Chapter 20 Homecoming

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Adelia studied Social Sciences as her major in college, so she had no idea about DNA and scientific stuff. Whatever Clarence tried to explain to her, it was not getting on her head today. But she still tried to get it over. "A disorder? What kind of disorder is that?" Clarence hesitated, but he looked pleased that she was interested in his story. "Well, it's a new disorder, as far as I know. I studied these things back at university but I have never encountered such a mutation to the human DNA. It's odd. And disturbing. That's why I wanted to talk to you as soon as I saw the mutation, Your Highness. I want to ask for permission to study it. I know this is some secret information that should be studied, but if I could, I would love to take a closer look at this, Your Highness." Adelia paused and pondered about it. "Well, I also got curious about it now that you told me that you found a new disorder on the blood samples." Adelia knew that Clarence just wanted to know more about the disorder that he discovered, but she was not sure if that would be wise to do when Romeodel is a secretive country, and divulging these types of information might cause harm to the country. "However, I still can't tell you if I can give you the go signal to study about this further. I guess I have to check on what my husband would say first." Clarence nodded at that. "I respect that, Your Highness. However, in the event that your husband says no, it will become a lost opportunity. Mutations on humans happen once in a blue moon. I'm not even sure if I will see this type of mutation for the second time." "Okay, I get what you mean. How about this? I will look into Romeodel's history or academic papers and see if they have published findings or research about that mutation. Just give me the basic stuff about it so that I'll have an idea of what to find. But Clarence, I can't promise you that I can give you a follow back. There is a high chance that this might be a secret piece of information." "I understand, Your Highness. Because I also think that way. Judging how no one can get inside Romeodel for years, there are a lot of things there that the rest of the world knows nothing about. Sometimes I think that you are lucky to be able to live there, but I also know that you miss this palace so much." "Yeah... I do miss this place. It's my home," Adelia replied, trying to stop her tears from coming out. "But Romeodel is not bad either. And you're right, a lot of things back there are just... new to me. Their technology, for example, is one of a kind. They have unmanned aircraft that the royal family uses as a service, and their buildings are equipped with some kind of computer technology that can do a lot of things and can function in many options. And then the places and things there are different too. They have pretty nice beaches and a plant there is so poisonous you could die by just inhaling its pollen. It's really a very strange place. But it is also beautiful." "I see," said Clarence, nodding, but Adelia noticed that he looked sad for some reason. "And how about your husband? Is he treating you well?" "Yes," Adelia replied, and she too felt shy and she didn't even know why. "He's the best husband that a wife could imagine. I am really happy with him, Clarence. And thank you for asking, no one has asked me that yet. Not even my father." "What? No one has asked you how you are being treated there?" Adelia shook her head, and Clarence looked stunned. She was glad that the air of formality and the need for Clarence to act polite in front of her had evaporated and now it felt like they were just two close friends talking and reconnecting. It made her chest lighter. And it made her realize how much she missed her childhood friend. "Well, my father did not really mind what my life would be like once I became a queen, since I'm a queen. He knows that I will not just go silent if I am mistreated, so there's that too. Maybe he thinks that if my husband hurts me, I'll hurt him back because that's just how I roll." Adelia added a hearty laugh after that joke, but Clarence seemed to have not to get it, so he now looked stressed. "Your Highness, if something is wrong---" "Oh no, it's not like that. I was just kidding. But my father is kind of right, actually. You know since we were kids, Clarence. NO one can hurt me. And if they do, I hurt them back too." Adelia gave him an evil grin after that, something that the two of them used to have when they were still children trying to escape from the palace. Back then, they would be mischievous enough for the guards that Adelia always ends up getting 'rescued.' And Clarence seemed to have remembered those days too, and now he was smiling at his childhood friend. "I see... It looks like I worried about nothing then," Clarence said after a heavy sigh. "I guess I underestimated you, Your Highness." "Well, it's your fault that you were far away for so long, you didn't get to see me often. Anyway, if we're done talking about what you found out, let us get back inside now and have our lunch. Martha and I wanted to eat in my room. We wanted to watch a movie, so if you want to join us... If you're still free..." "Of course, I want to," said Clarence gladly, and Adelia felt like the last years had not been that long. She felt like a missing piece of her that got chipped off was finally back, and that she was whole again. *** Adelia, Martha, and Clarence bonded that whole day, and Adelia even invited her childhood friend to just spend the night over at the palace. Clarence wanted to politely decline her offer, but Adelia warned him that she would be upset if he turned her offer down, so Clarence actually had no choice but to spend the night there. But it was not like he was sure that he would not enjoy his stay, because he eventually did enjoy being in the palace. It was also like a homecoming for him, since almost everyone there knew him as the child of the old court servant, Mrs. Hould. He had a lot of good memories inside the palace, and he knew it was the best time to reminisce while the King and Adelia's husband were not there. For some reason, Clarence knows that they will not approve of him being here. King Yusef was not fond of him as he saw Clarence as some kind of bad influence on his daughter, which he did accept with all his heart. He knew that the king was right... sort of. Clarence had always tolerated and inspired Adelia to do whatever she wanted to do, and that included breaking rules, like going out of the palace without any guards accompanying them. He would always be at her side, even if Adelia did things that made her father upset. As the only heir to the throne, Clarence saw what it was like for the young princess. He always felt bad for her, as she couldn't even go outside for a walk without having her father's permission. It was like she was a prisoner. So he made it a point to always be there for her. To be the friend whom the princess could always lean on. He wanted to be the person who would always be by her side whatever happened, and somehow he almost became close to being that person. Except that being that 'almost' only made him feel worse for her. When his mother retired as Adelia's personal caretaker, he had no choice but to go with her and live outside the palace. It made him feel depressed for quite some time because all he wanted to do was go back to the palace. He knew that Adelia needed him. He knew that life for the poor royals would be a lot harder after they left. He wanted to come back. He wanted to be there by her side. But what can he do? He was also just a kid back then. He was powerless. But now that he has finally achieved something, maybe he could do something for his friend. Maybe he could finally be that person that she needs and will always be there. Maybe Clarence could make her royal life a little less hard. And he decided too that he would never stay away from her again, and he would find a way to be near her even if she went back to Romeodel. Because seeing Adelia again made him a little braver. He felt more powerful now, even if in reality he was just some fresh graduate science man. Clarence doesn't even care that Adelia now has a husband because he knows that they only got married as an alliance stance. Clarence knew that Adelia deserved someone better than her husband. Someone who knows her. Someone who actually cares for her, and her alone. Someone who truly loves her, and is not sidetracked by his duties to a country. Adelia should have married him instead because he firmly believed that he was that man.
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