Chapter 9

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Elise grunted under her breath and muttered a string of colourful words as she folded her clothes neatly only to begrudgingly stuff them into her duffel bag. She didn't want to do this but she didn't have a choice. Luna Tessa frowned at her daughter, "You're frowning for the last two days. Come on, you're going to leave the Red Pride tonight and god knows when you will be back. I want to remember your face while you're smiling. Not frowning" Luna Tessa shook her head, helping her daughter to pack as well. The frown on Elise's face deepened as her eyes shot up to look at her mother, "Oh, you want to see me smiling, aye?" She asked before giving her mother a sickly sweet smile. Luna Tessa pretended to be scared, "Oh my goodness, I think I need some holy water to save myself" She mocked her daughter, putting both of her hands over her eyes to cover them. Elise rolled her eyes at her mother, "Mom, aren't you sad that I am going away?" She asked in a small voice, trying so hard to keep her voice from breaking. She was a little hurt that her mother chose this time to make fun of her. Luna Tessa sighed and put away the shirt she got for Elise last Christmas. She gestured Elise to go and sit next to her and Elise shook her head, "No, you're going to make fun of me" She said, sulking like a five-year-old. Luna Tessa playfully glared at her daughter "If you don't come here right now, then I will probably roast you until you get on that car with the King" She threatened, making Elise's eyes widen in horror. Elise put away the item of clothing that she was holding in the bag before sprinting towards her mother. Luna Tessa is probably the queen of roasting people and Elise knew she will probably be true to her words and roast her just like she said if she didn't obey her. Luna Tessa smirked victoriously as she watched her daughter sat next to her before throwing one arm around Elise's shoulders, "Of course I am sad that you're leaving, Elise" She started, her smirk slowly faltered into a sad smile, "But, this is for your own growth. I have to let you go on your own at one point. I can't keep you to myself forever, honey" Luna Tessa shook her head. Birds need to take a flight at some point. Elise swallowed the lump in her throat, finding it hard to talk, "I thought I can be with you forever, mom" She sniffled, her voice was thick with an emotion that broke Luna Tessa's heart. Luna Tessa felt her own eyes welling up in tears. She has always and will always look at Elise as her own daughter. She didn't know what to tell her daughter so she pulled Elise into a warm, comforting hug since she couldn't express how she was feeling with words. Elise cried out into Luna Tessa's shoulders, "I am going to miss you, mom" She sobbed brokenly while Luna Tessa caressed her red hair lovingly, "I am going to miss everyone" She cried out, squeezing her eyes shut tightly. Luna Tessa exhaled sharply, blinking away her tears so her daughter wouldn't see them, "We will miss you too, honey" Luna Tessa said softly, "I am relieved to know that you're in safe hands" She added, grateful that the King had personally assured to her that he will take good care of her daughter. Elise frowned and pulled away from her mother just enough to look at Luna Tessa incredulously, "What?" She asked, not understanding what her mother meant. Luna Tessa smiled and brushed away the hair that matted on the side of Elise's face, "You will be under the care of the most powerful person ever. The King of the Werewolves, Arthur Devonshire, and nobody will ever hurt you there. No one dares to mess with him" Luna Tessa smiled at her daughter assuringly. Elise glowered at her mother in disapproval. "Mom, you of all people should know that I am capable of protecting myself and others" She reminded her mother, "I am a warrior, mom. Don't you ever forget that" Elise narrowed her eyes on her mother.  Luna Tessa chuckled softly and nodded her head, "I know. Your father is proud of himself for raising a warrior like you but I am your mother. I would always worry about you" She said, flicking on Elise's cute nose, "You could be the strongest woman on earth and I would still worry about you, darling" She added, grinning. At that very moment, Elise felt like she was the luckiest girl in the world. Her eyes softened as she looked up at her mother, "I am really grateful that you and dad are the ones to find me and raise me as your own. You have given me everything that I ever needed without expecting anything in return from me" She said in an epiphany, Luna Tessa couldn't control the tears this time, "Thanks, mom. For everything. I love you so much. More than my own life" Elise continued as she watched her mother brush away the tears that had fallen on her cheeks quickly. A noise escaped from Luna Tessa's throat before she suppresses it, "I love you too. Now, don't make me cry" Luna Tessa said, waving both of her hands in front of her making Elise chuckle softly, "Let's get this done with. Your father said you have to leave right after having your lunch" Luna Tessa urged Elise, grabbing another item of clothes and folding it neatly. Elise groaned. She had deliberately procrastinated to pack her kinds of stuff just because she didn't feel like leaving. Now she doesn't know what to pack and what to not. Nevertheless, Elise quickly resumed from where she left, "What about Ezra? Is he done with the packing?" She asked Luna Tessa as threw everything she thought she would need in the new place. Luna Tessa huffed, "Oh you know.." She dragged the sentence while shaking her head, "Boys can survive a week with only two t-shirts and jeans. I am sure he is done with picking his essentials" She continued, shrugging her shoulders. Elise nodded her head. The both of them continued to pack all the necessities into two bags and by the time they were done, it was time for lunch. Elise and Luna Tessa were about to leave the room when Alpha Christian walked into the room, "Are you guys done?" He asked, looking at the both of them, his eyes expectant. "Yes, dad" Elise answered her father with a nod of her head. "Good" Alpha Christian said, his eyes flickering towards Luna Tessa. His mate gave him a nod and Alpha Christian sighed,"Elise, I have something for you" He said, stuffing his hand into the pocket of his trousers and pulling out a small velvet jewellery box from there. Elise blinked, her eyes shot up to look at her father in question, "Your mother and I wanted to give you something special before you leave the Red Pride" He began with a smile and opened the small box to reveal a chain with a locket. Elise covered her mouth with both of her hands to stifle the gasp that left her lips, "Dad, that's