chapter 9

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Marius fitzy narrating: It had been a few days since I had returned from Holland, and I was full of work, I know that my father did his best to ensure that everything went well and that he didn't accumulate too much work, but Cristian is hopeless. My brother promised he would help our father, but I see that he came to the company just to hang out... my brother is a disgraceful kid. Now I have to do what he was supposed to do because we can't lose the contracts and neither can the investors, I was chasing losses that weren't even supposed to exist. But today was much calmer than the other days, I only had three meetings, one in the morning and two in the afternoon. — Mr Fitzy, the partners have already arrived for the meeting —said Avellar. I nodded, soon she left and so did I, I followed the corridors to take the elevator, but I ended up bumping into a woman who had a little baby in her arms, the child started to cry. I looked down at that little baby and felt something new and different, my heart was racing, but why? I don't even know them, or if I do, I don't remember. — Marius — I see the woman say my name and I look confused. — Yes? — I asked. — I need to talk to you urgently —she said, still rocking that little pink thing in her arms, she had already stopped crying. — Sorry, but I have a meeting now — I said moving away because we were still very close. —Please, it's urgent —she said, almost crying. — Right, two minutes because I can't be late — I said, and we went to my room. But first I asked Avellar to go to the meeting room and say that I would be a little late. — What do you want to talk about? — I asked. —I'm not going to stall, so I'm going straight to the point —he said, taking a deep breath— this baby is her daughter. I was paralyzed looking at her, I don't remember her, so how is that child my daughter. — You won't fool me —I spoke calmly— I don't even know you, how can this child be mine. — I see you don't remember me —he said, and I denied— we met at a nightclub, and we ended up having s*x in the bathroom, anyway, this little baby was the result, I know this is confusing, even more so when you say you don't know me, but you can do a DNA To confirm, I don't care. I looked at her suspiciously, she didn't seem to be lying because she didn't waver in her voice and looked me in the eyes, another thing is, if she had been lying she wouldn't have asked me to do a DNA test. I'm an observant person, and even if someone can say they're a good liar, they'll always do something suspicious, just look at the details. I look down at the child and, for some reason, my gaze goes towards the woman's arm where I see that it is purple, her gaze goes to where I am looking, and I see her pull the long sleeve of her blouse lower, covering it. — What was this? — I asked. —I... hit —she said without looking me in the eyes. Oops! She lied. — Right —I look at the time on my watch and I see that it's been about five minutes— I need to go, but you're going to stay here, when I come back we'll talk. She nodded while stroking the baby's hair, I'm not the type to make a fuss after finding out something, like now that out of nowhere maybe I'm a father, I'll do the DNA and if she's lying then I'll have to take some steps, but if this is true... Cum!! If it's true I'll have a daughter, I'll be a father... I don't know how to be a father, I'm f****d. I leave the woman there and head to the meeting room, where I ask Avellar to keep her company while I'm busy. I keep thinking about them all the time, I always had everything under control, and now I'm here lost, not knowing what I'm really going to do if all this is true. [...] Victoria Becker narrating: I confess that I'm surprised, he didn't curse me, he didn't call me a liar, a gold digger or say that my daughter could belong to anyone... he didn't even freak out. What man is this that doesn't freak out? I hear the door open and a very beautiful woman walks through it, she smiles at me. — Hello, I'm Alisson Avellar Marius' secretary —she said— I came to keep you company while he's in a meeting. — Hello, I'm Victoria and this is Helena — I said, showing my little girl, the woman looked at my daughter with affection. — His daughter? — she asked, and I nodded— very beautiful, a true princess., — Thank you, I liked you —smile— very beautiful and friendly. — I also liked you, so, do you need something? A coffee or something else? — Wow, I wanted a coffee — I said, I didn't eat anything, and I'm very hungry, a little coffee will give me energy until I leave here to eat. — I'll go get it right now — she said, leaving. [...] Alisson brought me a cup of coffee and some cookies, I was starving, so I ate them all while the brunette held Helena. My daughter is so young and is already going through all this. A few minutes had passed when the door was opened, not by Marius but by Cristian. — Brother —he said entering the room but stopped as soon as he saw us. — He's in a meeting, but it's been a long time, so I think he's already leaving — said Alisson, still with Helena in her arms, my daughter liked her a lot. — Who is she, and what is she doing here? — he asked, looking at me, actually looking at my clothes. — I'm waiting for Marius —I said, but didn't say who I was. — I know you from somewhere —he said analyzing me— ah, you're the waitress that day. — It's me — I said, after all, I'm not ashamed of having worked as a waitress. — Don't you get tired of running after my brother? — said — why don't you go away and leave him alone. —She won't leave because it was her brother who told her to wait for him —said Alisson. — Has he given it to charity now? Because she has conditions to buy none of our electronic devices —said— but if Marius, with his humble heart, wants to help her, whO am I to stop her, I just want to see when she starts to deceive him to ask for money. — You're an asshole — I said as I got up and approached him. —And you're a beggar, and you still have a son —she said with disdain— sure you'll say it's my brother's, a real b***h. I slapped his face, making him turn to his side. — You're going to regret everything you're telling me — I said, looking at him seriously — i***t. — What's going on here? I looked towards the door, seeing Marius, standing there looking at us. — Nothing — Cristian said before looking at me angrily and leaving the room, bumping into his brother's shoulder. — What did he do? — asked Marius, approaching me. — I'll leave you alone —said Alisson, getting up and handing me Helena. — Are you going to tell me what was going on? Why was I arguing with my brother?
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