Chapter 2- Fox Eyes

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I was literally dreading Monday. But when an alarm I was certain I had not set went off and sunlight peaked through my curtains I knew it was Monday morning. I should have been creating content with my friends today. I should have been hanging out with them or trying out that new burger joint. I should have been building my body up for swimming or coach was going to kill me. How the f**k did my life come to this? “Maman,” I gritted out her endearment begrudgingly as I got out of bed and turned off the alarm. I walked into my en suite bathroom and reached the cabinet for my toothbrush. Having an en-suite bathroom, a large pool and living lavish was enough to describe my lifestyle. I was extremely privileged. My father came from a long line of Politicians in France. At the moment my Grand father was Prime Minister and my Grand mother was also a Minister, having worked in other lucrative positions. The Bancrofts were a household name for over centuries, dealing with hotels. They had them in 15 countries in Europe and my dad had brought up the brilliant idea of expanding to Great Britain and mostly America, hence the reason we live in Los Angeles. The Bancroft hotels was an international and multi billionaire enterprise. Paris was famous for our fashion brands and for the Bancrofts. We were distantly related to the English monarchy too. If anyone told me 11 years ago that my father was a crazy rich man I would have never believed it. Maman’s family was insanely rich too. My Grand father from her side was a household name in cereals and my grand mother also came from a line of politicians too that owned churches. Maman told me that Delyse, Dad’s Mom and her mom Avelyn had been best friends since they were kids so they were extremely happy when their own children got married. I also had one thing that many rich kids did not have. A stable and happy family. We were never ridden with bad luck and although we had friction with a few of our relatives we were fine. My life was a fairy tale and was extremely easy and most times I was shamed online for coming from my own family. Sometimes they shamed me for my grand parents because not everyone liked them in the ruling government and sometimes it was my general lifestyle. The problem with people was that they could never see someone prospering and be happy for them. They believed we never worked hard for anything and diamonds were shoved up our asses ever since we were born. The constant shaming made me feel bad until my parents spoke to me about it. They said we should never feel bad about being privileged and never let anyone shame us for being rich because there was nothing glorious about suffering. But then they explained further that as privileged people it was our job to help out the people who did not have opportunities to become great. My parents had so many NGOs under their name and helped the society in so many aspects. That was the part that the internet never saw about us. Maman said it was best we did not have to say anything about our charity because it only meant that we were trying to seek human gratification. At the end of the day people figured it out on their own and the trolling stopped. Later I figured that when you became a household name everyone would stop caring and over the years I stopped receiving death threats for who I was. Still no matter what, I would never stop being grateful and giving back to the society that built up the money I have. Again, I was living a fairy tale. I just did not have a princess. Maybe I wanted one, maybe I did not but I was just extremely curious. I sighed, brushing my fingers through my curls and unconsciously scanning my body for any abnormalities. Seeing nothing I spat out the toothpaste and hopped into the shower. Today was going to be a long day. ********************** I had tried and failed at three restaurants. At the first restaurant I was harassed by crazy fans, at the second they were extremely rude to their employees and at the third there was just so much noise and customers losing their cool as they recognized me. I wish I could be normal again. But I chose this lifestyle all because of a reason that I could not even remember anymore. I could not wait to hear what bloggers had to say about me working at a restaurant. They would definitely weave some bull story about me going bankrupt. Driving down the street, I spotted a nice little cafe. It was extremely homey with nice little potted plants on the outside. Something about it rung bells from my childhood, back then when Maman opened her first cafe. I started to weigh the pros and cons of working at a cafe rather than restaurant. For one cafes were always less busy and it would take a while before people found out about my punishment. Two I would definitely feel at ease there because it was never too busy with customers. “Well, let’s get into it” I said, taking off my AirPods and setting them back into their case. I stepped out of my car and made sure to lock it before walking to the entrance. There were faux leaves hanging around the glass barricades to the cafe but it did not extend to the main glass door. Stepping in, I accessed my surroundings. The cafe was bigger than I thought it to be. There had to be at least 20 tables in here with a long booth by the side. The painting was a warm homey green