so pretty" She said, eyeing the jewelry for a split second before looking up at her father again, "Thanks dad, I love it" She smiled. "She will love it even more when she sees it" Luna Tessa sang happily. Elise glanced behind at her mother, "I don't understand" She shook her head. Her father's soft chuckles caught her attention and she looked to the front again to see him pointing at the locket, "Look" He said, unclasping the locket to reveal a family photo inside of it, "It's something for you to hold onto when you miss us there" Alpha Christian continued as he watched a dozen of emotions flickering in Elise's eyes. "Dad..." Elise whispered, "This is perfect, dad. Thank you so much for this. I will treasure this until the end of my life" She said, tearing her gaze away from the locket to look at her father. Alpha Christian nodded his head at his daughter and took out the chain from the box, "Here let me put it on" He said and Elise bowed her head towards her father so he could put it on easily, "There you go" He said, clasping the locks securely as Luna Tessa watched them, a small smile playing on her lips. Elise wrapped her fingers around the locket and sighed, "You're going to do so well in your future upcoming" Her father contusion, looking confident about it. I chuckled softly, taking a step away from his daughter, "Let's have our lunch shall we?" He said, extending his arm towards his daughter so she would loop their hands together. Elise smiled and linked their arms right away, "Yeah" She said, letting her father drag her towards the dining area where her siblings were waiting. "So this is probably the last meal we are having with you, Elise" Eleanor grinned happily when everyone else took their seats, "And I am happy about it" She admitted, looking really excited about it. Elise didn't say anything back to her sister. If anything, Elise is glad that Eleanor finally gets what she wants. Alpha Christian and Luna Tessa glared at Eleanor but the young lady ignored them, her eyes were only on Elise who looked uncomfortable. Ezra snorted, "You're the only one to be happy about it," He said, looking at Eleanor and earning a frown from her. Alpha Christian cleared his throat, not wanting his kids to start a fight at the table, "Ezra, are you done packing?" He asked, changing the subject as everyone started to fill their plates with food. That got Eleanor's attention, "Wait what?" She looked at her brother in bewilderment. What packing? Is her brother leaving somewhere? Ezra ignored Eleanor, "Yes dad" He answered. He could feel Eleanor's eyes burning holes at the side of his face. Before Eleanor could ask anything else, Luna Tessa asked everyone to link their hands to say a prayer. Everyone prayed together before starting to dig into their food. But Eleanor couldn't think of anything else but what her father asked Ezra, "You're leaving?" She asked in a small voice, looking up at her brother. "Yes," Ezra answered without looking at her. He knows that Eleanor will flip when she knows where he is going and most importantly, why he is going. Eleanor's mouth went dry, "But where are you going?" She asked. Eleanor was just starting to get happy and planned out some activities for her real family. She wanted to have some fun with just the three of them just like she has always wanted. But all her plans were ruined now. Ezra swallowed the piece of chicken he was munching, "I am going to accompany Elise for a week in the Royal pack" He announced to her. Luna Tessa and Alpha Christian exchanged a meaningful glance. Hasn't Ezra told Eleanor about that yet? Eleanor's eyes widened before they flashed in fury, "But why?" She growled under her breath, "Forget about that. It didn't cross in your mind to tell me about it?" She hissed through her clenched teeth, her breathing coming out in short gasps. Elise watched the duo worriedly. She didn't want them to fight now. Not when she will leave the house after this. Ezra didn't even spare her a glance, "Yeah, I didn't feel like telling you" He answered her, popping a cherry tomato into his mouth, "I thought you will probably won't like that so I decided to tell you today" He continued while munching that tomato. Eleanor scoffed at him in disbelief, "Dad was the one to break the news" She pointed out. Ezra sighed and finally turned his face to look at his sister, "Fine" He said, "I am going to the Royal pack for a week. There I said that. Are you happy?" He asked, smiling at her tightly. Elise cringed at the way Ezra is treating Elanor. She looked at her parents but they were eating quietly, minding their own business. Usually, when something like this happens, they will say something to shut both of them up from further hurting each other. "Ezra! I would be bored here all alone" Eleanor complained. "I don't care" Ezra shrugged. Eleanor couldn't believe her brother. Her eyes started to tear up, "Of course, you never cared about me" She said, her voice cracking as she felt like her brother never loved her. She didn't matter to her brother. "You only care about her. It has always been her" She said, brushing away her tears to look up at Elise. Just like most of the times, Eleanor stood up from the chair, ready to leave the table but Elise spoke up for the first time since she started doing it, "Eleanor, please stay" Elise begged Eleanor, "Let me enjoy this meal with you" She said, for this would be a special meal for her. Eleanor growled, "Your innocent face won't fool me, Elise" She spat angrily before storming out from the dining area. Elise sighed sadly as she watched her sister's retreating figure,"Don't bother about it" Luna Tessa shook her head at Elise and asked her to eat without thinking about Eleanor. They are together after that in silence. Everyone had their own thoughts in their mind as they ate. Luna Tessa was thinking about how she is going to miss Elise. Alpha Christian was thinking about how Elise would become the strongest elemental in the world with the King by her side. Elise was anxious that the King would be here at any minute now. And last but not least, Ezra thinking about his sister Eleanor. He was debating if he should apologize to her or not. He decided on the latter because his sister probably deserved that. Just when they are done with their food, the Beta of the Red Pride came to inform them about the King's arrival, "The Alpha King is here, Alpha" He told Alpha Christian. Alpha Christian sighed. Here comes the hard part, he thought, "It is time" He said, looking at Elise pointedly. Elise took a deep breath before nodding her head at her father assuringly. She is okay, that's what she keeps repeating to herself. And that's what she hoped she is.
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