Chapter Thirty Three- A New Woman

1750 Words

Gwen approached the hospital room in which Deacon was present in the day after he made it known that he did not remember her. Her heart ached upon having to make him recall the moments that she held deep in her heart. Even though she held a bittersweet feeling upon crossing the threshold of the room, the sight of him having been conscious allowed for her to be thankful of his current status. Bringing a small soda can sized teddy bear, Gwen made her way closer to Deacon's bedside-thankful that he was alone, but was unsure if this would be for a few moments, or for the rest of the day. Although Gwen had missed him terribly and thought of what she would say to him when he would awaken, she couldn’t bring herself to speak a viable sentence to him in fear of how he would react to her.  “Gwen….

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