Chapter 6

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"I hope you liked the meal, your highness" Luna Tessa smiled at the King, slightly anxious as she anticipated what he would say to her. So far, he had been nothing but nice to each and every one of the Red Pride. But she can't really say the same when it comes to Murray. He was a brooding man. He kept glaring at everything in his sight, or maybe that's how he looks at things normally. Well, except for the King and Elise. Whenever his eyes fell on any of those two, they softened visibly. The Beta of the Betas left after the Beta of The Red Pride had come in to show him how his performance in the pack. The whole family is still trying to digest the fact that Elise would leave them for two days. Ezra was upset, Alpha Christian and Luna Tessa were worried and then, there's Eleanor, the only person who is happy that Elise is finally leaving. The Whites noticed that the on Eleanor's face never wavered and they were all disappointed in Eleanor again. How can she be like that? Arthur flashed a charming smile at Luna Tessa, "Oh yes, I did" He nodded his head at her, "It has been a long time since I ate something like that. Elise wasn't lying when she said you make the best dishes in the world" He continued, his blue eyes flickering towards the red-haired beauty who had clamped her mouth shut, refusing to utter any word since they arrived at Alpha Christian's residence. Luna Tessa chuckled softly, "Oh, um, she is a little biased, your highness," She said, her eyes straying towards her daughter only to find her frowning. She sat next to Ezra and she seemed to be avoiding everyone's eyes. Arthur noticed that as well but he didn't acknowledge it."So are you going to introduce me to them?" Arthur asked Alpha Christian who was sitting next to him, gesturing his hand towards his son and daughter. Arthur didn't want them to feel awkward when he is around them but it was already too late for that. He is the King, and that will always make them feel like they have to be extra careful in everything they say and do. Alpha Christian gave the King a curt nod, "I believe they already know that you're our King" He started, "This is Ezra and this is Eleanor" He said, introducing his children to the King. Ezra stood up from the sofa and went to kneel in front of the King, "It is an honor to meet you, your highness" He said, bowing his head respectfully in front of the King. Eleanor quickly rushed to kneel next to Ezra, copying his movements. Elise stayed glued to her seat, fidgeting with her fingers as she had no idea what to do. Arthur nodded his head in approval, "Raise, Ezra and Eleanor" He commanded softly in a friendly tone. The both of them straightened up from their positions, "You two are training with Elise as well?" He asked, eyeing Ezra and Eleanor in interest. Eleanor looked at her brother, waiting for him to speak. She isn't proud of her performance. Unlike Elise and Ezra, she isn't really into training. She feels like she doesn't need to be the one who protects the pack as the pack would do anything to protect her. The Alpha's daughter. "I have already exempted from the training as my father and his high warriors are pleased with my performance, your highness" Ezra stated in a proud voice. He glanced behind at his sister and smile at her even though she was staring at her lap as if it was the most interesting thing in the world."Elise would likely get exempted in a week or so if she stays here" Ezra added smoothly, turning to face the King again. Luna Tessa and Alpha Christian exchanged a meaningful glance, a part of them are proud that their son is speaking up for his sister but a part of them are worried that this is the King he is speaking with. To be honest, Arthur was taken aback by Ezra's courage as well. But he knew that the love he had for his sister was the reason behind his words. He would make a perfect Alpha in the future."That's fine" He smiled at the young lad, "Elise will be trained under the Royal Warriors once we get her to the United Kingdom. I believe it would only take her a few days to get exempted from the training as your father had already trained her" He announced casually. Elise's eyes went round at that and she finally looked up at the people in her living room in alarm. Only Arthur noticed that she had looked up, everyone else in the room was too preoccupied with what he had said. Even Eleanor was interested to hear more about the Royal Warriors. Alpha Christian couldn't help but beam at the King, "That's nice to hear, King" He said. Someone from his pack, his daughter to be exact would have the