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Joshua Dean -26 years old. He is an office worker who can almost always be seen with glasses, a pressed suit, clean black shoes and a suitcase. -He is very rarely confrontational. As much as possible, he wants to avoid conflict and live a quiet life, which is why he likes to abide by his rules and his routine, living by the words "there is harmony in structure." -family: two living parents who don't live together, but are not divorced. Daniel Reynolds -wavy black hair, dark blue eyes -28 years old. He owns the large house after inheriting it. He rents it out because his career as a writer hasn't taken off and he needs to pay bills, although when asked, he says that it's because he thinks living with people is more fun than living alone. He can be a slob, with his papers and books always all over the place. Because he is too lazy to clean up his own room, he ends up in other people's space. -He is generally energetic and carefree, especially when he is trying to procrastinate from writing his book that has been years in the making but is barely halfway done. -family: has a younger brother he hasn't spoken to for a long time Jane and Gary -A couple that has been living in the house for three months prior to Josh's arrival. They eloped from home a year ago and have been moving around and working random jobs ever since. They chose to live in a houseshare to save up money to get a place of their own in the future. Jane works at a zoo gift store while Gary is a musician working gigs. -They are generally harmless, but they can be quite affectionate even in public spaces and Gary can be chaotic and overprotective. With Jane being 23 and Gary 22, they often start drinking events or conduct parties at the house. Dustin Reynolds -short black hair -20 years old. He is Daniel's second cousin who is still in college. He is a "cool" and youthful boy who is confident with himself, always surrounded by his group of friends and always playing loud music. He has been living with Daniel since he turned 18, however he doesn't have a close relationship with him, and always rebels whenever Daniel would try to act like his older brother. -almost always on his phone, and almost always starting a fight with Gary Wells (Richard Wellton) -Brushed back dark brown hair -25 years old. A seemingly quiet and serious guy of very few words. No one knows exactly what he does for a living but since he has a big build and a slightly scary looking face, his housemates secretly think that he is a hit man or someone from a gang.
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