Chapter 2

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"You have to keep practicing, Elise" Alpha Christian encouraged his beloved daughter. She may not be his blood but he loved her as his own."That's how you can master your gift" He added, watching his daughter as she concentrated on the ground. If anyone passed the clearing right now, they would surely think that Elise is glaring at the ground so hard after having an argument with her father. But in reality, she was trying to reach out to the ground, to the earth in hopes to manipulate it again. Her father has been pushing her ever since she saved her mother when a tree almost fell on her. That too, from yards away. Elise's hands were suspended in the air when the tree stopped itself in mid-air and when her mother ran out of the way, Elise dropped her hands to the side and just like that, the enormous tree fell to the ground shaking it slightly. Luckily for her, only her parents are the ones to witness that. God knows what would've happened if someone from the pack saw that. It was already enough she felt unfitting here. It would only add more to hate the fact that she is not a werewolf. It will only make her a freak. An outcast or that's what she thought. It wasn't like she was treated badly in Red Pride. If anything, they have been very accepting of her. They never once made her feel like a stranger and gave her the respect and love that a daughter of an Alpha deserves, even though she wasn't Alpha Christian's biological daughter. Elise believed that no pack in the world will have been as thoughtful as hers. Who would treat a fox as one of their own? Elise grunted, her body shivering from the power she almost exerted from her body but right when she is about to move that huge rock, she gave up, "It seems really hard, dad" She released a huge breath, slumping her shoulders in defeat, "I can't move it, I don't really know how I did it the last time" She frowned, looking down at her hands. Is she even gifted or that is just the moon goddess protecting the Luna of the Red Pride? Alpha Christian watched his daughter warily for a few seconds before striding towards her in, "You had an adrenaline rush" He spoke, "I saw you doing that when you were six. I wasn't so sure about it. I had always had my doubts though" He continued, going to stand in front of her. She doesn't even remember using her powers before she 'saved' her mother the other day. Does that mean she has to be in danger to use her powers? "So what does this mean?" She asked her father, glancing at her hands again. Alpha Christian looked at his daughter in amazement, "You're an elemental" He said, the pride in his tone and eyes were hard to miss, "An earth manipulator at that!" He added, truly gobsmacked when he first found out. Elise wasn't thrilled like Alpha Christian. She wasn't born yesterday to know that possessing a great power like hers means danger to her and to those around her."Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" She asked out loud, without meaning to. Someone out there might want her to use her powers or maybe kill her if they see her as a threat. Alpha Christian made a noise of disapproval, "That's not something to feel bad about, Elise" He chided, shaking his head,"I have always known you were special since the moment I found you in the woods" He said, extending his hand to mess with her hair and that earned a playful glare from her. Elise rolled her eyes at him as she swatted his hand away from her striking red hair, "Yeah, yeah, you told me that a lot of times already" She grunted but a smile made its way towards her beautiful lips, "But thank you, daddy, if it isn't for you, who knows what might have happened to me" She trailed towards the end of her speech, her heart clenching painfully as she thought of her family. She doesn't remember them but the fact that once she had a family shattered her. She wanted to find out what happened to them so badly. Alpha Christian smiled sadly at her knowing she was thinking about her family. He couldn't just let that little malnourished fox there to die. She might not be one of his kind but that doesn't mean that she didn't have the right to live. So he did what was right. He took her under his care after getting the King's permission. And it was the best decision he ever made. To him, Elise completed his family and pack. She threw happiness everywhere she went, even as a child. Only his second-born seems to have some issues with Elise but it was mostly sibling rivalry. That's all. "Come on, it's lunchtime," He said, changing the subject as she couldn't bear to see Elise frowning, "You trained enough for today and I don't want to piss off your mother by turning up late" He scrunched up his face a little, pretending to be scared to lighten her mood. Elise threw her head back and laughed heartily, momentarily forgetting her sorrows, "It feels like I haven't achieved anything today but you're right. Mom is scary when she gets mad" She said as the both of them started to walk side by side towards their house. Her mother can be intimidating when she wants to be. "I bet the others would be waiting for us as well" Alpha Christian added and noticed that Elise had quickened her pace to get home as soon as she can. And he knows that is because she didn't want her family to wait any longer in hunger for them. They reached their house in a record of the time and Alpha Christian gave a sheepish smile at his mate when he found her glaring at him when the both of them stepped into the kitchen, "Honey, you're late" She frowned. Alpha Christian mouthed sorry at her and Luna Tessa exhaled sharply, shaking her head. Her eyes flickered towards Elise, "And you too, Elise. How many times have I told you that you shouldn't train during your lunchtime with your daddy?" She looked at her daughter pointedly. Elise raised her hands in surrender, "He was the one who asked me to-" She stopped herself when she noticed her father shaking his head at her frantically, "Ops, my bad, you look lovely today, mom" She smiled sweetly at her mother, saving her father from her mother's wrath. Luna Tessa flushed, "Ah, she thinks she can get away with this" She shook her head at Elise. How can she stay mad at the daughter she loved so dearly? "You always let her get away with everything" Three pairs of eyes went to the dining table and found Eleanor, Alpha Christian, and Luna Tessa's second-born there. Sulking alone as she scrolled through her phone. This is not unusual. Eleanor doesn't like Elise and she isn't afraid to