Chapter 13 The Young Queen Fights Back

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And that's what happened. Just after Enoch said that to her, he kissed her full on the lips and carried her to their bed, something that Adelia could have not prepared. She could feel the intensity of her husband's every touch on her body, and it was just like fuel that was added to the fire.  Her moan worried her though as she was well aware that there were security men just behind the door, but Enoch seemed to not care about anything other than her lips. And her body. Which made Adelia quiver. She could not believe that Enoch still has the energy to spare for this when she could have sworn that he looked so tired a while ago when they entered their room. And she moaned again when her husband started planting kisses on her neck, then to her collarbone, and finally to her breasts. It was when Adelia realized that Enoch was able to remove her dress without even her noticing it. He was so gentle about it that she thought she still had clothes to cover her upper body. And all she could do while he kissed her like there was no tomorrow was close her eyes and bite her lips while she hold him on his nape. Heat and pleasure were also coming to her sense like some wave of water and seriously, Adelia doesn't even know how can she still handle it and not pass out from feeling too good. Enoch was indeed a good lover. And not only that. Even though Adelia was inexperienced, she could tell that the way her husband was making love to her was a little different than what would a man normally do. Enoch had this talent to make her feel that every touch and kiss he gave her was a little extra special. Like he was making an effort for her to remember what he was doing. Like it was not just them pleasuring each other. It was as though Enoch's mission in this world was to give her these waves of sensations and these million bolts of pleasure. It was like he mean it. And more. Enoch then stopped, and Adelia opened her eyes to see that her husband was looking at her with lust and affection in his eyes. "You are so beautiful, my dear wife. I hope you won't get tired of hearing that from me," he whispered before he took off the last part of her dress and throw it to the floor. He then proceeded to take off his own clothes and showed her his well-toned body. Of course, Adelia has already seen it but she can't help but still ogle at him as he removed his clothes one by one. Enoch had a six-pack, and his arms are well endowed with muscles at the right places. He was a lean man, but he was also muscular enough not to be considered thin. In short, he is hot and could be compared to a s*x god if he was not a king. And when he removed all his clothes, his manhood was there like a soldier ready for the battle, and Adelia gasped with tension before she could even stop herself. He was also well-endowed in that particular area, and that only made Adelia feel more feverish.  "Adelia, this view was the only thing on my mind on my way back here," he said which made Adelia blush. Because how could she not? Her husband was actually desiring her even before he came home. And he was insinuating that he went home for this particular moment! "Enoch..." she whispered, and then he went above her and positioned himself carefully while their gazes locked. Adelia then felt him down there knocking on her entrance, and that gave her a sensation that she had not felt the first time they did this. It was a brand-new feeling, something that she thought someone only feels when they know what was coming and they are actually anticipating it. So she could no longer stop herself when she called his name again for the second and third time.  And when their bodies finally united again, Adelia was delirious. She called his name again, but it came like a cry for help, except that she was asking for another kind of help. As they moved into the rhythm of their bodies, all Adelia wanted was for this moment to be engraved in her memory. She wanted to make sure that years from now she would still remember this moment, this moment where she felt like a woman desired by the man he loved, and that man is the only one allowed to do this to her. It was both exciting and nerve-wracking. And it was a release but it was a fulfillment of her body's needs. And when they cuddles after their love-making, Enoch kept on whispering words to her until she fell asleep. It was not clear when she fell asleep, but she knew that she was in his arms the whole night as she could feel his breath on her nape. They were in a spooning while they sleep, and Adelia could not help but notice how she could almost hear Enoch's heartbeat on his chest so vividly.   And that wakes her up. The idea that some stranger is now so close to her that she feels so lost and alone if he is not with her is so mysterious and shocking to her. She could not even think where did it start happening. How come that the king that she married is now the most important person to her in the shortest amount of time possible? Was this really what it is? Are they in love? *** Enoch went to a forum in a nearby university while Adelia stayed at the palace because her cousin, Martha was going to arrive. She almost forgot about this had it not been for a note from the border giving her the notice that a member of the Sanjolian royal family was about to arrive in an hour. After she gave her permission for her cousin to get into the country, she prepared herself and waited outside. "You could have just gone home to Sanjolia if you miss your family," said Ester on the great hall. She was sitting on a stool when Adelia passed by her. It seems like she was supposed to be painting something on a canvass, but the canvass has to arrive yet. "I'm pretty sure my brother would not mind you visiting your father and the rest of your family." "Oh, that's fine. I promised Enoch that we will both go back to Sanjolia when his schedule clears up. Martha is just visiting me since she's just in Border city." "I see. And my brother allowed this?" she asked again. I nodded. "He did. He even wanted to meet her, but as you probably know his event with the forum probably will last until tomorrow." "Oh yes, I remember. Then it will be just you and your cousin. I heard from the chambermaid that you're going to sleep in the guest room too?" "Yes. Since it was a long time before we bonded, we need to have a proper sleepover," I replied and saw Ester's eyebrows arched. It seemed like she was surprised at what I said. "What? Is that not allowed here?" She shook her head. "Not really. But I was shocked that the King allowed your cousin to enter Romeodel just like that." "Why? Is it not okay?" I asked because I was confused as to why Ester was acting as if she herself was displeased about Martha's visit.  "Your Highness, you might have been married to my King brother and became the Queen of our kingdom, but you still have to observe and follow the rules here. Romeodel is still a closed country. A lot of the things that you will see in this country are a secret for the outsiders. Letting too many people in here without the proper protocols will make the system shaky." Adelia did not know why but she suddenly felt irritated by this woman who acts like a vulture just circling the clouds and then waiting for Adelia to commit mistakes and then she'll swoop down on her to punish her. Most of the time she could tolerate her, but this time she could feel the veins in her neck starting to get more visible. And this is why she said that she did not know why she felt irritated with her because normally she could just take her words like they were nothing.  "Ester, I don't know what you want to tell me by that, but I told my husband about my cousin's visit days ago. And he had no problems with it. If he felt like there were some laws that were going to be breached then he should have told me about it. We don't keep secrets from each other anymore, so I assume he would have told me what was wrong about Martha coming here if there was any---" Adelia's sentence broke when Ester suddenly burst to laugh. Then she tried to stop herself and Adelia found it gross that she was now dry heaving all because she found what she told her very funny. "What's the matter? What's so funny?" "Nothing, Your Highness," was Ester's response though Adelia could see that she was actually had the time of her life right now. "I could not just help but find it funny." "But what is funny?" "The part where you said that my brother would have told you what's the problem. That's funny. Because it will not happen. Not when my brother is already in love with you. I'm sure he just avoided hurting you. But he must have thought that your cousin suddenly coming here was a breach of our century-old laws---" "I'll just brief my cousin not to tell anything that she will see here," Adelia told her because now she realized what Ester was laughing about. It was the thought that contrary to what she thinks, Enoch is actually lenient with her because he loves her. That she and Martha were actually breaking important laws, and that Enoch just turned a blind eye on them. "As you should, Your Highness. Make her sign a non-disclosure document. And warn her that non-compliance with it can be dangerous for her. I'll send you the document later when she arrives." "Okay. Thank you," Adelia just said and started walking away from her because she was still feeling a little mad about her policing Adelia's every move. She was acting like some patriotic surveillance personnel and it was irritating for Adelia. But she was just five steps away from her when she called Adelia again. "By the way, Your Highness, when you said that you and my brother no longer keep secrets from each other, how sure are you about that?" she asked with a deadpan expression on her face. Adelia know she was now trying to piss Adelia off and she was successful. "Did he tell you his reason for leaving you on your honeymoon?" Adelia nodded. "Yeah. He told me. And I would appreciate it if you would stop asking me these kinds of questions from now on, Ester. Stop trying to know everything that's happening between me and my husband. You might be her sister, but you are not the Queen." Ester stood up from her stool and her eyes were bulging as she stared at the young Queen. "Your Highness---! There is no need for such kind of words---!" "I know what you are trying to do," Adelia added before Ester could tell her more lies because Adelia knew what she will say next. She will try to feign concern and pretend to be asking Adelia those questions for her 'own sake.' But Adelia knows better now. "You are not happy that your brother is actually in love with me. You wanted me to be the just trophy queen and my great influence on my husband actually concerns you. So please, just stop treating me like I am not the Queen." Ester could not believe what she just said to her, so she stood there frozen. "Your Highness!"  "As the Queen who is the highest official in this palace, I think I deserve the same amount of respect that you give your King brother, you know. I might not be from here, but I am still the Queen, Ester. I was being nice to you even if you were treating me like we were equals, but if you're going to act like this, then I think I should tell you that you're always crossing the line. So please, before I tell my husband that you always disrespect me. Leave me alone." Adelia had never felt so powerful and so satisfied before. And she liked it. Ester was left there speechless after what she told her, and it became the start of the cold war between the two women. Ester would have wanted to give a retort but thought better not to as she smirked to herself as she watched the naive queen walk away. Ester knew that Adelia was still clueless, and that thought alone made her fury feel a little bit stingy.
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