
1081 Words
   “Dad, I’m twenty five, stop carrying me like a pup,” I said, giggling as soon as he put me in the passenger seat of his truck.       “You will always be my little girl, whether you’re twenty five or fifty, to me you will always be a pup” he said after locking my seat belt on. He treated me like a pup and that’s why at the age of twenty five, I still haven’t found my mate yet.       It was only last year, after mother begged him that he finally let me go to the human side and look for my mate. Although it was not a fruitful journey, I learned a lot about humans and how they interact with each other. I sound crazy, but being raised on this island with only werewolves, it’s different from the city. I didn’t realize he started driving until I felt his eyes on me.            “Why are you looking at me like that, dad?” I said, looking outside the window.             “You look just like her. A replica of her, just as beautiful, and if she was still alive she would have been proud of the woman you became and what you will accomplish” he said, his voice small and full of pain. We never talked about my birth mother before, and I don’t ask about her, because Lily was more than a mother to me, she was my friend.        But I also knew she knew nothing about her, and me asking would have made her think she was not doing enough and she was doing more than enough. She made me happy when life was not good to me.           “I do?” I said, shocked. I always thought I looked more like my father.           “Yes, and I’m sorry I never told you about her until now, it was wrong of me. I was afraid you were going to hate me.” he said, looking at the road. His hands were tight on the steering wheel and his knuckles were white.      “Why would you think that? You’re my father, and I will always love you no matter what”        “You don’t know that, maybe your feelings will change after you hear what I have to say. That’s why I wanted to drive you myself to spend this time with you in case you never want to see me anymore”       “Dad, you’re scaring me. If what you’re going to say it’s going to make me stop loving you then don’t say it. Leave things as they are” my blood was running good. I couldn’t think of anything that will make me hate him, but there was that possibility, and I didn’t want to hear about it, or did I?           “You’re going to find your mate, and start your own family and be a Luna of this pack, so, I have to tell you before you hear it from someone else” he said firmly. It was hard for him, but he was forcing himself to tell me whatever secret was eating at him.             “What makes you think I will find him this time?” everyone kept saying I was going to find him, but I didn’t find him the last three times I travelled. What is different now? How is this journey different from the previous ones?          “Because you’re ready, and I’m also ready to step down for you.” that was his answer. His f*****g, stupid answer. But it was not enough for me. I didn’t want to be a Luna. Yes, I wanted a mate, but being a Luna was not something I was interested in, not after what this pack did to me, and unlike my mother Lily, I had no confidence to pull it off.       I couldn’t just stand there knowing they are judging me and hating me, but my parents didn’t understand. They never did.          “I’m not ready, and I can’t be a Luna without an Alpha” I said, hoping this topic will stop, and he would change the subject but as always, I was wrong.           “I know you’re ready, stop fighting your destiny. Your mother and I have already made the decision that as our first daughter, you’re the one to take over the pack while your brothers build theirs. Do you understand?” he said, using his Alpha voice, and my wolf submitted to him.       But not me, because I was angry at him for forcing this on me. Didn’t I have enough on my plate already? Boys had it easy when coming to human mates, but us girls not so much, and he wanted me to add in the picture the part that he’s also going to rule a pack of werewolves.          I looked outside the window, watching as the trees passed by without saying a word. I knew we were going to be at the airport soon and I hoped this was the end of this conversation yet again. I already missed my mother, at least she can put some sense into him.      “Abby? Look at me when I’m talking to you. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to use my Alpha voice”      “I know,” I said, pouting. I knew I couldn’t stay mad at him for long, but I hated that he would make his decisions without consulting none of us. His word was law, and he made sure we all followed what he said, and he wondered why Dominic is… what did he call him? Yes, irresponsible. The boy is only seventeen, of course he’s retaliating.      “We are almost there, and I’m ready to tell you about your real mother” I thought I didn’t want to hear anything about what he was going to tell me, until he said my real mother. I knew it was not good news, and I was scared, but I still gave him a small nod as a go ahead, while my eyes were still looking at the passing trees.          “You have to understand. I thought I was doing this for our kind. I didn’t think Carly will stoop so low, and I regret ever marrying her.” I knew who Carly was, but what I didn’t understand is what Carly had to do with my mother? They never even met.           “What does all this have to do with my mother?” I asked my father, who was looking straight at the road with his face red, and a small tear fell before he replied, crushing my heart. “Carly was the one who killed your mother.”
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