Chapter 3 – Is this Home?

1334 Words
  Arriving at the Packs territory, Nero has to get used to the new scents all around him. It is different to what he is used to. This Pack is different. It’s not his Home. He knew it wasn’t but still left him struggling to catch his breath as he arrives. Here everything is different, not just the Scent but how the small village is built too. A Wall around the Grounds and Houses built closely knit around each other while his Father always liked a big open space to build houses, with space for everyone. As they get through the only entrance, a big Gate closes right after them. Walking down the main road, Nero can see a Big house at the end and holds on tight to the hand of the Alpha. The Roads within the Village are moderately busy with People doing chores, tending to crops around the houses. Vegetables grown on site, Animals in small paddocks within the Walls. While they walk the people are waving to the Alpha and he nods greeting them back. Nero is watching children running around chasing each other but they soon stop as they spotted Him. Whispers as he walks past, leaving him insecure and shaken. Arriving at the House a young Lady steps out of the Door. “James, you are back. Did you find what you was looking for?” She doesn’t give him the chance to even answer as she looks down on Nero raising her eyebrow. “That is not what you went for? Hey little one, What’s your Name?” She asks.   “I am Nero.” He stutters with a frail voice. The lady holds her hand out for the young boy to take. Nero looks up to the Alpha waiting for permission to take her hand. “It’s okay Nero. This is Silvia, My Wife, The Packs Luna. No, not found what I was looking for but found something even better. I will explain later. Is Ezra out?” He asks her as he strokes over Nero’s dark curly hair.   “Yes, he is behind the House with Gordon and the boys… training. Shall we give you a bath and get you some clothes Nero? I am sure you will fit in Ezra’s clothes just fine.” she smiles warm at the young Boy who has been through a lot already in his short life. He nods at her holding on tight to the medallion the girl gave him. Silvia helps Nero out of his rags, washes him and helps him into new clothes. “Look , all better now, how long has it been since you ate something?” She rubs her hands together walking towards the small Kitchen in the back of the house to get the Boy some food. Soon as she mentions food Nero’s tummy starts to grumble. “I don’t know, a few days maybe?” He looks up at her holding onto his stomach. “Oh, you poor little soul, here let me make you some bread and a big cup with milk. Sit there while I go and grab it.” She points towards a small table with chairs and Nero complies. He looks down in his hand, the medallion left marks in his hand as he is holding on to tight to it. Silvia spots it and asks him about the medallion as she places a plate with food on the table. “That’s pretty that from your Family?” she asks, placing a cup next to the plate pouring milk into it. “No, a Girl gave it to me at the market.” He answers before putting it on the table. He can’t help himself but grabs for food without thinking. Starved he stuffs as much food as possible into his mouth. “I know you are hungry but try to eat slowly or you might choke.” Silvia warns him as she watches him carefully.  Clearly the young Boy is too hungry to listen, He drinks plenty and eats till he almost feels sick. Once he is full Silvia shows him around the house, offers him a Bed where he will sleep the night and gives him a moment to himself. He hides the medallion under his bed, hoping it will be safe for now.   Walking outside he notices James, Silvia and another Man talking while some young boys are rolling over the floor play fighting. “Oh, here he is. Come over here Nero meet your new friends.” Alpha James waves him over. As expected of him, he walks closer, careful, and timid. James stands behind one of the smaller children, closer to Nero’s size, holding on to his shoulders. The young boy had golden light brown hair hanging lightly into his face. “This is my Son Ezra. I hope you guys will get along well.” James then turns back towards the older man. Nero watches Ezra as he stumbles closer. He notices the limp Ezra has, trying to walk. He is slower than the other children, who are already surrounding him. His heart is beating fast as he is not used to being put on the spot, it makes him feel very uncomfortable. Nervously he bears weight from one leg to another. One of the older children starts to nudge Nero. “Hey, where are your Parents?” he asks. With a frown he refuses to answer the question, shaking his head. Another one starts to push Nero about and Silvia is ready to put it to an end, when James holds her back. “Watch.” He whispers. As jet another Boy tries to push Nero, he is not willing to let it happen he avoids his touch with a swift swing of his arm. “I asked you something!” The older child raises his voice and wants to grab Nero but he is too slow. A small growl escapes Nero’s lips and the three children try to jump him at once.  Not going to let them bully him around, Nero stands up for himself pushing back as they grab him. He hesitates to hurt them but when one of them hits him in the stomach, he has had enough. A fierce growl makes one of them drop his hands immediately. He manages to push off the other child and the last one… the one that had hit him… is punched in return, which sends him flying backwards. Just as Nero is about to jump onto the child to hit him again the older man steps in. “Nero!” he watches him in amazement with an open mouth. The beaten kids use the chance to quickly run away as Nero looks towards the Man that has just shouted at him with a frown. Considering the children are all bigger and stronger, no one could have known the strength that is hidden in the small body of the young boy. The older man walks closer kneeling down next to Nero. “I am Gordon and will help to train you. Have you had any training before young man?” He asks curious. “No, my father didn’t believe that children should be fighting. We had been shown how to hide. Training was only for the older children.” Nero lowers his head as he feels a hand placed on his shoulder.   “Courage. Never change.” Gordon stands up and walks back towards James when Nero notices Ezra standing next to him holding out his hand. Uncertain how to react, He places his hand in Ezra’s. A small giggle escapes both the boys as they hold on to each other. A bond formed, one as strong as brothers. Made from different blood united to fight the odds.

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