Chapter 4: Hybrid

1943 Words
I can't even tell you the fear that I had. It was overwhelming and I was shaking so bad the chains began to click together. That was probably the worst moment of my life. That was the moment that I broke down. I had been doing well until that point. At that moment, everything came crashing down and I just went crazy.   The feeling of your blood being sucked from you is one I hope you never experience. Your heart stops and starts irregularly and suddenly you aren't seeing things clearly. Your body is on fire and you can feel every drop of blood that is sucked into the vampire's mouth.  Then there was the poison that I felt him begin to put into me. It latched onto what little blood I still had and dug into it, driving into my nerves, my bones, and my heart. The pain was overwhelming.  I heard my master moan in pleasure and he wouldn't stop drinking. I thought I was going to die then, because I couldn't breathe, it was becoming darker and darker. Then it all went away. I woke up an hour later. I couldn't move, but I knew I was on a bed. My body screamed in pain and I was struggling to breathe.  Then I felt a presence beside me. My eyes were still closed but I could tell it was my master, staring at me with his hawk eyes. I could smell his cologne like it was the air I was breathing in and I struggled to take in all of the senses that I was receiving. It was truly overwhelming and I kept getting hit with waves of headaches and pains that slowly twisted my insides.  "You are adjusting well." I hear his voice and I have the need to flinch. So I do and I am met with an agonizing wave of pain.  Screaming, I curl up into a ball, begging him to make it go away. Tears are streaming down my face and I grip to the comforter for some type of assurance that I am alive. The fire that was growing subsided for a moment and I felt the sweat pouring off of my body. "Your body is trying to find a way to deal with your new status." Master whispers so low I am surprised I hear it.  "My what?" I ask through gritted teeth. My hands search for a pillow and I grip to it tightly as another contraction begins to seize my body. I clamp down on the pillow, squeezing it with all the strength that I could muster. It did little to help, but I still clung to it even after I was done with the wave of poisonous pain.  "You are no longer a Level C hybrid. You've moved up to a Level B, but you aren't as harmful as they would like to describe you." I hear his voice and it's soothing in a way. I don't even understand what he's saying, it makes no sense at all.  "A Level C hybrid is one that only has two different forms mixed into one body. You now have three different types of species wrapped up in your bloodstream. It will be quite interesting to see how they mix." I still don't- "I do not wish to explain to you the extent of your powers lest you see fit to abuse them." My master seems to- "read your mind? Yes it is quite simple now that the third mark has been completed. If you listen hard enough you will find that you can hear my thoughts as well, at least those that I will leave open to you." I bury myself in the pillow as once again I am attacked by my insides twisting and turning on each other, everything was caving in on itself and then straightening back out. He did this to me. I lay frozen for a moment, lost in the weird, twisted wickedness of my master's ways. There is no trust in me left for him and I don't really want to look even more like a fool in front of him. I have been abused in the cruelest way possible from him and I don't intend to make his life easy, but I don't want to make mine hard either.  Honestly, I am just confusing myself because if I don't listen to him I will be worse off than if I do. However if I do listen to him, it shows a submission that I don't know I can afford. Granted, it was part of my deal, but how could anyone ever be willing to serve someone who was-  "a monster?" My master finishes my thought and I swallow, knowing I offended him by the tone he was using with me. I bit my lip and felt my skin break apart.  Hissing in pain I touch my lips to feel a small cut. My master tenses behind me, but I still haven't opened my eyes and I refuse to do so. "Clean it up." He orders through tense words. I frown but then realize that my blood is probably hard for him to be around.  "Sorry, Master." I mumble out of the necessity to say something in return. I keep my hand on the cut, attempting to make it dry out and scab faster, but I suddenly don't feel the wound. My eyes shoot open and I look at my hand to see the dried blood, but when I touched my lip there was no trace of a cut. I run my tongue along my teeth and feel that my canines on top have been.. extended. I had fangs. Suddenly I understood.  He changed me into a vampire.  "Took you long enough." My master grumbles.  "Did you expect me to be a genius when I woke up like I did?" I snap at him, suddenly livid that he did such a thing to me.  