with little cream simple shapes drawn or plastered across it. The room had a deep woodsy scent alongside the smell of freshly baked bread and food. The tables and booths were a darker green but it still had a touch of home to it. Maman would love this place. Everything was antique and slightly old fashioned. I loved it. There was a brass horn vintage phonograph playing a few piano pieces I recognized for I was well accustomed to it. Those were composed by French men. I immediately felt at home here. No way in hell was I going to leave this place. The customers seemed to have a similar age group of more middle aged and senior citizens. They all seemed nice. My assessing eyes roamed towards the service point, to the cashier and finally to the girl Taking out a tray that seemed to hold an order. She was tall. She had extremely slim long legs even though a green apron with leaf imprints covered them from the knees. If it was not on a runway I had never seen a lady nearly six feet in my everyday life. I mentally thanked my luck I was 6’4 and would easily tower over her. Unfortunately I did not see much of her face but only an extremely decent looking side profile. It was perfect. Sighing, I walked towards the counter so that I could request for the manager. “Good afternoon and welcome to Ally’s Cafe. How may I help you?” The guy behind the counter said a little over enthusiastically with a bright smile on his face. He was honey in complexion and seemed to be wearing make up because I could see the highlight on his nose and cheeks. His eyebrows were very much micro bladed. When I smiled at him, he blushed. I just knew he was gay. He seemed very nice but too bad I was obviously straight. “Yeah I really don’t want to get anything. I would like to speak to your manager” I said politely, smiling wider at the thought of working with him. He seemed very nice and friendly. “Is there a problem? Bad service? Or the call button does not work at your table?” He rambled. “No no. I just want to get a job” I answered. Suddenly he gasped loudly and slapped his hand over his mouth with the most comical dance Of his eyes. This guy is killing me. “Are you for real? A job? But your jacket is so expensive!” He went on. “It’s thrifted” I smiled politely. To be honest I really was not sure but I always found myself talking down on things people compliment about me. “Sorry mate, all the job positions are taken” I turned towards the feminine voice and pressed my lips. It was her again, the tall girl. God, she was beautiful. The typical LA girl look was a balayage hairstyle, lip fillers and faux freckles. I did not think it was bad to adjust the few things you could not bring to love about yourself. But at the end of the day they all were just trying to look the same, ** model vibes. She was very different. Her eyes were wide yet slanted, roaming and alert. The color was piercing icy Gray which meant it was a little bit of ice blue and gray. Very interesting eyes. I had never seen any shape like it. Her cheekbones were high and she had an extremely impressive jawline, almost as though she was working for it. The freckles scattered across her small pointed nose gave her serious face a touch of childishness. The lips that laid underneath were small yet plump and a very deep pink. Her hair was noticeably dyed platinum blonde and short as they were arranged in extremely neat finger waves. It was so pretty I thought it was made for her. God, she was so unique. She was giving me 70’s aesthetic vibes with her hair, all she needed was a shiny lip gloss and a trench coat to travel back to the times of Peaky Blinders. “Is there anything else you want?” She narrowed her pretty eyes at me. God, why so pretty? Memorizing her features was giving me a headache and I honestly wanted to keep staring but she seemed impatient. “The manager. Please,” I added. “But-“ “Alright just let him Beks, the guy has begged” She turned and gave the cashier guy a dirty look but he stood his ground. I mentally thanked my luck I was extremely nice to him. “The job was for Perez!” She argued. “At least let him have a shot” the cashier guy argued back, his eyebrows narrowing at her. It was quite comical the way he had to look up at her because she was notably taller than him. “Fine.” And with that she walked away. “Sorry” The cashier guy apologized. I needed to stop calling him that so glancing down briefly, I saw his tag. Eric. “It’s fine” I shrugged. “No she’s on her period. She gets scary like that. Don’t tell her I told you that,” he whisper shouted. I snickered and coughed awkwardly as I attempted to hide my laughter. Eric keeps catching me off guard with his humor. I could enjoy his company while I was not going to be hanging out with my friends the rest of the summer. Reiner was going to hate getting replaced but he’ll understand. As I waited for the manager I hoped secretly I was going to get the job. I already felt at ease in this cafe but the only thing I hoped was that the girl with the Fox eyes did not actually hate me and was just having a bad day. For some stupid reason I could not make out, I really wished to be in her good books.... ******** Don’t forget to leave a comment :) Also, don’t forget to follow my f******k Page @Amandla M reads! I leave update notify, new book alerts, I ask questions and share my thoughts on my books :)
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