Chapter 5 A Piece of Advice and a Warning

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It was not their first kiss, but as Adelia could no longer remember the kiss that they shared during their wedding, this one right now felt like their real first kiss. At least to her, that was what it was like. Adelia had no other men in her life to compare this kiss to, but she could already tell that this was a kiss that was passionate. It was not rough, and it was not slow either. It was warm, but it was also chilling to her senses, especially that as someone who never had a boyfriend before, the friction of their bodies and the warm feeling of their lips kissing made her feel like she was starting to get numb. It was even difficult for Adelia to remain standing because her knees were suddenly weak again. This is when she finally acknowledged that Enoch, her husband King, was someone that could make her go crazy if she is not careful. It was a new feeling. A new sensation. It made her feel like she was really beautiful. And when their lips parted, Adelia saw the glint in Enoch's eyes as he looked at her, smiling. "My Queen, my wife... I am beyond happy that we are now married. Thank you for agreeing to our marriage, and thank you for coming here to Romeodel with me." She did not know how to respond to that, so she just nodded. And then she remembered her earlier question so she asked him that again. "Enoch, what did you mean by what you said just a while ago?" "What do you mean?" "When you said 'finally.' Does that mean that you knew me before our marriage got arranged?" Enoch did not respond to that immediately, and Adelia noticed that there was something again in his eyes, the same feeling that she felt the very first time they met when she looked at his damn eyes. It felt like he has animal eyes again, the ones which gleamed in the dark, and this time, Adelia was sure that she saw it. It was not just a figment of her imagination.  "My wife, of course, I knew about you. You are the only daughter of my country's nearest neighbor. We might have been closed to the world for years, but we share a border, so it means we get to talk about your country from time to time." "Oh, so you meant that you have heard of me before we met," said Adelia who was now less scared of him. Because she won't deny it. It made her scared again that Enoch seemed to know about her when they have never met before. He was acting like he had seen her before and that creeped her out a little.  "That's right, my wife. I knew that there was a beautiful princess just outside of my closed country. And as a man of good taste, I will lie to you if I say that I haven't looked you up. There are so many articles about you and Sanjolia." "Oh, I see. So that's what you meant." "Yeah. But why are you intrigued by that, my lovely wife?" She became suddenly shy that Enoch was asking her that question because now she has to make up an excuse. But she decided that she will try to be honest with him as possible. "W-Well, to be honest, Enoch, I did not really expect you to treat me this way. You know, how you treat me like I'm really your wife---" "What do you mean? You are my wife." "Yes, but we don't have to deny that we barely know each other, right? So I already pictured my life here in Romeodel. I thought you were just going to treat me like a stranger, so I am now very overwhelmed that that is not the case." Enoch hugged her again, and this time, it was tighter and warmer. She could even slightly feel his heartbeat on hers, and that almost put her in a trance. This man was not only charismatic, but he was enchanting. There was something in him that took all her worries away. But it only might be because Enoch was raised well by his parents.  "Listen to me, my wife. We may not have known each other before we got married, but we are married now, and that's a start, right?" Adelia nodded to that. She also felt Enoch's hands find hers and they held hands while they were hugging each other. "We will do our best to get to know each other, and we will respect and love each other as husband and wife. I never had the intention of just making you a trophy wife or something like that. I intend to be your husband, so I hope that you will become my wife too, not just as a title." That little warm and sweet words that Enoch told her made her tear up. Before she could stop it, her eyes were already swimming in her own tears. She was just overwhelmed by Enoch's kind and lovable personality. So when he kissed her again, this time rougher and hotter than the previous one, she did not even have the desire to hold back or to stop.  She just responded, and she just knew that her back already touched the bed. And when Enoch started removing her clothes and kissing every part of her body, she could not even think straight nor stop herself from making love with her husband, whom she felt guilty for mistaking him to turn out cold and business-like. Adelia kept calling his name when he entered her, and even though it was painful, there was the satisfaction in her of finally making love with her husband, someone who sees her as his wife.  Enoch was careful not to hurt her, but he was also a beast in bed. There was no part of her that he did not kiss, nor a part of her skin that did not go red from his touch. He was both passionate and rough. He was savage but he was also sensitive to her reactions that which confused her because she did not know that one could be both at the same time. But either way, Adelia realized that she did enjoy her first time more than she was expecting. Enoch was good at everything, even in bed, so Adelia was already thinking that she might fall in love with him easily. That was the last thought in her mind before she fell asleep. When she woke up, it was already morning. She was still naked under her covers, but she noticed that Enoch was no longer there on their bed. After washing her face and putting on clothes, she went out of their room and walked towards the long corridor of the palace where they were now staying. She wanted to find where her husband went, so she searched for him. A chambermaid passed by her so she asked her where her husband was. The chambermaid have no idea though, as it was too early for him to work, so she suggested to Adelia to go to the dining room and see if he was there having his breakfast. But he was not there. Enoch was not on the dining table which was filled with food. There was a woman eating there instead, which Adelia recognized as Enoch's sister, Ester. "Good morning," she greeted her politely to which Ester responded politely too by tilting her head to her. "Good morning too, Your Highness. I assume that you are hungry? Come on and have breakfast with me." "I would love to," Adelia said in return, "but I would like to know where my husband is right now." "Oh, right, of course. Well, I think he is in his study room. He already had his breakfast so you might just want to join me instead." "Oh." Adelia was sure that her face would not be able to hide her disappointment right now because she had hoped that she would have her first meal here in the palace with Enoch. But she shrugged it off as she thought that it was normal for the King to eat early as he has a lot of things to do. It was her fault that she did not wake up early. So she just joined Ester and ate breakfast. The delicious food made her forget about her worries for a couple of minutes, but then Ester started talking to her. "Your coronation and installation as the new Queen of both Romeodel and Sanjolia will be later this afternoon. I hope you will not be late for it, Your Highness." Adelia nodded. "I will be on time for it," she promised, but if she was being honest with herself, she would have preferred to not attend such kinds of celebrations as she still doesn't know a lot of people in this country. But she trust Enoch enough and she knew that he will help her, so she just went with it.  "Very good. Don't be anxious about the ceremony, okay. It's just a simple ceremony for your installation as the new queen. Although people from the two countries will be watching it, so please just thank everyone for their support. You don't have to do anything else." "Thank you for the advice, Ester." "Your welcome, Your Highness," Ester said, and she suddenly stood up and walked to where Adelia was sitting. It took Adelia by surprise because they were seated far apart while having their breakfast but now Ester was beside her smiling. She had no choice but to stand and face her because this was the King's sister so she had to follow the ethics when talking to royalty.  "You know what, Your Highness, I kind of like your naivety and innocence, so I feel compelled to give you another piece of advice. But this one could also be a warning, you know?" Adelia froze when she heard what Ester was saying. "W-What is it?" "I just want the best for you, Adelia, so I want you to be on the lookout." "What do you mean by that?" "I want you to not fall in love with my brother," she said.
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