All I have is time

1685 Words
My last first day of high school. It was exactly as uneventful and unpleasant as I was expecting it to be. Sometimes I wish I could just stay at home all day and sleep. I can't even remember the last time I slept really well. Actually now that I think about it I realize it was probably during the summer break around 2 years ago. I miss the vacation already and it literally just ended. I have no idea how I'll be able to manage waking up for school every day. Why can't it be Christmas already! Oh great, I left my phone in my house. Geez, now the walk back home will be a nightmare without music. 45 minutes of silence... Ugh... I can't wait to get this over with. Maybe I should wait for the bus. It would get me home faster but I've hated traveling with public transportation ever since one time somebody stole my wallet. Not to mention how everyone just walks all over each other and if I even set my foot on that stupid yellow monstrosity I guarantee my new shoes would be completely ruined in an instant. Uh-uh now way. I paid way too much for these to let them become filthy on the first day I've worn them. Now that I think about it walking doesn't sound all that bad. Besides this is better for the environment. Well technically the bus will still go even if I'm not on it so I guess I'm not really helping anyone by not traveling with it. I wish I hadn't come here at all. It's not like anything interesting happens on the first day anyways. If mom hadn't dragged my ass to school I would probably still be sleeping right now. That reminds me, I already miss my bed. As I was entertaining myself with these thoughts from the corner of my eye, I noticed someone crossing the empty street, whom I soon recognized as my classmate Jordan. He had his headphones on while he was head bopping to the song he was listening to. All of a sudden his bag opened and some of the books fell out which didn't surprise me in the slightest considering how clumsy he had always been. That was one of the few qualities I disliked about him actually. That fool is going to get himself killed one day – I thought to myself as I watched him slowly pick up his books  that were previously inside his beg. I was thinking about lending him a helping hand but he was too far away from me, by the time I would arrive to where he was in this exact moment he would have already picked up his belongings and left and I'd be stuck in the middle of the road awkwardly all by myself so I changed my mind and continued on my already established route where the destination was my sweet sweet bed. I looked at Jordan one last time just to make sure he was fine and it seemed like he had everything under control. That is until I set my eyes on the truck that was about to make a turn and squash him. My heart stopped beating for a second as I started running towards him with full force. "Jordan!" I yelled. "Get out of there, you moron." He didn't even flinch before he picked up the last book and put it in his backpack. He then finally turned towards the car while his face became filled with terror and panic. "Nooooo!" I screamed seconds before the vehicle was about to crush my classmates body and held my breath for a few moments while simultaneously closing my eyes shut very tightly. I couldn't even dare to open them as my breath became even more unstable and I lost my balance. However I soon regained my consciousness once I realized there was something wrong. I couldn't hear the car crash. In fact I couldn't hear anything at all. This wasn't the usual sort of silence either. Even the birds weren't tweeting any longer. It sort of reminded me of the last winter. I recalled the night when it snowed. That was probably the closest thing that I could compare this to. But that wasn't quite it though. This wasn't just silence. It was more like void, a... a vacuum. There was no sound at all. At first I assumed I had lost my sense of hearing so I quickly touched my ears as I gasped for air but I soon realized that was not the case since I heard the sound of my own breath. I slowly reopened my eyes and swiftly ran towards Jordan to check if he was okay but what I saw made me fall on my butt. He was frozen on the spot like a statue. His face was covered with horror and fear. "Jordan, it's okay." I tried to calm him down once I stood up. "The truck stopped. You're okay." My classmate didn't even blink. I waved my hand in front of his eyes in order to snap him out of this state but he was not budging at all. "Is this a prank?" I sighed before rolling my eyes from annoyance."Ha ha, very funny." I added a sarcastic comment. "You can stop acting now." There was no response so I continued. "But wait, if this is a prank than how'd you get the truck driver to do this with you? You must have paid him a lot. Sheesh, all of this for just one stupid joke? C'mon it's not funny. Snap out of it!" "Ugh, stop stalling already." I said angrily before poking him. There was no reaction from him yet again. This was when I started getting worried since I noticed he hadn't blinked the entire time I was having this conversation with him. Well actually it was more like a monologue if I'm being exact considering he didn't even bother replying. "Don't make me do something you're going to regret." I threatened as I placed my thumb and my index finger on his arm. "I'm gonna do it! I know how much you hate it when somebody pinches you." He remained the same. "Now you're asking for it!" I gripped his flesh between my finger and the thumb tightly and sharply. Still nothing. "Oh wow, you're really committed to this, aren't you? You're such an i***t!" I proclaimed before turning my face away from him and looking at the opposite direction. That was when I realized what was actually going on. I couldn't believe it at first so I went and checked the asphalt if there were markings from the truck's brakes but there was nothing there. There was no way the vehicle that was moving as fast as this one would have been able to stop without leaving at least a few marks on the street. This wasn't a prank. It couldn't have been. And the birds that were stuck in the air on one spot proved it. The time had stopped moving. I looked at Jordan's watch which was also frozen in place. I even slapped myself in the face just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating and it hurt like hell. This was most definitely not a dream. I would know. I've gotten pretty good at distinguishing between the reality and the dreams since I spent most of my free time sleeping. I was an expert when it came to that stuff so there was no doubt about it. I somehow managed to pause time which was admittedly very impressive but also extremely terrifying. As I was deep into my thoughts I started walking back and forth before I almost bumped into Jordan. "Oh sorry, I almost forgot about you." I stated before wrapping my arms around his waist and lifting up his body to place it on the sidewalk out of harm's way. Saying that out loud makes it all sound rather easy but trust me, it was quite a struggle. He was a bit heavier than I anticipated so carrying all of that weight was definitely not simple. Not to mention I was certainly not a bodybuilder by any means so after I was done with all of that my spine almost broke in half. I gave him one last glance to make sure everything was in its place. "There! Now you're safe and sound." I smiled and patted his shoulder. "Okay now, time, unfreeze!" I ordered. To my surprise nothing happened. Jordan was still a statue. "Time, resume!" I tried again. "Oh f**k, how do I do this again? Wait, no one gave me a manual for this thing. Um, hello, whoever's in charge of whatever the hell this place is, do you have a guidebook or like a handwritten list of instructions or something?" Shockingly there was no response. "Uh, how rude." I crossed my arms frustrated. "You guys have no manners. Zero! How dare you treat your honorable guest like this. Do you have any idea who I am? Well technically I haven't really done anything noteworthy yet. But that still doesn't give you permission to act so rudely in front of me. I'm still a human being, you know. I have feelings too." These absolute buffoons were still silent. "Oh my goodness, this is just ridiculous, simply ridiculous." I complained. "I am calling the authorities immediately." I reached down in my empty pocket. "Oh shoot, I left my phone at home." I let out an exaggerated sigh before growling quietly. "How do I get out of this place? Hello! Chop-chop, is anyone there? Ugh, this is the worst customer service I ever had the displeasure of enduring. You guys are definitely getting a one star review after this obnoxious stunt you just pulled. We'll see who'll be laughing in the end." Still no reply. "Eh, you know what I'll figure something out after I take a nap, preferably a really long one. Let's get the course back to our original destination – my bed! I'll deal with this mess later."
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