31. Fuyumi Mountain

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"Wow..." I muttered under my breath as I stared up at the mountain that was just a kilometer distant from where we were standing. Kalix presented us with potions of healing and enchantment to use. According to him, we would most likely die if we did not bring them along with us. Now I'm beginning to worry about what type of panther is protecting the item that Yuki left behind in the first place. He must be a hella tough one, wouldn't he? I mean, he was employed as one of Yuki's bodyguards! Despite this, I'm quite nervous... As I made my first step forward, I took a deep breath to calm myself. Those were heavy steps, but we persevered until we came upon a little shrine where we could spend the night. Because the snow was heavy and the air was very chilly, we had to put on an additional layer of clothing. I'm not really sure why, but I had a strong sense of a familiar presence approaching me from the direction of the mountain's crest. "Kasai..." "What?" I asked Shiro when I heard him say that name. I know that name because that was the person who wrote the journal that we found inside Charybdis's stomach. We haven't read that journal because we don't have time yet, but I would probably take my time reading it when I get the chance. Maybe we would find something in there as well, but I would like to focus on the mission at hand first. But if the person up there is Kasai, then I'd feel guiltier about having to take his life. "It is indeed Kasai." My brows furrowed at Shiro. "Hey, are you telling me that the person up there is someone named Kasai? Or what? He's the black panther?" He didn't say anything. Instead, he just offered me a small smile. For some reason, I had the impression that I understood what he meant with that smile. Although, it is not because of Yuki's presence inside me but rather because of Shiro's reaction. But that was quite a cute gesture on his part. The other three noticed how Shiro smiled and did their best not to hug him too tightly. I laughed and continued walking ahead, completely disregarding the cold. As we got closer to the place where Kasai was supposed to be, the snowstorm began to intensify. Even I, who was supposed to be immune to the effects of the cold, couldn't keep it at bay. Blake had no choice but to use his hellfire to save our lives, even if it meant depleting his elemental force in the process. We kept going till we came across a man who was feeding bunnies. We were wary of him, mostly because he had a strange presence about him. "Greetings," he said as he bowed a little before us. The guy presented us with a hologram of a katana called Yuki no Senren while looking directly into my eyes. I stared at it because it piqued my interest. The blade had an enticing appearance! I could not think of anything else beyond the fact that I could hold the snow-patterned hilt comfortably in my palms. I bit my lower lip because I wanted to grasp the katana so badly. My goal is to get my hands on that item, no matter how risky it is to my life. I'm not sure if it was just my mind playing games with me, but I think I saw him smirking a little. "Here is the quest." The man briefly explained that he needed our assistance in getting rid of a black panther that was defending the mountain's peak at the time. According to him, there are hail-like flowers found up there that can be used to manufacture an all-curing medicine that can be used to cure all diseases. But the menace of the aforementioned panther prevents him from getting there. While we were aware that the quest was purely an act to ensure that it still fits within Artemia's overall concept, we decided to go through with it. They most likely expected that we would decline if this quest required us to break the game's rules. As soon as we finished listening to the explanation, we began heading towards the peak once again. We came into a few groups of mobs, including ogres and goblins, but they weren't a significant danger to us. The hound dogs and wild boars were more frightening, but we were able to dispatch them fast. Even better, we were able to get high-quality beef! I'm certain that we'd be able to sell them for a good price. "Hey, how much can we sell this good stuff?" I asked while munching. "Hell no, we will never sell them. This is ours and ours alone. Heck, I'd prepare it for you for as much as you want. Just don't sell the meat!" Blake cried as he held my shoulder, practically begging me to allow him to keep the meat in his inventory. What the hell is wrong with him...? "I had no intention of selling them. I was just asking about the price," I replied, pouting a little. "Sure, you weren't..." We constructed a temporary barrier to keep us warm while also making a permanent barrier to keep us safe from the monsters of this mountain. We were afraid that the dangerous ones would track us down, so we concealed our presence and made ourselves invisible. Kalix warned us not to underestimate the mountain after the sun sets since it transforms into a hellish environment. And I realized what was going on when the mobs began to rise from their hiding places, hunting for us. They were sniffing over the place like they were seeking something, and it was rather scary. We made the mistake of forgetting to remove all of our traces! We cannot sleep at this time due to the need to protect ourselves. It's frightening to think that we may end up being devoured alive by all of these huge dogs and monsters. Even if we were to miraculously awaken if they were to see us, we'd have difficulty getting out without being hurt. When one of the largest dogs turned his head toward us, I trembled with horror. Blake gripped my hand hard, his hands quivering as he closed his eyes tightly. Oh, my God! I quickly drew him close to me so that he could feel warmth amidst the light. He won't be able to fight at this rate! While his eyes remained closed as he gradually calmed down, I was becoming more worried about the creatures that had begun to approach us. I swallowed the lump on my throat as I grabbed for the hilts of my katanas, preparing to launch a counter-offensive against the enemy. Something appeared at the same time they attempted to leap on us, and they were instantly frozen to death. I blinked twice as I tried to process what had just happened. I fixed my gaze on the creature, which gleamed brilliantly in the darkness. It looked so sophisticated! My jaw dropped open as I looked at the dragon, which glistened like a brilliant star in the sky. "You may rest assured now, Your Highness." My eyes widened as I stared at her, unable to process what she had just said. "Who are you?" I whispered under my breath as I fixed my gaze at her. She let out an empty chuckle. "It isn't important, Your Highness," she