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Moon woke herself up in the darkness still. It was not comfortable, but at least she was all alone, with her thoughts. She could cry all she could and no one would see her. It was cold in that dark room. Her eyes got used to the darkness but she still could not see much. Except that the room felt small and it smelled humid. It was not bad for a dungeon, it felt more like the "royal apartment" dungeon from Shiran. She was used to it, as she trained with her brothers for so long, fighting the hunger. But now, she was not near her brothers. She was all alone. What should she do? Survive, in the first place. What was needed for her to survive? Well, she needed information about the world. More information than she already knew. At first, she needed to win their trust, and that would mean she needed to obey their rules. She did not need it to like, she only needed to survive. She tried to reach Tiger, but the space mind seemed empty. Quiet. Not there anymore. That was not possible. unless they were all dead. Her entire body shook. No, they could not be dead. She was only too far for the connection to be established. That had to be it. She could not believe what situation he was in at the moment. A few moments ago, Xande and Shade smiled at him with love, and the next moment Kaion grabbed her like that and dragged her after him into this world that didn't even make sense to his sister, who was born and lived here. part of her life. And this... her eyes were already used to the darkness of this cell. What was she to do? She did not fit in here. She was a free spirit and other was no way she would ever let anyone oppress her. Never! She would rather die. But as much as she was used to the silence, she could never appreciate it. Having so many little brothers and sisters, they were always doing things and yelling their opinions and having fun all the time. She was already missing that. She was the elder princess, the closest idea they had to their mother and she was gone now from their life. What would they do? How would they grow up to be? No, she shook her head in the darkness of the room. She had to build a replica of that portal here, somewhere safe. But in order to build that, she needed permission and tools, and materials. Who would give that to her? not who, but why, was a better question. Why would these people give her anything, to build that portal and bring back her army in order to conquer them? Of course, she was not interested in this stupid ugly world, but why would they believe her? This was as beautiful to them as her world was perfect in her eyes. So why would these people give her the proper materials to build that gate, in order to go home? She could not come up with a good reason. Going home was only what she wanted, the rest, they did not care less. She tried to feel the mind link again. Nothing. It was only an empty space here. She could not feel them anymore. She felt all alone and that was scary. What if her mother reached these lands, then how would that work? Was she that far away that she could not feel her? The distance was not helping the mind space, it was an obstacle if the two person connected were apart, miles away. They could not reach each other by the mind link. Was it that case? Were her parents alive? How could she find out about this? She had to make these people like her. She had to do something to win their trust. But what? The cell door creaked open and Kaion entered followed by a servant with a food tray in her hands. -Good morning, Princess. How did you rest? He asked her with a strange shine in his eyes, that Moon could not understand. Was he mocking her now? Of course, he was. She was his prisoner. he made it very clear. Now, what did he want? -What do you want? Moon asked him almost bored, but she was rather exhausted by the night she spent worried herself until she managed to fall asleep for a few hours. Or maybe they were just a couple of minutes, she could not really tell. -Now, Princes, this is not the way to treat someone that is thinking to bring you food instead of letting you starve here. Is it? Kaion made a sign with his hand and the maid moved into the room, bringing the food in front of the prisoner. -She is Luana. This was Senere's maid and I thought you could use someone to help you out with whatever... you women need to do while you are here. She is costumed to serve a princess and you could use a friendly face here. He thought...? He thought she would need a friend here? No, she did not! She only needed to go home!!! -I am not hungry, she managed to say but looking at the food and smelling it was so good, that her stomach betrayed her. That made Kaion smile. -That is fine, you can starve yourself as you wish. But you will not dare to accuse me I have treated you wrong. Here is the food, take it or level it, he made a sign for the servant to place the tray on the ground. That food smelled good, but she did not want any. She just wanted to go home, he sure could understand that, right? -I need to go back home, she looked at him deciding not to look at the food, because if she would have, as she was starving, she would have eaten it and she did not want to. -You can not. He spoke so easily and firmly. -You can not keep me here, we helped you get back home. I need to go back, I can not stay here, this is not my home! You can understand that, can you not? -There is no way I can send you back right now. We have no portal here... -Help me build another replica then! Just like we built it in my world. She raised her voice, speaking to him just as firmly as he did. That was a leader's attitude, Kaion thought. But he could not help her. Because the moment he would get her out of the dungeon, with her big mouth and ignorance of his world, she would get herself in trouble. Now, he knew his father was not a patient man. He could just make her a servant and discipline her in his bed. And only that thought was troubling enough for Kaion. He did not know why, but he could not think of that Goddess being disciplined in his father's bed. He shook his head at the dreadful thought. -I can not get you out of here until you learn how this world works. You have spoken in front of the king, and that we consider disrespectful. You can not disrespect a king, princess. Not here. He could have executed you. He is not your mother, therefor, he owes you nothing. Until you can understand that, you will stay in this dungeon and learn to behave properly, so the next time you met him, you will not act like a fool in from of him. You are nothing here. i am the Royal Blood. And for now, because of how you behaved in front of the king, I can not make any move. -I can stay here anytime as long as you go build it. -Right, as if I don't have anything better to do, as a Crown Prince, no? You have no idea how far behind I am with all my duties, because I have been spending that holiday in your world, but what would you know about the crown duties?? -I know enough, because, besides those duties, I am also the closest thing my little brothers and sisters have right now as a mother and I need to go back home! Kaion looked at her and kept quiet. She was so beautiful when she was mad. But she was right. He also needed to consider something else. So when the king of the shadows along with that Lord commander of hers entered the portal, where did that bring them? Where were they? Nobody could hear anything out of the ordinary that could have to happened ever since they were missing. And they were not really the people who would stay quiet and not draw any attention, right? So that was interesting, that nobody said anything, nobody asked anything. -I am trying to see where your parents have entered Zicon, but so far I found out nothing. -What? -It is strange, actually. As if they did not land on this planet. Nobody knows anything. Or... they might be dead already. -No!! They can not! Moon whispered between her teeth. It could not be, she could not accept that. -Thing about it. You do know your mother better, would she stay hidden for months without drawing attention? Without nobody finding out she is not one of ours? -What are you going to do when you will find them? Moon asked him. Kaion looked at the princess that was losing the color from her cheeks with every word he was saying. He was telling the truth. Her eyes getting bigger and bigger. He knew it was hurting her, but it was the truth and she knew it just as he did. He did not want to hurt her, that was just the truth. It was intriguing, though, where could they be, nobody knew. Maybe, there were more to these portals that they did not know about. -That is not for me to decide, but for the king. We can not have two Warchild kings in this world, as you well know it about the danger of the Royal blood. As for now... He made a sign towards the girl and she bowed, understanding him without any other words. He left and just before he got out of the door, he made sure the prisoner could hear his last words: -I would try to learn the laws first, this is a different world than the one which you are used to. Pay respect to the ruler, or it might cost you your head. Just like my brother, Baka, right? He slammed the door behind him, leaving Moon frozen in the spot.
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