chapter one thrown out

1393 Words
HI there my name is Tisha Bliss, And if you're reading this book for the first time, Hi its very nice to meet you, If you feel at any time reading this book that you just can't read anymore, feel free I will understand, but please do not put any rudeness or disrespectfulness in the comments, I will not reply to those, If you have any questions. please ask and i will always answer, I always reply to all comments, If your wanting to know what book I first wrote Its called The Alpha King, just look my name up and you will find it, yes i know there is a lot of bad grammar and some misspelling, all the books are being edited, it just takes time so please bare with me okay, My editor is awesome and she does have a life, like the rest of us, I do my best and so does she, if you have a book Idea let me know and i will definitely write it, i do have a group on F/B So if you want to join its called Tisha Bliss Books, request to join and I will definitely say yes, i hope to see you there, and again it's nice to meet you, Jennifer pov I was coming home late again from school again today, I had to stay after school to do homework, I couldn't do it at home, because when I did try my mom and dad just tried to keep me busy and away from the computer, they always thought I was just playing games and went on sites I shouldn't be going on, but when I did get to get on it, they stood right there watching my every move, I knew they were stricted, but on this day when I walked into the house, I saw a huge duffle bag in the living room, I didn't think nothing of it, I went to room and put my books down, and set on my bed to relax for abit, that's when I heard my mom call me to the living room, I rolled my eyes wondering what I did now, I just got home, so I walked out of my room to the living room that was down a small hallway, our living room wasn't big and wasn't small either, it had a white couch, and a recliner, with a small wooden coffee table that I thought it looked really nice with the couch, we even had a fire place, but my dad never did a fire in it, he always said, you want heat turn the heat up and get under the blankets, so that's what I did, I went to one of the chairs and set down, and waited for them to tell me what I did wrong this time, it was my dad that spoke and I always listened to him, if I didnt I would had gotten hit or thrown in my room onto the floor, so I put my full attention on him when he starts to speak, I tell you, being thrown on a non carpet wooden floor hurts like a b***h, “Jennifer, we feel that since you are sixteen now, you can go live on your own, your mother in I want the house to ourselves now, and we are wanting to travel, So we want you out, this duffel bag here has most of your clothes in it, the other stuff has been thrown away, even your computer, you have ten minutes to go to your room, and see what else you want and then leave, or I will toss you out, is that clear?” I was speechless, I was being thrown out of my home at the age of sixteen, where the hell would I go or do, I ran to my room and tried not to cry, I looked around and thought to myself, money, I hid money, I went to my closest and I shoved a box away and found my money, I would work odd jobs to to get money just incase I ever needed it, I saved over three thousands, it wasn't much but it could get me a room for a week I hope until I could figure out something, I shoved it in my pockets and my book bag I took from the chair in my room and put it over my shoulder, then I walked back out into the living room, “daddy, why are you doing this? what did I do that was so wrong that you're tossing me out?” he rolled his eyes and told her, “ You was f*****g born that’s what you did so wrong, I didnt want you, your mother did but I didn’t, your not even mine, My jaw dropped to the floor, and I just shook my head, I picked up the duffel bag and just left I didn't even look back in say anything to them, that was the last straw that broke the camel's back, I guess I'll be walking everywhere because I didn't even have a car, I sighed as I walked down the side walk, it was still early as the birds where flying around and I saw a few dogs playing in the park, they where playing tug a war with a stick, I had no idea where I was going to go, and how I was going to get there, I might as well take a bus I have some money, maybe I can just go somewhere away from here, the bus station wasn’t even that far away from the house, we lived in a small town were everyone knew everyone, A few of my class mates waved at me, looking at me wondering where I was going, i could never have any friends, or even a boyfriend at the time, because of my parents, but I guess that will change in time, but my mind is set to get out of this place, the faster I leave, the better, When I got to the bus station my feet where hurting, it took a lot longer then I thought it would, I went to the desk where a lady was looking at me like she was concern, but I doubted she was, “:How can I help you today young lady?” Jennifer looked up at the gray hair green eye lady, “How much would five hundred dollars take me from out of this place?” “Well young lady, you really don't need that much to get out of here, It will only take two hundered to get to Gatlinburg Tennessee if you really want to get away from this town, it will take three days to get there by bus,” Jenniffer nodded, ‘Fine i'll go there,” she took the money out of her pocket and handed it to the lady, can I have a one way ticket to Gatlinburg Tennessee please”? the woman nodded and Jenniffer noticed that her name tag said, Anne on it, Anne handed her the ticket and her change to her, the bus leaves in twenty minutes, so if you need food or drink hurry up and it leaves out that door, she points at the five door down where there were not that many people in line, so She hurried in got a few sodas in a sandwich, with some donuts, she was sure it would stop for gas, so she would be able to get something else to eat on the way, she stood in line just in time the announcer said Bus to Gatlinburg Tennessee is now loading, everyone was starting to load up on the bus as the bus driver looked at everyones ticket, Jennifer set at the very back even when there was hardly anyone on the bus, but she learned on the bus ride there, that the driver stopped at a another station to load more up, the bus still wasn't crowded, and she did get to step out and move around and to get something else to eat, she wondered how long it would take to get there, as she set back and closed her eyes, she might as well take a nap, there wasn't much else to do,
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