The End of a Journey

3280 Words
            While Albert and the others were speeding away from their pursuers, Ifrit and Rhynsa still fought among the forest trees. Ifrit chased Rhynsa through the forest until they got to a clearing near the big waterfall Eshdar mentioned previously. He could also see the bridge that Eshdar mentioned. Rhynsa did not waste any time and quickly pulled out a pistol and fired towards Ifrit. Ifrit kept moving until he finally found a rock big enough for cover. Rhynsa managed to keep shooting while Ifrit scrambled into cover, with some of the bullets grazing his cheek. It was very hot when it grazed Ifrit’s cheek and he felt it, but he was too focused with the fight to even consider why a hellhound with fire invulnerability would feel the pain of the heat grazing his cheek.             “(Rhynsa!)” said Ifrit from behind a rock cover. “(Can we talk about this?!)”             A gunshot was heard and Ifrit noticed the bullet ricocheted from the rock. He then heard bullets clinking and, thinking that it was Rhynsa reloading, he broke cover and tried to tackle the hellhound. However, it was a trap. Rhynsa dropped several bullet casings on the rocky terrain as Ifrit broke cover. The black-furred hellhound had no time to dodge when Rhynsa shot his leg. Ifrit tripped after this and fell to his back, grabbing his leg in pain. Here, Rhynsa pointed his revolver at Ifrit’s head as he c****d the hammer, turning the chamber and loading it.             “(One shot in the head and it’s all over for you, prince),” said Rhynsa. “(You said in street fights there are no rules, so I simply improvise).”             “(Okay, stop!)” Ifrit grabbed the gun in frustration and grabbed his body, lifting his light body over his body while he tore off the revolver from the Fuzandre’s hand. He then slammed him to the rocky clearing so hard that Rhynsa felt it. The pain dazed Rhynsa enough for Ifrit to scramble to the revolver he tore off and checked the bullets inside. Just as he was pointing at Rhynsa, the Fuzandre had recovered and pulled a different gun that wasn’t a revolver.             “(This one’s the newer model. Semi-auto 1911),” said Rhynsa. “(I can shoot you three times faster with this compared to that six chambers).             “(I said stop, Rhynsa),” said Ifrit, gun still pointing at Rhynsa. “(I don’t give a goddamn f**k for your feud with my parents, and I don’t mind the horn. Not all challenges must end with death).”             “(That street wisdom or your words?)”             “(No rules in street fights, so I make one).”             “(How about no? And besides…)”             Rhynsa aimed his gun elsewhere and pulled the trigger. There was a scream of pain as a hellhound fell from a nearby tree. Ifrit was too surprised by this sudden action, so Rhynsa stood up, stomped the chest of the hellhound he just shot, and promptly unloaded the whole magazine into the hellhound, killing him in the most brutal way possible.             “(That’s…a bit excessive),” said Ifrit, surprised by how brutal that execution was. “(You know one bullet to the head is enough, right?)”             “(There is no honor among those who sold their souls to the devil),” said Rhynsa as he reloaded his gun. “(I don’t like traitors, but I hate them for ruining my life even more. These fuckers betrayed their own monarchs out of circumstantial evidence, justifying the Uprising as something noble while in fact they’re as dirty as the one they betrayed)."             “(Uprising? But I thought you…).”             “(Hynorsi and Leahn deserved to know that screwing around with their trusts isn’t going to get them more allies. I was just going up to their chambers to tell them that and exact my revenge when the Uprising happened. Hynorsi was burned alive and impaled while Leahn…I don’t really want to describe it. She got it worse. Violated in the worst way possible…did make you think twice about vengeance. Fate does like some twist, so reluctantly, I exacted their revenge instead. I didn’t even think that they even know I did it for them. On the bright side, the Fuzandre tribe I was part in managed to prevent the Uprising destroy them, but as a result, Fuzandre-hellhound relationship were damaged beyond repair).”             Ifrit listened as Rhynsa explained everything to him. He never thought his parents would meet such gruesome ends. Even so, he did not really have any lasting connection with them, knowing that he was raised by foster parents who cared for him and, unlike his parents, were loyal to a fault, even dying to save him.             But that still did not stop Ifrit to ask about his fosters.             “(How about my foster parents, then? Are they part of your revenge because they worked for my blood parents?)”             “(My hatred is only for your parents, not their staffs. Sammael’s different because his obedience is forced. I think you should know that before you start thinking why a lesser demon even bothered to protect you until adulthood).”             “(I don’t have anything to do with his enslavement),” said Ifrit. “(Even I loathed those words).”             “(But your blood are, so if you’re willing to sacrifice your life to a Barghest, be my guest).”             “(Uh…no).”             “(Yeah. No one’s stupid enough to sacrifice their life for a demon. Well, I won’t comment on how you two seem more like friends, but like blondie said, you’re not your father).”             He soon offered his hand. Ifrit was hesitant and cautious after being tricked before, sos he declined it and helped himself up. However, the pain from the gunshot wound sapped any strength he had, causing him to stand up shakily. Rhynsa quickly grabbed and supported him with Ifrit’s arm slung over his back.             “(Lost your appetite for revenge?)” said Ifrit.             “(Don’t tempt me, kiddo. You said no killing in this challenge, so let’s hope I don’t try and bend the rules while I’m in a good mood).”             “(Who won?)”             “(Well, who got the faster gun?)”             Ifrit scoffed. “(Yeah, right).”             “(And besides, for someone with a lot of street cred, you have low pain resistance).”             “(No),” said Ifrit as he winced. “(The bullet’s eating at my wound. You don’t happen to stuff your bullets with anything corrosive, right?)”             Rhynsa became suspicious with his remarks. His bullets were different, but it wouldn’t affect a hellhound in any way except the pain of it lodged inside their flesh. He started to think something so improbable, even for him. Even then, he shrugged it off and dragged Ifrit until Ifrit lost the strength to walk, forcing them to stop near the bridge. He then gave Ifrit a gun.             “(You know how to shoot?).”             “(I wasn’t born yesterday, Rhynsa)”             “(Let me rephrase that. Can you aim? Anyone can use a gun, but can they shoot the right direction).”             “(I know how to kill, Rhynsa),” said Ifrit, starting to get annoyed.             “(Okay, I trust you know what you’re doing. Now, the bullet).”             Ifrit tried not to let out a roar of pain, but Rhynsa using his dagger open the wound and pull the bullet out did not exactly help, so he let out a loud roar.             “(Yup. Bullet got you good),” said Rhynsa as he put some gunpowder over the wound. “(I’m gonna close it now).”             Unlike what happened with the bullet, the gunpowder wasn’t exactly painful. It was a dull pain at best as it lit up. Then, to Rhynsa’s surprise, the wound closed almost suddenly.             “(Interesting),” said Rhynsa. “(That’s something you don’t see every day).”             “(Fire heals me),” said Ifrit. “(It’s good during fights that might kill me).”             “(Yeah, well, not every hound is as lucky as you. Come on. That roar must’ve attracted some of them).”             “(I didn’t see anyone in the forest).”             “(I killed most of them).”             “(Right).”             As they waited for enemies to come towards them, Ifrit started to wonder if Rhynsa knew a lot more about the whole incursion business than he did, considering that he was there when the Uprising happened. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to ask about it, considering how their feud quickly changed into something different. Was it Ifrit’s words? Rhynsa had 20 years to hunt him, but he only did so because he shot one of Ifrit’s horn to issue a challenge. He wasn’t even sure if this bat was seriously trying to kill him.             “(Can we talk?)”             “(I told you not to talk during a battle, right?)”             “(I’m just asking some simple questions. Why stop? I thought you got robbed of it during the Uprising).”             “(While we were fighting in the forest, I started thinking about what blondie said. The sins of the father are not his son’s. I know that’s surface crap, but then he’s right. Hynorsi might be your father, but he is not your daddy).”             “(What’s that supposed to mean?)”             “(Blood isn’t always the way to judge someone. Ah, what the hell. Let’s get this over with before I change my mind, Schelkz).”             Ifrit smiled. He never thought that someone with 20 years of planning his revenge would simply realize his mistakes without ever being consumed by it.             “(Or maybe he never considered this seriously),” thought Ifrit. Maybe somewhere deep inside the Fuzandre’s heart, he always believed that Ifrit would never follow his blood parents’ footsteps. Ifrit even thought that maybe his challenge was simply to test whether Ifrit was going to be different.             