Episode 10

2462 Words

Amelie’s P.O.V~ I’m standing in the kitchen making myself a cup of hot chocolate. Misty is out running an errand. I decide maybe making a cup of hot chocolate for Misty is a good idea.  “Alexandrov!” I gasp in surprise as someone slams the door to the apartment open.  ‘How did he get here? How does he know where I live?’ The mug in my hand slips from my grip and I can hear the crash that the ceramic makes once it reaches the tile floor.  “I’ve had enough!” Alexandrov growls out as he makes his way towards me.  His eyes are cold and I don’t recognize the man walking towards me, This man is NOT Alexandrov. This is a scary replica. I quickly turn to run away when my vision gets blurred and soon darkness engulfs me.  When I wake up again I am lying in a bed and I somewhat relax. Up unti

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