Episode 13

1821 Words
Natasha's POV: When Cathy left me in that cave, I knew that was the end for me because I'd lost all strength mere looking at our chaser and most of all my ankle just got twisted making me not to be able to make a move. The pains alone got me crying already before that monster would get to me and kills me. I made a mistake for dragging my friends to this place, I never knew there's more to this place than just the pictures I saw on my follower page. I thought here was a beautiful place that won't have bad creatures like what I just saw, but I was wrong . Why would such thing be here? Initally when I saw it I thought is some science lab that students come to visit as part of their experimental classes but I didn't know it was more than that. Even if I should die, let my friends be safe was my only prayers. I shot my eyes closed and winced in pain as my hands trailed to my right ankle. "Are you okay?" I heard a voice asked. My mind must be playing tricks with me because no one could possibly be speaking to me right here and right now. I still left my eyes closed waiting for that thing to get to me and kill me. I felt something touched my hands that was placed on my ankle and I squeal on top up of my lungs in the dark opening my eyes immediately. I heard my own scream becomes a muffle. I then realized a hand was covering my mouth. "Shhhh. Don't scream,I won't hurt you" the voice said calmly in the dark. My muffles subsided and I tried to figure out who it was. For a moment I thought it was Cathy who came back for me just as she had promised, but, listening to that voice speak, it was a masculine voice not feminine. And the hand wasn't as soft as Cathy. My panting became heavier, I was shivering in fear. Did that thing change to a human being?. "Are you okay?" the voice asked again and l nodded so he'll remove his hand from my mouth, thankfully he did. "Who are you?" I blurted flinching from his hold. "I'm Scott" he answered. "Scott? What are you doing here? And where....what....Where... "Its gone". He answered saving me from stuttering. I was about asking what happened to that monster but he answered me before I could ask. "Gone to where?" I asked with furrowed brows. "Let's get you fixed up first then we can talk about that" he replied putting on his torchlight to examine my legs. "Where are you hurt?" he asked. I looked up at him trying to have a better view of his face but the light was directed to my legs. "My right ankle" I replied still panting. He placed his hand on it and rub my ankle gently, I shiver at his touch. His massage came on hard and I grimacein trying to pull his hand off my leg. "Hey hey, just shot your eyes close and think of something or someone that could make you smile and forget that you're in pain right now. Okay?" Scott suggested and I thought of it for a second before nodding. I shot my eyes closed and the first person that came to mind was my sweet younger brother, Ethan. My mind flashback to earlier this morning when we had some little talks and happy moment. His cute face when he met with Cathy, his troublesome face with Trisha, his puppy face whenever he wants my iPhone to play a game on it. I was so deep in my thoughts that I couldn't even hear that Scott was talking to me until he had tilt my chin up before I noticed someone was still here with me. "You're crying. Did it hurt that much?" he asked wiping the tears on my cheek with his thumb. I forced a chuckle out. "No, I'm fine. I didn't felt any pain while you were given me a massage. I was so deep in thought" I replied with croaked voice. "I told you to think of good memories not bad ones that could make you cry, but its like your mind travels down to bad memories. I'm sorry...." "No, I mean, there are not bad memories, there are good ones. The truth is there are so good that I ended up crying because I don't think I'll make it out of here alive to have such beautiful memories again" I replied with a sad smile and more tears stream down my cheek. "Hey don't talk that way, you'll be fine. You're not dying anytime soon,okay?" he said touching my chin and I shook my head at him. "I'm dying. I don't think I'll make it out of here alive. Its all my fault, I shouldn't have come here" I sobbed. He pulled me into a hug and wrapped his arms around me patting my hair gently. "Shhhh. Don't cry. Don't worry. Don't get scared. You'll make it out of here alive. Courage is what you need. And I'm right here to get you out of here alive. Okay?" he assured me. For a moment I felt so safe with his arms wrapped around me. His words sounded so assuring. But I began to doubt how true this might be. I mean where did this angel come from? Could this be all just a dream and I'll wake up and find myself being trapped by that monster I saw some minutes ago? I shivered at the thought of the monster and I guess Scott felt it. "Hey, don't do that. Don't give in to fear. Did you hear me?" he asked and I nodded still hiding my face on his chest. "Like I said, I need you to have courage and faith that you'll make it out of here alive. Do you trust me when I say so?" he continued and the last question got me dumbfounded. That word trust is a big word especially when it comes from a stranger. Should I trust him? What if he's that monster that changes to a human being? No, it can't be, that only happens in movies and books. This is real life, such can't happen. Before I could have a second thought, he already release me from his embrace and tilted my chin to look into his eyes. "Do you trust me?", he asked again setting the torchlight in between us making both of us to have a clearer view of each other. We locked gaze for a momen and I gave a nod, yes, a nod. I had to trust him but with the condition of him trusting me as well which is why I want to ask him this question. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Sure, go ahead" he replied. "Why are you here? Do you live here?" I asked, I wanted to know if he could be of help to me and my friends. My friends? My eyes widens, Bernie and Trish, are they still alive? "Did you hear what I just said?" Scott asked bringing my mind back to our conversation. "Ah, yeah, no. What was the last thing you said again?" I questioned. "I said, I'm here for a research, and that thing you saw is part of my research work. I chose to come here this period of time because for now till next two weeks this forest has been restricted for any visitations or whatsoever. I sneaked into the forest because is the best time to do my research without distractions. They're many interesting things I wish to know about this place." I stared at him dumbfounded after his explanation. "You, why are you here?" he asked. I opened my mouth to speak but the words were hanging on air, I've lost my voice. This forest is on restrictions? "Are you also here for a research?" he asked one more time and I shook my head in response. He shrugs and said, "So, does that mean you're here for a tour?". "We're here for a tour." I corrected him thinking of my three friends. "We?" he asked with a raised brow and I nodded. "Who are the we?". "My three friends. We were all together before...." "s**t!" He exclaimed cutting me mid-sentence shutting his eyes closed briefly and folding his fist. "Why would you and your friends choose to come here today of all times? Do you know the danger you're all in?!" He half-yelled and I gaped at him. "Now where are they?" he asked the most dreaded question and I bowed my head in guilt. "They are not dead right?" he continued. "I really don't know" I answered shakily, the tears were dropping on my cheeks already. "What do you mean you don't know where your friends are?" he yelled at me. "Because I don't know! All of us got here together and unfortunately things happened and we got separated and went to different directions, till now I don't know if they're alive neither do they know if I'm alive. We're all doomed here with the information you just told me. Is all my fault! I made them embark on a journey of no return!" I yelled crying. My sobbed increased as I covered my face with my hands. My friends and I are doomed. Is one thing to lost a map, but is another thing to know that the place we are right now is not safe. "No, no, no, I'm not blaming you for coming here. Here is a beautiful place to visit, I'm just mad that you came at the wrong time. The owners of this forest had noticed some weird things happening here of recent that's why they had to put all tours on hold in order for them to fix it up" he explained. "Weird things like what?" I asked. "Murder cases" he answered quietly and I gasps. I think my heart just jumped out of my chest. "Mur...der...case..?" I choked on my words and he nodded. Murder cases? Murder cases? We're finished. My friends....my friends lives are in danger. "This is all my fault! If anything happens to them I'm to blame for it!" I yelled and emerged into sobs, "Let me just die than to see any of them dead, is going to break my heart." I muffled out hiccuping. This can't be happening, I didn't see it coming. Scott pulled me into a hug and patted my back. "Shhh! Don't say that, okay? You're not going to die, and your friends won't die either, we'll find them alive. I promise you that." He assured me and I sobbed more on his chest.
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