Guitar Heroes-2

2002 Words

c***k! A large, indistinct figure standing over three bodies on the ground around it. Crack! The figure suddenly standing up, looking towards us. Crack! The figure almost upon us before any of us has time to react. Finally, we move. Green charges first, lunging forwards to meet the figure, roaring with pleasure like someone relishing a brawl in a pub. I move more carefully, edging around the side, waiting for a good moment to pile in. It occurs to me the creature is at least vaguely humanoid. Always some reassurance. Green hits the shapeless, looming figure in the chest with his lowered shoulder, intending to knock it flat on its back. There is a strangely gentle noise, a muffled shush, and Green cartwheels onwards, off balance and falling, having apparently passed through the bein

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