His chuckle pierces through me and yet another wave shoots through me, this one was less harsh, less painful, and surprisingly much shorter. Swallowing the lump in my throat I made the effort to scoot into a position to where I could see my master.  "Watch your tone." He says slowly. I know I am testing his patience but I can't find it in myself to not be angry with him.  "I never agreed to this." I snarl. His face is cool and calm, much different than what I know mine is. In fact, I am almost certain that I look like Medusa on meds because I know my hair is disheveled and I am hot with sweat and anger. "I didn't agree to you changing me into one of you. Heck, I don't even know what one third of me is apparently and now you go and throw a vampire into me. I am not a melting pot!" All of the tension and stress has finally caught up to me and I am venting it out on my master, but frankly, I don't care.  "You told me that you would be my blood slave, and so I have gone to the extreme of making you my blood slave." My master tells me, sending my argument out the window.  I did agree to be a blood slave, but being blind-sided into something like this was simply outrageous. "It isn't outrageous when you are the one who set the terms. I would simply suggest you don't make deals when you don't know what you're getting into." He steps towards me and again I flinch in response.  "Thanks for the late advice." I mutter. He stares at me.  "I'm starting to regret giving you the freedoms I have." His voice is threatening. I retreat into my thoughts, not wanting to continue with this conversation. 'You're not safe in here.' I hear him whisper. It was haunting, the way it echoed.  'Please go away.' I beg, tears rolling down my face. I cover my ears with my hands and I rock back and forth. This is all too much. I can't deal with the pain, the knowledge, the questions, him. I just can't do it right now. 'Please.' I repeat, praying he would listen. He doesn't.  "I have no intention of harming you." I hear him say quietly. The bed dips in front of me and I shake my head, refusing to open my eyes. I don't want to look at him. "You won't be in any danger here as long as you comply with my commands." He says soothingly. My body relaxes at the sound of his voice but my brain is still a whirlwind of thoughts. "I promise." He finishes. With those final words he stands and leaves me to comfort myself.  It had to be hours of crying, reminiscing, everything just crashing down on me, before I finally decided I needed to get up and do something. As I unfolded my legs from my fetal position, I felt the coolness of the air around me. Sighing, I walked over to the door and outside. My eyes wandered aimlessly as I started down the hallways to the kitchen.  I could hear my master in the other room, doing who knows what, but I only paused a moment before proceeding on my way to the kitchen. The smell of food was horribly intoxicating and when I saw the fridge I all but bolted to it. The hushed voice of my master in the next room grabbed my attention but I refused to be that person that tried to eavesdrop on a vampire. I was pretty sure my smell was enough to alert him anyways.  Sighing, I gnawed lifelessly on the end of a carrot stick but I couldn't taste it. For a moment I panicked but then I heard my master laugh and I grumbled miserably to myself. Frowning, I went to the nearest bathroom and found painkillers. I lifted my shirt to see my bruises for a second before taking a pill and going to the kitchen for water.  "What do you have?" I hear my master ask. I jump at the sound of his voice before I clear my throat and turn to face him.            "What's it to you?" I raised an eyebrow, loving the fact that he was agitated with me. If I was stuck here I could at least have a little fun.  "You're my property, I wouldn't want any damage done to you." He sends back a quick, sharp remark that makes my blood boil.  "I suppose you should've thought of that before you beat me up huh?" I ask. He narrows his eyes.  "Painkillers?" He questions. I nod and swallow the pill.  "Bingo." I turn around to place the glass in the sink and suddenly my waist is pinned to the counter. My master keeps me against the cupboards and leans his head dangerously close to my neck. His lips are so close to my ear I can hear them part before he speaks.  "I would suggest you lose the attitude before this ends up badly for you." He says in a low voice. I swallow, trying to decide whether or not to send a sharp remark back. In the end I lower my head to look at the sink before I respond.  "Yes, Master." I wait until I feel him leave the room to breathe. His fingertips were still burning against my skin and I could feel his breath on my neck, taunting me. Shaking my head I close my eyes and just let myself relax for a moment. 
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