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The female king looked small, too delicate for such a position, and she looked a little fat compared to the goddess ... ooo, yes, goddess, how had he forgotten about her? Again he caught him in her nets like a mermaid, and took him with her into the world of dreams, extracting him from reality while he fully felt an elbow in his ribs from his trusted man. Everyone was looking at him and seemed to be expecting something from him. Hell, what had they asked him? That he wasn't careful ... that female is dangerously bad ... to distract him like that ... seriously ... That was not good at all! He realized everyone was waiting for an answer from him and he realized he had no idea what he should answer because he heard no question. Damn females... -Sorry, I was distracted, what did you ask me?  At that moment everyone looked at him, not knowing how to react, and after a moment of silence, the man in front of him asked him again: -Who are you? And who are you looking for? -Ah, I'm Kaion. I came here to look for my females.  -To look for what?  -What don't you understand, dog, females!  The man in front of him looked down on him disapprovingly.  -And, why are you looking for ... these females of yours on our lands? Did they run away from you?  It was Kaion's turn to measure the stranger, unable to believe his impudence in responding to him. But, of course, he did not know who he was. -Ha, ha, ha, funny. I am Kaion of Warchild, from the House of Warchild! Treat me... -YOU WILL BE TREATED AS I CONSIDER TREATING YOU! depending on how you treat me! The man in front of him did not let himself be intimidated. The way you behave right now and the information we have so far, we already know that in your world, the houses of Warchild and Assassins were at war, but here they are not, so you will refrain from comments that will fly off your head, do you understand that, you, Kaion of Warchild? That is, if you need help in finding your... females...  -I understand. And of course, his eyes flashed and thundered inside, but the young man refrained from unnecessary comments, as he had been asked. At least for now. -So how many are they and why are they running? -They are three of them, and they can not defend themselves at all. They need help. -Is that why you call them females? -Are they not? -It seems that you are not able to see and you do not know what such a female can do when needed ... better and more than a man ...  -No way, old man! What do you think, you are in error! -Oooo... I see... And you know the ultimate truth ... I understand ... the man spoke to him but mocking him in a subtle way. -And you are? Kaion tried to distract him and make him talk. -You can call me Lord Commander, as everyone calls me, the man said, appearing in an aura of mystical black knight. -Lord Commander? Commander of what? The Lord Commander looked at him as if looking at a stupid child, who can not understand the words spoken to him.  -Commander of the army, of course, what else? But just not your females ... So why did they run away from you? So we know how fast and how far away they want to run...  -They don't run away from me, Kaion replied indignantly. Running away from duty ... he added in a low voice, but Lord Commander heard.  -What duties does a female have in your world that seems so dangerous to her and she has to run away? -Hmm ... A marriage, of course! Only nonsense is in their heads! To marry out of love, instead of marrying the man established and carefully chosen by their father! As if their father does not want the best for them! -And... you are the father? Not too young??  -What??? no, I don't need a headache like that!!! One is my sister! And I must find her before she would get hurt in a flower or something... he looked almost desperately into the distance, looking for clues and eager to set off in search of his "females". The Lord Commander noticed that and turned to the one who was called king. She approached them as well and the Goddess behind her would watch him with those intense eyes.  The female king approached him and also sniffed the air around him, what was she doing??  -Royal Blood, she said, and they all looked at him curiously, and he was surprised and embarrassed at the same time, unable to believe that his identity had been revealed and not knowing if it was good or bad. -Do you have something that belongs to her?  -Why, are you going to sniff that too? All shadows behind her drew their swords out in an instant while her hand stopped them all with one sign. Looking at him, she made another step towards him. -If you want to find them... Unless you want me to execute you for insulting me with your stupidity and your big mouth? He closed his mouth immediately, and he pulled a fine turquoise silk shawl from his chest, which he handed to her without making a sound, with a pleading and ashamed look. The female king took the shawl and lifted it up, to the one who had run earlier on the field, directly to Kaion's arrow. And he had an imposing stature, dressed in a black leather suit, with a bow on his back that also looked like a decoration to Kaion ... A silver mask on his face hid his features, revealing only his blue eyes ..." what's with these people so dramatic", Kaion thought. No arrows on his back made him smile... so the bow was for only decoration after all.  To his surprise, at that moment the Goddess reached out to the masked man and offered him the quiver with arrows in her hand, and Kaion understood that it was actually his quiver, for the wonderful creature that continues to distract her had her own quiver tied in a leather strap on the back. What a pity, he thought, was she his female?  The masked man looked young, he took the silk shawl from the female king and of course ... as if he smelled it ... of course, what else to do ... but, on his armor was the same symbol of wolves and bears united, half a sundown but half the sun up, they were now united to the horizon in complete sun. Gods, if his father had seen this, his heart would have stopped instead of anger!  
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