The Zoo part 4

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Dustin wasn’t sure of what he had just witnessed. It was the most he had interacted with Wells, but it only left him with more questions. For instance, was Wells actually a human being capable of showing emotion? Who was that fancy woman with her own personal assistant and photographer? Why was she calling him Richard and why did Wells so obviously move her away? Was he actually living a double life like in one of Dustin's crazy speculations? The questions were endless, and it didn’t seem like he was about to get any answers from Wells at any point in time. It wasn’t as if anyone else in the house knew the truth either.  Daniel had prided himself in choosing tenants out of instinct—one of the main reasons why the house is always in a disarray—and he admitted he barely knew an ounce of information about the man, except for the fact that he was able to pay for rent. Gary had tried countless of times to become close with the guy, but he had also failed continuously. He did the tough act with Wells and that didn’t work, and now he was trying the chummy approach and that’s not working any better either.  Josh certainly was more clueless than the rest of them. It was only Jane—admittedly everyone's favorite “little sister”—who had succeeded in trying to get something out of Wells. But even that was limited to little things like running an errand to buy towels for Josh's welcome dinner, or convincing him to check the house's group chat at least once a day.  Given all of that, it seemed as if it was Dustin who had finally been able to see a tiny little bit of a glimpse into Wells's life because of a complete coincidence. Not like he was actively trying to pry. In fact, Dustin could barely give two shits about the guy since he had problems of his own. It was more of a… “curiosity." And who could blame him when every time their paths cross, Wells always seem like he's hiding a deep dark secret? At least, that's what Dustin thought to rationalize why he had spent the entire three minutes back to the aquarium thinking about someone else; for as much as his second cousin prided himself for being a “people person,” Dustin had pretty much accepted that he was the opposite.  By the time he reached their seats, he focused on the other egg heads occupying them—one who was chatting the new guy’s ear off about the “wonderful life in the deep dark waters.” Dustin had to hand it to Josh—the guy was good at pretending to listen and care about Gary's ramblings. “Oh, here comes the dolphin lover,” Daniel said with a teasing tone. Gary stopped midway of his sentence and turned around so fast to look at Dustin. The excitement in his eyes was apparent at the sight of food, while Josh's showed that of relief. “You’re just in time. They're delaying the start of the show,” Daniel let him know before he stopped and frowned at Dustin. “What’s with your face?” “I think I just witnessed something weird,” he replied, “but I don’t know how to explain it.” “Then save your words, good sir, and hand me my food,” Gary impatiently pulled him down to sit so he could take some of the bags from Dustin’s arms. “What took you so long, anyway? I’ve been starving!” “We literally ate on the way here, Gary,” said Daniel, which did nothing to slow the man down.
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