Rhynsa pointed his revolver into the forest and shot several hellhounds ambushing them. Ifrit quickly helped, but his aim was not as great despite some of the bullets hitting the hellhounds. Rhynsa helped finish what Ifrit did. The Fuzandre noticed several beasts that were not Underworld native. He tested this by shooting them, and sure enough, the bullets disintegrated them into dust.             “(Demons?)” asked Ifrit when he saw that.             “(Nothing more than a beast from the first circle),” said Rhynsa. “(Much like your Barghest pet).”             “(What do you have against Sammael, anyway?)”             “(I can’t fault him for being loyal to your family, but maybe you should consider the reason why he’s so loyal. He’s a broken slave, Schelkz. A demon who lost his fangs. Sure, he could still eat dreams, but then again, he is muzzled. All he did is observe, but not eat).”             “(So, Sam was…?)”             “(You really believe a demon that easily, Schelkz?)”             “(Okay, I get your point. That doesn’t mean I believe your version of the story).”             “(Nope. I know you won’t. Let’s just say by this point the story’s no longer original).”             They shot more hellhounds and demons as they continued their pace towards the bridge. The clearing opened to a ravine high enough that the river could not be seen. While it made such great scenery, it was also dangerous, especially without guard railings like the clearing was. It opened directly to a cliff. Both did not even bother trying to walk on the edges and quickly climbed the stairs up to the main road where they could see a car pass.             “(Well, well. Your friends are here),” said Rhynsa. “(I think this is where we bid goodbye to each other).”             “(Rhynsa, wait),” said Ifrit. “(If the incursion was real and getting worse, we can’t have any fights among ourselves. I know I sound crazy, but I need you to be my ally).”             Rhynsa looked at Ifrit with disbelief before he scoffed. “(What? Look, Schelkz. I can tell you’re desperate enough to ask your enemy for help. He may not educate you with his life, but his blood still flows in your body. Even if you’re not as corrupted as he is, you are still his son. Your fur color and your red eyes told me that you’re just like him. I don’t need to be involved with someone bearing the Schelkz name).”             “(Whatever your grievances with my father, I don’t care about it. I wanted to have a quiet life, but now, I can’t let those demons take that life away from me. I caused Lilac to lose her home and now her brother cannot go hom. He’s out of the continent right now, risking his life for a discovery of the ages. In any case, I felt responsible).”             “(That Lycan’s life has nothing to do with why they’re hunting you. She’s collateral).”             “(She’s not. I love her).” Ifrit stopped after he said that before he grabbed a hellhound and kicked him off to the cliff. “(She’s here because of me. I want to protect her, but I can’t do this alone).”             “(You already got three allies to help you).”             “(Won’t hurt having another one, right?)”             Rhynsa contemplated on Ifrit’s proposal and request. On one hand, he did not like the son of Hynorsi to be bossing him around because he did not want to suffer the same repeat of events that happened years ago. On the other hand, Ifrit was doing this out of pure love. The werewolf was not even part of the whole incursion business, but Ifrit tried to protect her, anyway. Even if Lilac became a warrior, she was doing so to protect her home, not to become like Leahn Schelkz, the former queen of the Drundas kingdom.             Rhynsa sighed upon realizing that maybe he wasn’t being serious about revenge. Maybe he never did wanted revenge, especially after he saw what happened to the people who betrayed him. They paid the transgression gruesomely, and Rhynsa was a witness to that. When he put his knife into Leahn’s heart, it became ironic. In the end, he gave them the final service he could give them as one of their generals. In the end, he was not exacting his revenge, but theirs. By killing the hellhounds responsible for the Uprising, both in the Underworld and the surface, he maintained his allegiance to them. As stupid as it sounded, he finally realized this when he contemplated Ifrit’s request while in conflict with their enemies.             “(Alright),” said Rhynsa, albeit reluctantly. “(But I really hope I won’t regret this, Schelkz).”             “(You won’t, Rhynsa. I swear upon my words).”             “(Then I swear that when you betrayed the trust of any of your steadfast allies, I will be the one to put the bullet in your head, Ifrit Schelkz. But, I swear, if you betrayed your girlfriend, I’ll make sure these demons aren’t your worst nightmare. You got that Schelkz?)”             Ifrit silently nodded before he said, “(Wait. What if...?)”             “(What if what, Schelkz? No exceptions).”             