opportunity to train under the Royal Warriors and he was overjoyed with that."She would do great. I am sure of it" He added with a nod of his head. Alpha Christian knew that Elise could do so well. She had all the qualities a warrior would need. She would be the first and the last fox to join the Royal Warrior Wolves Academy. On the other hand, Elise wasn't as thrilled as her father. She was afraid. She started to worry if she wouldn't fit in that place. Would the Royal Warriors accept her as the Red Pride has? Wasn't it enough that she doesn't feel like she belonged here? Does she needs to go through the same thing but at a higher intensity there? Arthur nodded his head at Alpha Christian in agreement, "What about you, Eleanor?" He asked, his eyes zeroing on Alpha Christian's second-born, "How's your training going?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. Eleanor blinked. She didn't know what to say to the King. She looked up at her father to save her from getting embarrassed but a snort from her brother was enough to drain all the color from her face. He was going to embarrass her. She knew it. She held her breath, waiting for the worst blow from her brother. Arthur's eyes went to the young lad, "Well, she is a slowpoke, King" Ezra said, fighting back a mischievous smile, "At the rate, she is going, the pups in the pack will overtake her" He grinned to himself, shaking his head. Serves her right for not joining the lessons properly. Eleanor elbowed her brother, earning a hiss from him before looking up at Alpha Christian and Luna Tessa, hoping they would save her from this situation. She didn't want the King to know about her lack of interest in combat. But before Alpha Christian or Luna Tessa could speak up, Elise beat them to it. She frowned at her brother, not liking that her brother is embarrassing her like that. "Ezra..." She started in a warning, hoping he would stop making fun of Elise who looked visibly uncomfortable. Eleanor wasn't pleased that it was Elise who spoke up for her but she was glad that now her brother would shut his mouth. She didn't want to be humiliated further in front of the King anymore. Ezra glanced behind at his sister and shrugged carelessly, "What I am just saying the truth!" He said, looking at the front again to face Arthur but the King was watching his little sister in interest. "Drop it" Elise warned in a clear voice again, avoiding everyone's eye contact as she sprang to her feet. Her eyes went to her father, "I have to take care of something, please excuse me" She said, allowing herself to look at the King one more time, as a gesture of respect. The King's mere presence was making her uncomfortable. She needs to leave the room right now. Ezra frowned as he spun around to face Elise, sensing his sister's unease, "I'll go with you" He volunteered, stepping towards her but Elise shook her head, making him freeze on the spot. Ezra knew he couldn't persuade her then. Whenever his sister needs space, she doesn't let anyone be around her. She says that it makes her feel suffocated. "No, I'd like to go there alone," Elise said, declining her brother's offer. She was still waiting for the King to dismiss her. Arthur wanted to run to her. He wanted to be the one who comforts her. He wanted to tell everything that happened in her past life and reveal to her that she is his mate but all he could do was to give her a nod, letting her skip away from the living room and eventually out of the house. Arthur struggled to stand in that same spot as he watched her disappear from his line of sight. It took everything in him not to run behind her. Ezra grumbled under his breath, shaking his head towards the direction his sister has disappeared before turning to look at his father, "Is she going to be okay?" Ezra asked, his handsome features creasing in worry for his sister. Arthur could see how strongly Ezra cared for Elise. Alpha Christian's eyes flickered towards the Alpha King before nodding his head, "Yes, she needs time now. Let her be, she will come back here once she feels like she is okay" Alpha Christian said, looking at his beloved son. "Are you sure?" Luna Tessa butted in. Alpha Christian eyes fixated on Luna Tessa. She had a similar expression. Her face was etched with concern for her youngest daughter that she started to love as her own the moment Alpha Christian brought her home. Alpha Christian nodded his head but it didn't look like that reassured Luna Tessa, "Please, excuse me as well" Luna Tessa looked at the King desperately, keeping her voice from barely cracking. If she stood here any longer, she would start crying her eyes