5. Ark the Twilight of Hamburg

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     Time very quickly swings life on purpose and hope. Evidence that 72 months had locked Yoanna into a mistake she couldn't credit as a problem. Yoanna received a lot of happiness within walking distance, for her patience against a very fair destiny. It's been a long time since the years have changed with other advantages. She still tolerates but the word 'but' has understood everything because Yoanna has accepted that nature as a gift. Her enthusiasm always arises when she sees her only daughter who has now grown into a beautiful little girl.      Preparations to immediately leave for the airport have reached 80%. Five minutes later, Thalita came with the good news that she had bought a ticket for Kima. At first there was some doubt between Yoanna and Thalita about Shaila's nanny, but let Kima's business be their responsibility. After all, Kima has taken care of Shaila since she was a baby.      The color of the night is getting darker and the flight schedule has urged Yoanna and the others to immediately leave for Soekarno Hatta International Airport. Before leaving her hometown and indeed Yoanna herself will never know when she will return to Indonesia, she took the time to visit her parents' house. But she could only look at the fence with bitter feelings, Yoanna tried to keep the tears of longing.      "Are you sure you're not going there, Yo?" Thalita scolds waking up Yoanna's daydream. For a moment, Yoanna turned and looked down.      "No Li, I've seen enough of them from afar. I want my parents to fight. I must be sad to see them fighting again. I've had enough of making them suffer, Li."      Talitha was helpless to comment other than holding Yoanna's hand. Then the taxi immediately went from the area where Yoanna lived to the Cengkareng area. In Yoanna's journey to strengthen her determination when carrying the burden of her own problems, Yoanna knows about pain and since her family expelled her, Yoanna has been fair to herself. That is, she will work hard for her baby. [...] Hamburg, Germany.      Exactly about twenty hours of flight from Jakarta to Hamburg has been exhausting without breaking the spirit. In the Flughafenstr area, Yoanna chose to stop at one of the nearby restaurants while relieving fatigue and thirst. Yoanna painstakingly woke Shaila from sleep and then put a warm shirt on for her because Germany is currently experiencing winter.      The busiest city in the world is located between the Elbe and Alster rivers. Hamburg again stimulates Yoanna's pleasure when she sees the sun changing colors. Tell Shaila a little that Hamburg is the city where Yoanna has lived for the past three years.      "Mommy, there is a ship." Shaila's hand pointed at the boat floating around their dining area.      Yoanna shook her head as she started to fix Shaila's ponytail. "No Sweety, it's a boat."      "Isn't that the same?"Shaila seems to insist that the two means of transportation have no difference.      "No, Miss Superman, boats and boats are different. The ship is big, but the boat is small." Yoanna explained briefly so that it was easier for Shaila to understand the accurate difference.      One of the seafood menus that Yoanna ordered for Shaila had dissipated the aroma and taste on the table. The afternoon breeze provided some relief after a long journey and Shaila looked strong and even excited. One to two mouthfuls for the little girl was a bit odd with herring preparations topped with onions and pickles. But slowly she began to like Hamburg cuisine when Yoanna added horseradish sauce.      "How, good is it?" Yoanna's index finger brushed off the remaining seasoning stuck to Shaila's lips. Shaila nodded.      "Good, but don't use it. I don't like spicy, mom." Yoanna almost returned to pour the complementary sauce.      Until finally she found out that Shaila does not like spicy food, but to change the taste a little different without reducing the thickness of the taste, she gave tomato sauce. And the firmness of Shaila's pleasure radiated.      "Yo, we can cook daily fischbrötchen for Shaila." Thalita refers to ideas.      "Oh yeah," Yoanna couldn't calm down when she remembered that one food. "Li, we can shop for fish at the Hamburg Fish Market. Great idea! We should find a place to live there."      Thalita's expression changed. She simply drank the mineral water and then poured the sauce over the minced meat on a hot plate to tie in the flavors of the dish. The sound of the sauce sizzling disturbed the night atmosphere in the restaurant.      "Close to the office, but it seems we don't have time to go for a walk to the port. I'll arrange and order later." Ask Thalita that today and one month ahead, Yoanna will focus on her new job.      "Yeah, I know. I'm just too excited, because how many years have I not been here?"      Deg! How many years? Since Yoanna stumbled upon a disgusting and annoying case because she can't blame anyone else. One night that changed her whole life. Short night with the guy. Oh s**t! Yoanna can't swallow food, even swallowing saliva takes energy.      "Hm... How many years, huh?" Thalita's head looked up, her eyes lifted at the thought of something.      Yoanna didn't reply right away, even though she buried memory in another menu, she gave a smile and a new sense of enthusiasm even though her heart was struggling. Then she fed Shaila again with the remaining energy and brain that still felt sane and didn't want to go crazy about that night.      After enjoying the banquet and the panorama, Yoanna followed what Thalita said. They immediately left the restaurant and headed for the terminal.      Along the way to the Ottensen area, which is located in the Altona region by the Elbe river, Yoanna takes a look at historical buildings in Europe. Her soul is reluctant to forget how the city has served as an intermediary for expertise as a person who has a high artistic soul. Yoanna has been studying the art of photography for ten years and indeed she has fallen in love with Hamburg.      Fatigue has eroded the night and energy, when a modern apartment but its classic impression is still touched by welcoming eyes. First, Yoanna put Shaila to sleep, then she looked at the laptop to just repeat her work first. Yoanna watched the various types of photos taken until she didn't realize that Thalita was sitting next to her with her eyes scrutinizing the computer screen.      "That... Your shot, Yo?" Thalitha asked, taking a sip of coffee. Yoanna nodded emphatically.      "Yes, six years ago. I just decided to make a collection and have no intention of printing it."      "Wait," Thalita's eyes widened. "This... Is your real shot? Seriously?"      "Yes, that's my hand shot…," Yoanna's lips slightly grimaced when she looked at Thalita. "So what? You're scary when you're serious like that," added Yoanna curiously.      Thalita immediately finished the contents in the glass. "Wow, I have an idea. You just entered the contest! While working at the JE'O company, you enter the contest at the company that JE'O cooperates with. Ah, wait a minute. I forgot, what's the name of that company?"      "Never mind! I'm too lazy to enter a contest like that." refused Yoanna without hesitation.      "Proud!" Talitha grabbed Yoanna's hair lightly. "Your name can be better known here. You can look for a side, Yoanna."      Yoanna's face looked cynically with her eyes getting sharper towards Thalita. "Then where's the time for Shaila?"      "This woman is weird. The contest is only for a day, but the prizes are decent. As far as I know, the winners will be partners with famous photographers like Arnold, Jason, and... Teresa." As if she couldn't believe it,      Yoanna knew that her hearing was still very good. One or two times, she asked Thalita to explain. It's not about how big the prize is, but the name Arnold is the leading photographer in Europe. Yoanna was too hopeful after hearing about the contest.      "Or if you want to add a more erotic feel, you come to the festival." Thalita's suggestion seemed to give Yoanna an ambition option.      "Christmas festival? But Shaila is recovering, I can't bear to take her out for long. It's cold." Yoanna was silent while playing with her nails.      "How's that? It was in Berlin, poor Shaila." Thalita understood what her best friend was feeling. "But don't worry Yoanna! We'll rent an inn there until you're satisfied with your photo shoot."      Still, Yoanna shook her head, she seemed hopeless. "Yes, I thank you very much. You often help me. Just... You don't need to think about that, after all, I don't have a camera anymore."      The two girls fell silent. Both Yoanna and Thalita felt that the designed idea was futile, but one thought came to Yoanna's mind that there was no need to say that Thalita already understood what was on her mind. They will still go to Berlin with their dreams and rent a camera from the rental. [...]      A small glow of city lights can be seen from the top of a luxurious building owned by a prominent family in the city of Hamburg. The puff of smoke from the tobacco made the warmth of the snow just subside. His eyes didn't move from a dusty decoration, and he purposely didn't allow the maid to clean the dust scum on the lantern with the initial Y.      "Yes," Lucky came from behind and patted Jee on the shoulder. "You don't have to think about it, if the festival in Berlin fails and this contest still doesn't find your girl too, we can still try it next year Jee."      Jee was silent as he removed the ashes from the end of his cigarette. He was lazy to tell his brain about the failure that had happened three times when holding a festival as well as a contest aimed at finding the initials Y.      "Patience Jee, I always support you to get your girlfriend." Lucky assumed he was trying to calm his best friend.      "She is not my girlfriend. And don't ask me why!" Jee replies just telling the truth.      "No! I won't ask you anything. Just my advice... Try to love another woman and give her a chance to make you happy Jee!" Lucky said without hiding his goal for Aloysia to be happy with the man he loves.      For Jee, people say a few words of pleasure while making love is very natural. But not when he reveals love, it sounds impossible if his mouth will say sincerely, all requires commitment until Jee is sure he has found his soulmate. His current job was to flirt with time and thoughts about tomorrow's festival event. A winter event that was deliberately held to strengthen the reaction and enthusiasm of the contest next Sunday, at the company under the auspices of JE'O Picture.      "Actually, I want to invite Aloysia to the festival, but if you give permission," He hesitates, but Lucky hopes to melt Jee's heart.      "Why do you have to ask for permission?" Jee replied unenthusiastically.      "You're the boss, so all invited guests must ask for your approval." Then Lucky feels weak when he talks a lot about Aloysia.      Jee smirked as he stubbed out the end of his cigarette. "The event is for the public, so anyone can attend and participate in tomorrow's event."      "General? So you think Aloysia is someone else? You are outrageous Jee!" Lucky protests about Jee's arrogance.      "Outrageous, me?" Jee suddenly turned and turned his gaze to Lucky. Lucky sharpened his hearing and sight.      "Yes, you! How can you say that? She is your fiance, Jee!" Jee's eye area crinkled from laughing out loud.      "You care so much about Aloysia, why? Do you love her? Just take it! It's not a problem for me. In fact, I am very grateful to you. Lucky."      Without a burden and no fault, Jee left Lucky's place, who was snorting annoyed. It doesn't matter. Because for Jee, ending engagement with Aloysia is Jee's big dream.      Down the street, Jee's favorite car flies by as he makes a call to a woman he loves, the one who always lifts his spirits when he feels that what he wants will never be achieved. But not infrequently Jee made the woman who had given birth and raised him with an attitude that never received a will from his father.      "I'm sorry Mom, but I'm still the same. I'm still waiting for the girl to come, or maybe she is around me! You don't have to waste time setting me up with Aloysia, she's not my type. Not because she's not smart or beautiful. Aloysia is perfect, but sadly... I'm not worthy, I'm barren." Jee explained at length to his mother.      A statement that cannot be refuted with money though. The nature that he thinks is very unfair makes him weak in dealing with problems. It's useless if Jee seeks satisfaction with a woman like Aloysia. He just wanted to stay single, or even keep looking for where Yoanna is now.      The car had been parked in the courtyard of Jee's private house in the center of Hamburg. From a distance, he saw a room covered in translucent glass only where an object Yoanna had left was there. The thing that Jee sometimes made to shine, the bright form he looked at every night. A lantern with the initial 'Y'.
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