Fated Encounter

1582 Words
Black Knight was struggling to look pleasant. She hated events like this where she had to pretend she was having a good time. The Red Moon was a sacred event, and she wanted to spend tonight at the enchanted lake in her forest. It was how she spent the last Red Moon. The energy she gained by bathing in the lake under the moonlight allowed her to win the Great Battle in the last Great War. Most people here had never seen the Red Moon before, and didn’t realize its real significance, and just thought this was another excuse to hold a grand party. Black Knight fought hard not to roll her eyes constantly. As promised, Black Knight found the darkest corner of the wooded clearing that the Ball was to be held in. She had to admit, the clearing was beautiful. It was a part of the palace, but at the same time It was also attached to the forest. It was attached to the palace with vines, but it was also open air. The nature Fae also had suspended glowing orbs of light all around the clearing, so that even in the dim evening light everything was bathed in a soft warm glow. The clearing looked just plain magical, and Black Knight was in awe of this place once again. “Why is your hood up?” Eva asked pointedly to Black Knight, who indeed had the hood of the cloak up, obscuring most of her features. “Why shouldn’t it be?” Black Knight asked feigning innocence, still looking at the scenery around them. “You aren’t some demon of death. You are a warrior, and a leader of a guild that protects the entire magical universe. Maybe you should try and get to know the creatures you are protecting.” Eva said, and Black Knight hissed ever so slightly under her breath. Commotion directly in front of them caught Black Knight’s attention, and she hissed a bit louder as the King of the Fae was making his way to them, his advisor in tow. Spectators tried not to make it obvious they were gathering to witness the encounter.  *** From the Perspective of Fae King: Kalen Orin I walked over and stood about 10 feet away from Black Knight. I didn’t want her to feel like I was challenging her by getting into her personal space. I also knew that the distance could also be taken as an insult, but I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I knew I had her full attention, but yet she said nothing. Her entourage, the man and the woman, both bowed in respect to me. “Your majesty.” The man, Elden if I recall, said to me. I nodded to both of them, and they rose up to normal standing height. Still the mysterious Black Knight, with the cloak over her face, said nothing. Then something happened that I wasn’t expecting. The Witch, Eva, elbowed Black Knight in the ribs so fast, that if I hadn’t been paying keen attention, I would have missed it. She hissed under her breath, but sighed. I remember that the only Fae I have ever heard hiss before were warriors. It was something that was in our instincts, but most shied away from actually hissing. I fought to keep the surprise off my face, I didn’t want to insult her. Black Knight pulled the cloak down from her face for the first time. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. She was beautiful. I knew she was ancient, but she sure didn’t look her age. Her features were severe; high cheekbones, pointed nose, sharp pointed ears, but she had a softness about her that he couldn’t understand. Her cheeks were full, her lips round and full, and light pink in color. Her eyes were an even more vivid shade of violet than my own. I had never seen anyone more beautiful in my life. I realized I hadn’t said anything when she cleared her throat. I tried to look like I hadn’t been staring at her face like I had seen the sun for the first time. “King Orin, to what do I owe this honor?” She said. Her voice surprised me. It didn’t sound like a warrior’s voice, although it wasn’t weak in the slightest. I guess I always assumed she would be a brute warrior goddess that looked like she could take on 5 grown men in a wrestling match. Her voice sounded like the finest bells that had ever been crafted. “It is Your Majesty to you Fae Traitor! And you should be kneeling in the presence of your King!” I heard and I was mortified. I looked to see Giselda. She was a nature Fae who had been trying to get me to like her for years. She had her hand twirled in her red curly hair, playing with it, and her blue eyes danced mischievously. I stepped forward to address Giselda personally, to discipline her for disrespecting our guest, but to my surprise, Black Knight raised a hand to stop my progression forward. “Giselda Mosvina.” Black Knight said flatly, surprising everyone, myself included. How did she know her? “Do you not know me?” She asked curiously, walking right over to her, smirking. She was enjoying this. “O-of course I do. You’re Black Knight everyone knows that. You abandoned your people, the Fae to lead the Knights.” Giselda said, and again I started to walk over, but once again I was stopped, this time by Elden. He whispered into my ear. “Don’t worry she won’t hurt her, but she is having fun right now, I wouldn’t interrupt, Your Majesty.” Elden said quietly, and I nodded, a small smirk forming on the corners of my mouth. Black Knight walked straight up to Giselda, and for the first time, I noticed how small she was. She reached Giselda’s chin, which meant she’d be up to my mid chest at the most. “If I remember right,” Black Knight started, and Giselda actually began to sweat, “Your father worked for the keep for a time. Great warrior for me, before he wanted to start a family. Are you saying that your father abandoned the Fae, even though he did nothing but protect it?” Giselda seemed to flounder for words, and Black Knight continued. “King Orin is no King to me. I answer to no Kingdom. If King Orin suddenly declared war on the Wolven Kingdom without a valid reason, am I to allow this baseless war to wreak havoc on both kingdoms because I am Fae, and therefore supposed to be bound to King Orin?” She asked, and once again, Giselda seemed to flounder for words. Black Knight smiled. “But-,“ Giselda started and then a bellowing voice was heard. “GISELDA HOLD YOUR TONGUE!”   A Fae appearing to be in his 50s appeared in front of us. He turned to me first, and bowed. “Your Majesty, I apologize for my daughter’s disrespect.” He said, I nodded, and then he turned to Black Knight, and bowed his head in upmost respect. “Black Knight, I whole heartedly apologize for the actions of my daughter. It will never happen again.” He said, and I was dumbfounded. She walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Alistair there is nothing to forgive. Your daughter’s spirit will make her a force to reckon with when she’s older. I’d get her into warrior training, she definitely has the right attitude for it.” Black Knight said, with a smile in Giselda’s direction, which certainly caught her off guard. Alistair laughed. “That she does old friend.” Alistair said, and proceeded to guide his daughter away. Black Knight then walked over to me, and gave a small smirk. “So, King Orin, to what do I owe this honor?”   *** From the Perspective of Black Knight I had to admit, it was fun to me to see the King flounder for words. He had yet to say a single word to me since stepping in front of me. Eva tapped me on my hand, and I knew she was telling me to behave. I gave her a small look that said I made no promises. Then something happened I really wasn’t expecting. The King came closer until he was right in front of me. And reached out a hand to me. Eva had to contain a gasp. “Please, Black Knight, call me Kalen.” He said and I had to fight to control my expression. This was not what I had expected in the least. I reached out and grasped his hand, and I could see the wheels of his mind turning. The callouses he felt on my hands were very much like his own; from using a blade. I released his hand, and could see we had gathered a mass of Fae around us. His hand felt warm and comfortable, and I hated to admit it to myself. “Alright then Kalen.” I said to him, wondering when he would just leave me be. “Thank you for joining me tonight, we are all touched by your presence.” He said earnestly to me, with no trace of sarcasm. I was stunned. This was not what I had been expecting at all. He had a glowing smile, and kind eyes, which I almost hated to admit. “Thank you for extending this grand invitation to me.” I replied, attempting, and failing, to keep the notes of sarcasm out of my voice. “Will you excuse me.” I said and completely walked away from the King, leaving him speechless.
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