Chapter 4 running for dear life

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Hope’s P.O.V   I can't believe it, first I’m beaten by someone I used to call my best friend and I’m thrown in the attic and left to die, then Alpha Cole tries to rape me and to top it off I just had to jump out of a three story window. I’m not sure if I’m extremely lucky to have survived all that or if I’m extremely unlucky to have been put through it all in the first place. I can’t believe it, I just can’t believe I just jumped from a three story f*****g window and lived, even with the injuries I already had. I ran as fast as I could through the woods, I didn't know how long Alpha Cole was going to be knocked out, but I had to get away. I had to make it out of the territory before he woke up and caught me because if he caught me Goddess only knows what he would do to me this time. I ran and ran, my feet pounding on the floor, making the branches snap under my feet and the tree limbs break as I ran past them. The deer scattered when they heard me, the rabbits hid and the birds flew away with the noise I was making. I knew I should be quiet, but this was the only chance I was going to get and so I took it. I finally made it out of the territory and stopped when I knew I was far enough away, but then I heard a loud growl as his cat came out of the pack house. He was awake and he was coming for me, but even though blood was dripping down my face I had to keep running. My face and neck were covered in blood, my body was battered and bruised, it ached for air and I was seeing spots due to the head injury. I thought I was far enough out of the territory as I collapsed on the forest ground. I couldn't breath, my eyesight was blurred and then I heard branches snapping all around me. Someone or something was breaking them, whatever or whoever it is was coming right to me.   “Please Goddess, don't let it be him.” I whispered and then I heard heavy breathing. I heard the crunching of bones and immediately knew that whoever it is was shifting into their human form.   “Alpha Black, she's been beaten, but I don't know how bad. It looks like she's been running for dear life.” A woman said, but I couldn't see who it was.   “Shelly, take her to the pack doctors and hurry. I’ll be there in a few minutes. I’m going to find out if she was followed.” A man said and I’m assuming that it was the Alpha Black that the woman mentioned earlier.   “Yes Alpha Black, but have the others go with you, there's no telling who was chasing her.” The woman I now knew as Shelly replied. I felt myself being picked up and then I felt the wind rushing against me as we began travelling really fast. She was running with me in her arms and I was trying to look at her to see what she looked like, but my vision was really bad and I couldn't see right. I felt my eyes becoming heavy and eventually I fell into darkness.   Alpha Black’s P.O.V   Shelly picked up the beaten woman and ran as fast as she could to the pack doctors, while I began to look at where she was lying. She had lost a lot of blood, too much and she looked like she was on the brink of death, but who would do this to her.   “Alpha Black, who do you think might have been chasing her? She looked like she had been beaten within an inch of her life.” Dolph asked, but I just shook my head.   “I don't know, Dolph, but whoever it was really did a number on her. We’ll start here and fan out, search everywhere, but be on guard.” I replied and we began to start our search. We ran the territory for an hour and a half, but there was no one here and we couldn't find anything.   “Come on, there's nothing here. I need to head to the pack doctors and figure out who she is, if she's conscious that is.” I said, sighing. I couldn't tell anyone that she was my mate, I didn't even know who she was. Was she a leopard, a jaguar, a tiger? I didn't know and the only thing I could smell was cut grass and daisies, but I couldn't smell her cat and my cat Drew couldn't either. We need to find out what's going on, but first we need to get back to her. Dolph and I shifted into our cats, ran all the way back to the pack house and when we got there we shifted back into our human forms and quickly got dressed. I went straight to the pack hospital and Shelly was still there, standing outside and waiting for me to arrive.   “How is she?” I asked, but Shelly shook her head.   “Alpha Black, she has three broken ribs, her head was busted open and it was quite deep. She has lost a lot of blood, but her whole body is covered in bruises, it looks like whatever happened hasn't just happened tonight, it looks like it's been going on for a long time, maybe even years.” Shelly replied, but she looked like there was more she wanted to say.   “What is it?” I asked, but then she sighed.   “Alpha, it….it looks like someone tried to have their way with her, but thankfully they were unsuccessful. She’s….she’s in a coma and the doctor has no idea when she is going to wake up. You can go inside and see her if you want, they have put her in the third room on the left.” Shelly replied and I could feel the anger bubbling up inside of me. Who the hell would do such a thing?   “Thank you Shelly, you can go home now. I’ll update you if there are any changes in her condition.” I said and Shelly bowed her head to me.   “Yes, Alpha.” Shelly replied and walked away, leaving me in the hospital.   Shelly’s P.O.V   When I saw that poor girl lying on the forest ground I didn't know what to think. I knew she was hurt badly and I had to do something, I couldn't just leave her there. When Alpha Black told me to take her to the pack doctors I was so relieved, there was no way I could leave her out there, not in the condition that she was in. The poor girl had been beaten to within an inch of her life, nearly raped and yet she somehow managed to survive. She was in a coma now, but who knows if she will make it through the night or not. Who would do this and why?
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