What's in the Woods

1483 Words
As I walk through the door Lizzie looks at me, she tilts her head and asks “Summer? Did you do a mud run instead of your usual jog?”  “Very funny, Lizzie. I just tripped over and fell over a tree root.” I say back, slightly annoyed. She just giggles and walks off towards the lounge. I take my trainers off and throw them in the wash. I walk in the Kitchen. Dad still not ate his dinner. I grab some plasters and head upstairs to run a bath, dumping my clothes in the basket full of clothes. Guess I better do the washing before school tomorrow morning. A relaxed bath is just what I need right now. I still think about what just happened but can hear Dad and Lizzie talk in the kitchen. I hurry up washing my hair and jump out the bathtub. I wrap a towel around my hair and quickly pop a plaster on my knee before I put my comfy pyjamas on.  I walk down the stairs in the hope Dad is still there, luck is with me and he is still sitting at the table stuffing his face.   “hey Dad, how was your day?” I ask him with a smile. “It was quite busy Summer. Are you girls ready for School tomorrow? He asks back.  “we will be alright Dad but err… I wonder do you think there are any bigger animals around us here in the woods?” He looks at me rather confused “What do you mean Summer?” Slightly rolling my eyes, I look back at him. “Well, I just wondered since we are in the middle of nowhere… are there any bigger animals around these parts of the Forest”.  “Summer, it would be nice if you could be more specific? Did you see any I haven’t heard of any Bears around this area but quite sure there are deer around, if that’s what you mean?” “Humm... no not Bears, anyway Dad I better pack my stuff ready for tomorrow morning, night.” I get up and grab a drink from the fridge and head to my room. It is one of those evenings where it starts to get a bit colder, I was not sure if I left the window open or not. I stand at the window bay looking out in the dark. My window faces the forest which is so calming. I love the rustling of the leaves and I love all the smells the forest offers, thinking about it, the forest has been my Happy Place ever since we arrived here. I sit down, resting my chin on my hand, lost in thoughts to what happened today. Pictures of the black shadow keep jumping on my mind again I hear this voice. It sounds very calm, I get up and look out the window, just to try and listen … “Here.” The voice tells me, and I start to shake my head. Surely, I am going mad. I hear voices in my head because clearly there is no one here, a sudden knock on the door rips me out of my thoughts. “Night Summer, hope we can make friends at school tomorrow, but I am so nervous, what if they don’t like me?” Liz is standing there slightly shaking. “Oh, Sweet Liz, they will love you” I try to reassure my little sister. She walks over and gives me a big hug. “Thanks Summer, Love you.” “love you too.” I say back smiling at her. “It’s time for you to get some sleep now Liz. “She nods and walks out. I decide to lay down too and listen to a bit more music before falling asleep. My sleep was not really restful, I still do not understand this voice I keep hearing or what it was with the shadow. It was no bear I know that much but it was huge non the less. So Powerful but the scent of feeling like I am home? Really confusing.   I woke up from the alarm going off early as I need to get washing done and lunch packed before going to school. Washing is on, so I start packing lunch, not just for myself but for Dad and Lizzie too. Just as I finish the wash is done and I put it in the dryer. I hear footsteps behind me, so I turn around. “Good morning Summer” “Morning Dad, are you off out already?” “Yes Darling, I got to go in a bit early today, but I see you got it all under control as usual.” He says with a warm smile. “Do you know if Liz is up yet?” “She was just getting up I think, anyway I have to go. Hope you two have a good day.” He hugs me tight and then turns on his heels to grab his lunch and goes out the door. “Liz? Are you getting ready? I thought we could eat breakfast before School” I shout up the stairs. “Coming” Liz shouts back. I pour us both our favourite cereal into two bowls and take them to the table ready for milk. I sit down on the Table and wait. Tapping my fingers on the table, impatient, nervous and a bit insecure. “Liz?” I shout with a sigh. “Yeah, Yeah … I am here now. Sorry it took so long, I don’t want to forget half of my things, specially not on my first day!”  Liz looks just like my Mom. She has lush long blonde hair with a few darker highlights running through and She got blue eyes with a bit of green. She always leaves her hair open as Mom loved to brush it for her. I am nothing like her. I got about the same length, but my hair is really dark brown nearly black, and I love putting it up in a messy bun. I barely put makeup on and honestly, I do not feel up to it today either. “Want me to put you some makeup on summer?” Liz asks waking me from my thoughts. “No, thanks Liz.” I answer while we carry on eating our breakfast. “Summer? Liz asks with a shaky voice. “Yeah?” I look up at her. “I don’t want to go to school, what if they don’t like me, or if I can’t make any friends?” her eyes go all glossy. Liz is that kind of girl that used to have loads of friends. She did not want to leave our old Home and was quite mad with Dad for taking this step. “Oh Liz, don’t think like that, you will easily make friends, just be yourself.” I say smiling at her and she smiles back at me. I on the other hand, I do not easily make new friends. I was never really close to anyone. I just never felt a connection evolve with anyone, a loner as they used to call me. I prefer to sit alone and listen to music for example. While we eat, we talk where I will pick her up after School. I make sure she got everything she needs before she leaves for the School bus. I pull her in for a quick hug, like dad did earlier with me and send her on her way. I have just about enough time to do a tidy up in the kitchen before I have to go myself as I do not want to be late. Grabbing my lunch, I am out the door. I freeze as this smell hits me in the face again. Unsure what to do I stand still and slowly turn from left to right scanning everything around me, but I cannot see anything out of place nor anyone for that matter. I really must go so maybe I am imagining things which is not so surprising after all the stress. Maybe it is stress causing me to over think? I shrug and jump in my car. I turn the music up hoping it will calm me enough before I get to School. I can be so clumsy when I am nervous, so all kind of scenarios are playing in my head right now. As I sit outside School in my car I wonder if it was easier to just skip the first day all together. It knocks on my window making me jump out of my skin…. Literally.
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