Chapter 7 explaining

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Alpha Black’s P.O.V   I listened to her every word and I was getting angrier with each passing second. I could not believe her pack did this to her, they treated her worse than trash just because she couldn't shift. She was truly beautiful and I could tell that she was a good person just from looking at her. She looked like she wouldn't hurt a fly, so why did they abuse her to the point of near death? When she was finished speaking she started looking around, like she was looking for something.   “Hope, you have a beautiful name and you are welcome to stay in this pack, but I must explain something to you first. You said that you didn't have a cat and you have been in a coma for three weeks, but when you were in a coma the doctor did an x-ray on you to see if you have a werecat.” I said and watched as she held her head down like she was ashamed.   “I’m sorry, but I don't. I’ve tried for years, but I just couldn't shift.” Hope replied, shaking her head, but she was wrong.   “Honey, you do and she is just a late bloomer. You should be hearing her in a few days and then in a month or two you will be able to shift. We need to get you ready.” I said and Hope nodded, but she looked like she was shocked, confused and the biggest emotion I could see on her face was disbelief.    Hope’s P.O.V   I had told them twice now that I didn't have a cat and that I had never been able to shift, but they still didn't believe me, well, I will just have to prove them wrong.   “Hope, you do have a cat and I’m right here, honey. My name is Rachel and I am so sorry that I am late, but what he said is true, I am a late bloomer. The Moon Goddess wanted the right cat for you, but I’m here now and I promise that I will never leave you.” The voice said and my eyes went wide with surprise, but then Alpha Black sat up straighter in his seat and he must have seen my reaction.   “Do you hear a voice? Is she talking to you right now?” Alpha Black asked and I nodded.    “She said her name is Rachel and she said that the Moon Goddess wanted to find the right one for me. She promised she wouldn't leave me. I don't know what to say, I’m shocked. After all these years I finally have her, I just….I just can't believe it. I finally have a cat, I finally have her.” I replied and Alpha Black smiled at me.   “When you are stronger we will need to get you ready to shift.” Alpha Black said and I slowly nodded, still shocked by all of this.   “Hope, don't worry. We will get through this together and everything will be okay. Let them help you, no harm will come to you or I will chew their heads off.” Rachel again spoke to me and I couldn't help laughing at her. Alpha Black looked at me curiously and I just shrugged my shoulders.   “Is your cat talking to you again?” Alpha Black asked and I nodded.   “Yes, she is. It's kinda weird having someone talking in your head and knowing everything about you, but I also like it because I’m not alone anymore. I will always have someone to talk to now.” I replied and he chuckled.   “Yeah, but it can also be really annoying at times too.” Alpha Black replied and I started laughing. I don't think he will ever be able to understand how happy I am right now, he has always had a cat, but I haven't. This is all new to me.   “Are you ready to go and see the pack house? Everyone is waiting to meet you.” Alpha Black asked and I felt myself get scared again. If I said no would I get beaten? I’ve already been through so much and all I wanted to do was be safe and rest. I took a deep breath and sighed. I could do this, I had to do this. I needed to learn to trust someone and well, why not start here, they had already helped me and been really nice to me, so maybe I could try and trust them.   “Yeah, I’m ready, but I’m really scared. I need to get over my fear though, right?” I replied, unsure.    “Just remember that you are safe here, come on, let's go.” Alpha Black said, but I had no idea how I was going to do it. Did they seriously forget that I had just woken up from a three week coma? How could I walk when my legs and whole body were still weak? Alpha Black walked to the door, but Shelly still sat next to me, rolling her eyes and shaking her head at him. I started to laugh, but then Alpha Black turned around to see that we were not following him and he looked really confused.   “Alpha, don't you think it would be best for us to get a wheelchair for Hope, seeing as her body is still weak from being in a coma?” Shelly said and Alpha Black finally caught on to why we were still sitting here.   “Oh….er…..yes. Sorry, I completely forgot. I’ll go and get you one.” Alpha Black replied and walked out of the room. Shelly burst out laughing, but quickly stopped when he walked back in with the wheelchair. Shelly helped me out of the bed and into the wheelchair, putting a blanket over my legs. I was wearing a hospital gown, but I had no idea where my clothes were or if they were even any good. Alpha Black pushed me in the wheelchair and Shelly opened the doors, pushing me out of the hospital and to the car.    “The territory is just twenty minutes away from here, it's really not that far when you drive. Well, when Shelly drives we should get there in about ten minutes.” Alpha Black said and Shelly shook her head as she got into the driver's seat.   “I’m not that bad of a driver, I just like to get to places faster than others.” Shelly replied, as I got comfy in the back seat of the car. Alpha Black closed the door behind me and then got in the passenger seat, quickly putting his seatbelt on. Was Shelly really that bad of a driver? After ten minutes of driving I found out that Alpha Black was dead right, she drove fast and a little crazy. I had to grab the armrest at times and closed my eyes for most of the drive, I felt sick to my stomach and when we finally arrived at the gates of the pack house I opened the door and threw my guts up. I closed the door once I was finished and we started driving up the driveway to the pack house.   “Sorry guys, I’m not used to being in cars.” I said and they both nodded.   “It's okay, Alpha Black used to get car sick all the time when he was younger, until he got used to driving in cars.” Shelly replied and Alpha Black nodded.
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