out. Everyone was having a hard time swallowing this bitter pill. Well, everyone except Eleanor, of course. Eleanor was over the moon but it still irritated her when her whole family acting as if they are sending their own daughter for a war or something. Even Arthur feels slightly guilty for snatching Elise from such a loving family. Arthur nodded his head at the Luna and she gladly walked away from there. Arthur waited a few seconds before speaking again, "Is Elise is always like that?" He asked, looking at Alpha Christian again, "Does she distance herself whenever she is upset or mad?" The King pressed, wanting to know about his mate's character. "Elise is always like that, King" Ezra was the one who answered Arthur's questions, "She says that she didn't want to hurt anyone whenever she is mad by saying something she shouldn't and regret it later. So she would isolate herself to meditate" Ezra continued when Arthur's gaze fell on Ezra again. Eleanor rolled her eyes at her brother. If only he stands up for her the way he stands up for Elise, things would have been better."She is a brat, really" Eleanor hissed and a second later her eyes widened and she looked up at the King in horror, "Sorry, your highness. I didn't mean to be rude" She apologized right away, bowing her head. Arthur clenched his fists into tight balls, not liking the way Eleanor is talking about his mate. He was fuming behind his calm facade. How dare she say something like that about her Luna Queen. If anything she should stand up for her sister just like Ezra! Arthur's wolf bared his teeth at Eleanor but Arthur tried to keep himself together. This is Elise's family and he didn't want to scare them. She wouldn't like it, he knows. "She is not a brat, King" Ezra glared at Eleanor before looking at the King again, "If anything, she is the most thoughtful person ever. Eleanor is just jealous that she is not Elise" He added, noticing how the King had suddenly turned rigid. As if he was struggling to keep himself from phasing into his wolf right then and here. Eleanor rolled her eyes again, crossing her arms against her chest only to drop that stance when she remembered her manners, "Yeah, support her like she is your own sister" She grumbled under her breath. "She is my sister!" Ezra snapped at Eleanor. He was so pissed with her tantrums. It has been fifteen years and she still hasn't accepted Elise as her sister when the whole pack accepted that fox wholeheartedly. "Yeah, for only two days" Eleanor scoffed at her brother before looking at the King again, "As much I would like to stay here, I am afraid I have errands to run. If you please excuse me, King" She said, waiting for Arthur to grant her permission to leave the living area. The King nodded his head and Eleanor was more than happy to sprint towards her room, "I apologize on behalf of Eleanor, my King" Alpha Christian said, "She feels like Elise stole her spotlight hence the way she acts towards Elise" He added when the King looked at him in question. "I see," Arthur said. It seems like siblings rivalry but it was only one-sided. Eleanor disliked Elise but Elise still stood up for her sister. "Is there any way to keep Elise here, your highness?" Ezra asked, gaining the King's attention again. A sudden thought crossed in Arthur's mind, "I am afraid not but-" He paused to glance at Alpha Christian before looking at Ezra again, "You can come with us. You can stay there for a week to make your sister feel comfortable there" He offered, waiting expectantly for Ezra's answer. "Yes, I would like that" Ezra's answered without a second thought. He would want to make sure that his sister is happy and accepted there as well, "I want to see for myself that she is happy there so I can be here with a peaceful mind" He smiled up at the King, his eyes flickering towards his father who looked pleased with his answer. Arthur smiled, "Then it's settled then," He said, "Pack your bags. You will come with us. You will make her feel at home before you leave" He commanded lightly before striding out from the living area to look for his Beta. "Don't worry, dad" Ezra said when he noticed how tired his father looked, "She is going to be alright" He added making his father smile at him. "I know she will be fine" Alpha Christian smiled, after all, she will be with her mate, He added internally, watching the Alpha King talk with the Beta of the Betas. Elise would be just fine under his protection, Alpha Christian mused, nodding his head to himself once again to reassure himself before he went to his room to comfort his mate.
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