Ifrit was going to say if it included the accident that turned Lilac, but he chose to say, “(No. Nevermind).” Rhynsa’s alliance was still fragile at best. It was better not to give him any reason to shoot him from behind.             The moment they reached the road was when the attack intensified. They tried to defend themselves as they approached the car. Everyone was already ready to get away from the conflict until the saw Rhynsa’s chiropteran face behind Ifrit. They quickly became alert.             “(What the hell is he doing here?!)” exclaimed Sammael. His body was covered in bandage after the demon cleansing water injured him             “(Long story. I’ll explain later),” said Ifrit as he jumped into the car.             “(But, Ifrit!)”             He could hear some bullet made a ‘zing’ sound as they barely missed Ifrit. He got in front of Lilac as she ducked under the car’s seating.             “Step on it, blondie!” exclaimed Rhynsa as he climbed onto the car. But, just as he did so, he felt his body being dragged off by a hellhound. He turned his head to face this hound, but then realized that this one looked like a twisted, monstrous version of a hellhound. Its body did not even resemble a hellhound and it was all bones. It was as if all its common sense were stripped to make a beast.             Soon, the car was engulfed by these persistent monsters. They tried to drag off its occupants. Everyone tried their best in taking them out, with Albert even running over one when they got dragged under the wheel. Rhynsa tried to fight back, but his leg was being held by one of them and his grip was failing. When it did, Ifrit held on to it.             “Ifrit! Use this!” exclaimed Albert as he threw a revolver to Ifrit. Ifrit proceeded to shoot the monster down. It quickly disintegrated like a demon. He turned and took aim, but not before he saw Lilac being overwhelmed by one. She bit the monster’s throat and pull out its windpipe, but to her horror, the monster was not dead. She was going to be dragged off when Ifrit helped her. Unfortunately, he was the one who was being dragged off. He tried clinging to the car, but was unable to do so, finally losing his grip along with Rhynsa.             “Ifrit!” exclaimed Lilac. “Al, stop the car!”             Albert did so and found that it was a better idea as now he could concentrate on shooting down the monsters. Lilac ran towards Ifrit to at least help him, but then, the unthinkable happened.             Several twisted monsters that were once hellhounds started overwhelming him and biting him like a predator. He screamed in pain as his flesh was torn off by the monsters. Rhynsa managed to shoot several of them down, but more came. Ifrit, filled with rage and pain, then grabbed one of them and fire started to burst out of his wounds as he burned the monster he grabbed to crisps. It was not enough to stop all of them. To make things worse, he was out in the open. The hellhounds found him an easy target and started shooting him, injuring him even further. His flesh was torn out as he screamed in agony before he started limping to the side of the bridge.             Then, to Lilac’s horror, Ifrit lost his balance and fell out of the bridge. He still managed to grab the railing, but his grip was failing. Lilac managed to grab his arm, but the combined weight of the hellhound and the monsters tearing him up was far too much for Lilac to handle, even when Rhynsa tried helping him by shooting down several of the monsters to reduce the weight.             Ifrit, still in agony, soon realized that he was beyond help. Rhynsa’s aim was good, but he had holes all over his body and he was drifting in and out of consciousness. This was the end of his road, and there was no way he could amend this. He could feel the pain of Lilac’s sharp claws digging into his hand as she desperately tried to hold him.             Knowing he would never get any more chance in saying it, he looked at Lilac’s eyes. Lilac looked at his red eyes and realized that look. She knew.             “No,” she said as tears formed on her blue eyes. “No, Ifrit, don’t.”             “Lilac…thank you,” said Ifrit, content. “And goodbye.”             Before Ifrit could even broke free of Ifrit’s grip, one of the hellhounds pointed his gun at them and shot Lilac’s arm, causing her to lose her grip. Ifrit saw Lilac calling for him while under fire, prompting Rhynsa to push her away and get her to safety. He never thought his journey ended this way, but he knew he could trust his friends to continue protecting her. He dragged her into his mess, and he had done his part.             Lilac could only look as Ifrit plunged into the ravine, disappearing among the mist created by the waterfall. She was stunned and devastated as Rhynsa shot down the hellhounds ruthlessly. Albert and Eshdar pulled both of them to safety into the car as they left the area, stunned and devastated.   
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