chapter 53

1287 Words

Victoria Becker narrating: It's all been crazy, these last few months have been such a rush. First, we finally moved. Now we have our own house with a huge garden, Helena has already run around there a lot, and Marius, as he is a doting father, bought several toys and made a playground for her, he is even building a tree house. Then he complains that she is spoiled. Anyway, I'm not going to college, I'm studying from home and it's been very good. Crystal lives here helping me, Helena loves spending the day with her grandmother and madi, as she calls Madison. And the moment I always dreamed of, my wedding. I had a talk with Marius, and we decided to get married only after the boys are born, it will be good because lately I can't even stand up. Last week I turned eight months old, and

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