Chapter 10 - Punishment Is Due-7

1995 Words

“School? What school?” “You said you was tracking her. You work for the school? You trying to take her back?” “I told you. I’m not a truant officer. I was hired by Oliver’s grandfather, Mayor Williams? His son’s shoes, Oliver’s father’s shoes, and Oliver’s shoes, too, their shoes, were found at the Riverside Merchant’s Tunnel. After the disappearance of the construction workers. Mayor Williams. He feared for their lives.” Shotgun appeared to think. “I know your daughter was friends with Oliver, and I only want to ask her some questions about him.” “What kinds of questions?” “Where she saw him last. What he was wearing. If he’d mentioned running away. Standard fare, really.” Shotgun nodded. His features softened. “And you say you don’t work for the school?” “Even if I did work for th

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