my brow and focused again. I was so proud of her. Only six more tasks to go and she would be back here with me. Dalton and Zack had actually jumped up and down cheering like they were at a sports game when Clementine had used her scrying mirror to describe Jamie and I fighting the buck. Chloe sat with her arms folded, jiggling one of her legs like she usually did when she was nervous. Zoe paced and practised deep breathing. I did not want my friends upset but it was nice to know they had grown to care so much for my Jamie. Zack’s P

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