said as she turned her back on me. "Yukina..." Shiro whispered, looking a little scared as he hid behind. Oh, so Yukina is the name she goes by. When I looked at her, a smile inevitably escaped from my lips. Her given name seemed incredibly exquisite, exactly as she appeared to be. Given that she went out of her way to protect us, I'm just going to go ahead and assume that she and Yuki had a strong relationship. Yuki is lucky that she has friends who are willing to go to any length to help her achieve her objective. "Ah, the little rascal has arrived, at long last. Why do you feel the need to intervene? I do not wish for Her Majesty to recognize me as my time will arrive soon..." "Please accept my apologies for my impudence, Princess of the Dragons. It is my opinion that Ivory, right here, deserves-" "Ivory?! Oh my God, what a blaspheme! You have the audacity to address Her Majesty in that manner! Even if you are a part of her awareness, this is completely inappropriate!" As she took a stride towards us, I could sense her resentment in her voice. Shiro quickly hid behind me in order to protect himself from what Yukina could possibly do to him. She didn't even give the poor lad a chance to explain himself! Blake regained his composure and prepared to launch an assault if Yukina attempted to hurt us. Because they couldn't hear what Shiro and Yuki were talking about, the other two did the same as well. I took a deep breath and rose to my feet to provide an explanation. "Please take a deep breath. I was the one who insisted on it since I didn't like being addressed in such a formal manner..." Yukina soon regained her composure and bowed. "I see what you're saying. I have to beg for your forgiveness-" "You can call me Ivory as well," I cut her off because she didn't need to apologize. Although I'm pretty sure that she would protest against it as it is a form of disrespect to me, I don't mind. I sighed because she seemed to be too stunned by my words. "Although Yuki is the princess of Artemia, I am not her. It is unnecessary for me to have titles since I am just Ivory, an ordinary person who has come from another dimension." She seemed surprised as she abruptly transformed into a human. "What a load of rubbish! I am nothing compared to you and your existence. Therefore, I must address you properly!" I approached her with a grin on my face. "Friends don't talk to each other in a formal manner." "Friends..." After Yukina had calmed down, we decided to rest for the night in order to be in peak condition for the following day. Yukina doesn't seem to like sleeping, so she kept a close eye on us throughout the night. I felt bad because she might just be forcing each other. But I'm still confused since it was said that dragons were extinct in Artemia after the conflict. At least that's what the people around here say. But I didn't want to worry about it for the time being. Maybe I would find out the next day. When we awoke, we prepared ourselves for the day ahead. Yukina has promised us that she will accompany us to the peak, but she will not be able to fight with us. We understood and didn't press her for further information since it seemed she didn't want to explain. Although I was worried about her, I didn't want her to think that I was ordering me to tell her. Because if it did turn out that way, she would have forced herself to tell me. It seems like her loyalty towards Yuki is to that extent. After cleaning up, we made the decision to go up. We were concerned as we rode Yukina because of the powerful presence that was approaching ahead of us! "What are those...?" I asked as I looked at the black liquid that had splattered all over the snow and trees on the ground "Blood. It seems as if there was a riot last night," Shiro replied, sounding as if it was normal. "Riot? You mean, the monsters from last night fought among themselves?" "Although this was true, the mobs also ate one another. It was for this reason that they continued to grow in strength if they do it." "That's...nasty." "Hey, what's nasty?" Freya asked with furrowed brows. "Every night, it seems that cannibalism takes place here. The mobs consume one another in order to get stronger." The three of them trembled, disgusted by what I had told them. It's very awful if you ask me. When I looked down, I noticed the blood slowly evaporating and turning into golden dust. What the hell was that?! My mouth went agape, not expecting it to be turned into such beautiful, delicate-looking dust. The dust rose into the air, illuminating the trees in a mystical manner. They reminded me of the fairy lights we used to have back on Earth! It's very lovely... If only I had been able to record that exact moment, I wouldn't have regretted it a bit. Of course, it's etched into my memory...but it's unfortunate that we will not be able to save the memory for eternity. Everyone should take the time to appreciate the beauty of this mountain. Because it had a therapeutic impact on me, I believe it has the potential to purify a human's corrupted mind. "You're getting healed, Ivory. However, it was because the mountain recognized your presence. Fuyumi Mountain knew you were the princess and reacted that way as a response." I flashed a sarcastic smile. "Wow, that's a great way to sabotage someone's imagination." "Take a look at this ivory!" Blake called and pointed his finger towards the ground. "The snowmen are on the move!" When I glanced in the direction he was pointing, I saw animals made of snow running and playing. As I watched them, I couldn't help but smile, allowing myself to be relieved of the uneasiness that I was experiencing. The four of us were like children, looking around the hills in search for all the wonderful things. It was lovely that we were able to maintain our happiness despite the knowledge that we would eventually put our lives in danger. The snow was very cold, yet it had an odd effect on me, making me want for the warm comfort of...home. In a way, it seemed like I was inside the house where I had grown up, a place that I could call home. Yuki is unquestionably responsible for all of these wonderful developments. Because of her, I was given the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures that this world has to offer. Yes, in the middle of the disaster that has befallen us. During our journey to Fuyumi Mountain, I was at peace with myself. Many places would be ideal for playing, and I swore that I would visit them once all of this was over. We'd be tossing snowballs at each other if we had the opportunity. Unfortunately, we can't do any of the activities I had in mind. Because I knew I wouldn't be able to smile later, I chose to enjoy the lovely environment while I still could instead of wallowing in misery.
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