12 o'clock Coffee

1100 Words
There we sat, leaning against a door that won't budge. I weighed on the decision of telling a stranger my life's story and to just let all this anger and hatred muster up in my body. I know it was unhealthy but there was really no one I could talk to about such things aside from Ian, who is no longer here for me.  There was just this strange man sitting next to me. "Why would even want to know? I mean, what's in it for you?" I c****d a brow, he just smiled and shrugged, as if it was normal to ask for a stranger such questions. "Just a concerned guest of this fine establishment." I noticed the sarcastic tone on that "fine", who was he trying to fool? He looked more of a guest from The Hilton Hotel rather than a motel called Sunshine '96.  "I'll play along then." was all I could reply, this was my chance to let all this emotion out without the fear of being heard by a maid and get ratted out to my mother. "I am the eldest of 3 siblings.." I started with this and went on to detail how for some reason my father started to distance himself from me until it just seemed like he was disgusted with my existence, how much I started seeking for their approval, their attention, it was what a kid craved from their parents growing up, until later realizing, it was no longer needed since every effort is futile. "Its normal for you to seek out their attention like that but did they really ever tell you why?" he asked, and I noticed that he was really invested in this conversation, he was listening to my babble. Taking a deep breath, I thought of the times I felt neglected, the depression that ate my little bits of happiness, which later on turned to the anger I felt towards my family. I shook my head to get rid of the unpleasant memories that plagued my mind. I didn't notice I was shaking from the cold air until I felt the warmth from his suit jacket that he placed around me.  "I'm sorry for asking, you don't have to tell me all if its too much for you already." he smiled sadly, rubbing his palm on my back. I felt comfortable, too comfortable that it scared me a little. "This is where you offer me a ride and where I realize you're a serial killer." I tried cracking a joke but it sounded stupid when I said it out loud since my voice was shaking from the cold. Now even if I thought it was a dumb joke, he still cracked me a smile and shook his head. "I would just like to clear up now, I am no Ted Bundy. You just really looked like you needed someone to talk to" he smiled at me and I felt like smiling back but I didn't want to look like I was in the verge of crying since I was shaking "don't you?" he asked. Did I really? "Maybe, even I don't know." I let out a whisper, rubbing my palms together, I blew in it a little and touched my cheeks. My mind was everywhere, I couldn't really keep focus of the events that happened in a span of a few hours. "Do you want to get some coffee?" He asked, still keeping his eyes trained on my shaking figure. "Coffee at midnight?" I smiled, questioning his choice of time for coffee. He stood and offered his hand for me to take. "Its the only time we can truly enjoy coffee, also there's a good coffee shoppe around the block that offers delish cheesecake." Taking his hand, my stomach gurgled at the mention of cheesecake. "I take it you have yet to eat dinner or any decent meal for this day." I felt embarrassed and he just chuckled at my surprised expression. He asked for me to get my clothes changed first, since I was sopping wet and shaking from the cold, he also helped me gain access to my room by doing a little bump against the door, the room looked decent and alright for a one night stay. After getting changed, we walked around the area to where this good coffee shoppe was. He was a gentleman, pulling out a chair for me and even trying to get away with paying for both our meals, of course I paid for my share. Sipping on my coffee, I couldn't just ignore his piercing stare at me while he took a sip of his coffee. It wasn't uncomfortable in any way, it was just more of a curious stare and when my eyes met his, my gaze automatically went to my cup. "Well, its already late, I should walk you back to your motel." I couldn't help but chuckle, late he says. "Technically, its early in the morning - it's already" looking down at my watch, I was surprised that I was still up until this time! "Its 3 in the morning already!" he laughed at my reaction which made me frown a little. "Come on, its way past your bedtime" he smirked and grabbed his jacket off the chair. Our walk back to the motel was slow or he was just trying to match my pace. He started asking random questions like what was my favorite (food,color,animal)? what did I do for fun? did I have any allergy with medicines? It was random, out of the blue but I enjoyed that short walk paired with 20 (or less) questions. I just realized he was someone I didn't mind having around but then again, this would most likely be the last time we'd see each other or talk even. He looked way out of my league. The elevator ride up to the 4th floor felt longer than it did earlier, we didn't look at each other and the silence was comforting. We continued this until we ended up in front of my door. "Thank you, this was truly an unexpected way to end a shitty day. Unexpected but welcome. I really enjoyed it, despite how this day started." I babbled and he shook his head. "It was truly unexpected but just like you, I enjoyed too." He leaned in and I think I lit up like Rudolph's nose, he kissed my forehead instead. "Good night beautiful.." Closing my door, I slid down to the floor, in a heap of blushing mess. Girl this is too fast!
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