Chapter 7 - Epilogue

387 Words

CHAPTER 7 EpilogueStoneman awoke from nightmares feeling predictably ragged. His room was ice cold, the end of his nose and his cheeks and ears were freezing. He looked over at his alarm clock and was not surprised to see that the power had gone out. His watch lay beside the clock, so he picked it up and read the time. Six thirty in the morning. At least he hadn’t overslept. Soon the radiator on the opposite wall ticked, and the cold air gradually turned tepid, then warm, then warm enough for him to get out of bed. The ancient floorboards popped when he put his weight on them, continuing to crack as the heat infused the room. He padded to the window and pulled the heavy curtains aside. It always refreshed and rejuvenated him to look out upon the empty campus in the rays of the rising sun.

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