Screw A Mate! Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Screw A Mate! SARAH I opened the door to see a pretty blonde woman who could be a model. She put me to shame. I ran my fingers through my curls trying to fix myself up. "Hi! Are you Sarah?" "Yes and you are?" "Kendra, may I come in? I need to talk to you." "Yeah sure what’s this about?" "I have your cell phone. I believe you left it at my fiancés house." This was Adams fiancée? That jerk never mentioned that important detail, well this is awkward. "Yeah thanks I was looking for that. I'm sorry, I didn't know he had a fiancé. Anyway I won't see him again if that's what you want to talk about." "Damn right you won't. You will stay away. I won’t have some fat ãss nobody come and take away my mate, I worked too hard to get him." "He said that I was his soul mate." He lied to me. I should have left him at the club like I started to, listening to Jen now look at me. "Well you might be his destined mate but he is mine. If I have to warn you again it won't be pretty. STAY AWAY FROM HIM." She said before walking out. Well she was nice, note to sarcasm. I had a massive headache after that. He had s*x with me, treated me like trash and now I find out that he has a fiancé and for some unknown reason I still want him. God I'm such an i***t. I need sleep and a strong drink.
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