show that. To her, Elise stole all the attention that she was supposed to get from her parents since the day her father brought Elise home. And what added fuel to her jealousy was, her mother accepted Elise without any protest. Luna Tessa frowned, "Stop being so jealous, Eleanor" She warned her daughter while Alpha Christian glared at her. Eleanor rolled her eyes and pretended to play games on her phone. Luna Tessa sighed, "Ezra, come down or we will have our lunch without you!" She called out to her son who was playing video games upstairs. They have grown to not use mind links at their home as Elise couldn't do that. Another reason why Eleanor disliked Elise with passion. Alpha Christian noticed that Elise was uncomfortable so he patted her shoulders and gestured her to take a seat by the dining table. Eleanor growled under her breath but a snarl from her father shut her up. Elise took a seat as far away as she could from Eleanor not wanting to upset her again as it would only result in Alpha Christian scolding Eleanor and that would only make Eleanor hate Elise even more. "Hi, Elise" Ezra greeted his little sister happily as he walked into the room, "I heard you beat the crap out of your opponent today. So proud of you" He grinned at her, taking the seat next to her and giving her a fist bump. Elise grinned at her brother, "I knew you were going to say this" She beamed. Eleanor rolled her eyes at the duo and looked away. She was mad that Ezra didn't even greet her. She was his real sister for God's sake. The Alpha and the Luna smiled at each other, happy to see their bond, "Of course, this is something to be proud of!" Alpha Christian butted in. He had personally trained her to be a skilled warrior and if anything he was proudest when it comes to her showing off what she learned with him on the ground. Luna Tessa nodded her head in agreement and took Alpha Christian's hand in hers, gripping it tightly, "Alright, let's join hands" She commanded, "And thank the moon goddess for giving us the opportunity to have lunch together" She said when Alpha Christian held Elise's hand and Elise held Ezra's hand. Ezra begrudgingly grabbed Eleanor's hand and Eleanor held her mother's hand. They all were connected in a circle as they prayed for a few seconds before diving into their food. "Mom, you're really good at this" Elise praised her mother. She loved making her feel appreciated. Luna Tessa looked at Elise, her eyes swirling in warmth, "Is that so? Here, you should have more than" She said, scooping more food onto Elise's plate. "Gladly!" Elise squealed, spooning the food into her mouth. Alpha suddenly stiffened and his eyes glazed a little, indicating that he was having a conversation with someone via mind link. His beta to be specific. "What is it?" Luna Tessa asked her mate worriedly while the rest of them watched their father in concern as well. Luna Tessa could sense Alpha Christian's apprehension through their bond. Alpha Christian's eyes zeroed on Elise, "The Alpha King is on his way to meet us" He exhaled sharply. Collective gasps were heard at their dining table while everyone exchanged worried glances, "Why? Are we in trouble?" Luna Tessa asked Alpha Christian worriedly. The King wouldn't personally come down for a visit if it wasn't important. Alpha Christian shook his head, "Quite the opposite" He said, glancing at his mate for a brief moment before looking at Elise again, "The King is coming down to meet Elise" He announced. Before Elise could react she heard a happy squeal, "Ah, so finally the fox will be eliminated once and for all" Eleanor grinned happily. She couldn't wait for the day Elise would finally leave the pack. "Eleanor!" Alpha Christian growled angrily in warning, "Elise is your sister and I told you countless times that you should watch your tongue when you speak!" He glowered at her in warning while Elise grabbed her father's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze in order to calm him down. It wouldn't take a genius to see that Eleanor was afraid of her father but that didn't stop her from being mean, "She is not my sister" She spat, glaring at Elise, "I am not hungry" She added before standing up and storming out of the dining area at once angrily. "Eleanor, get back here now!" Luna Tessa called out but Eleanor had already disappeared into her room. Luna Tessa was upset as well, she didn't like the way Eleanor has been treating Elise and she did everything in her power to make them work together as a team but usually, it wouldn't work out. "Don't worry about it" Ezra put a hand on Elise's shoulders and pulled her closer to him to give her a hug,"You know how she is. You will be always my sister, it doesn't matter if we are not related by blood. I love you" He patted her back affectionately. And that meant the world for her. "Yes we do, honey" Luna Tessa butted in, watching Elise with gentle eyes. Alpha Christian nodded his head as well, instantly making Elise feel better. They loved her unconditionally and she is very grateful for that."She is probably still hungry" Elise sighed, looking towards the direction where Eleanor had stormed off. "Then she would be smart enough to come down and eat" Ezra shrugged. Alpha Christian and Luna Tessa nodded their heads in agreement. They resumed their meal after that. Elise couldn't help but feel guilty that Eleanor left without eating properly and asked Luna Tessa to convince Eleanor to finish her meal. Luna Tessa sighed unhappily and nodded her head at Elise before scooping spoonfuls of food onto Eleanor's plate and going towards her room. Elise whimpered. She wondered if one day, the tension between her and her sister would dissipate. She wished that day would be here soon if she is ever destined to be happy with her sister. She looked at her father who was frowning at his phone, "But why would the King wants to meet me?" She asked him, going to sit by his side. Alpha Christian looked up from his phone and smiled at her, "As I said, you're an elemental and that makes you significant" He said. Elise pondered over her father's words for a few brief moments, "But he could easily summon me to get there" She said, frowning, "Why go through a fuss to come here?" She asked, not understanding the motive behind the King's decision. "I am wondering the same thing as well," Alpha Christian said, looking away from her to hide the worry in his eyes. He could only hope that the King wouldn't label her as a threat and s*******r her right in front of him.
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